One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 133 Bright’s Practice

The time was night, and the location was on the sea near the Shampoo Islands. Under the dim moonlight, on the dark sea, an even darker behemoth floated quietly on the sea.

On the back of this behemoth, two figures were constantly colliding and intersecting.

One of the figures stepped back slightly, "It's really a headache. Your kid's progress is too rapid."

The moonlight fell from the sky, barely illuminating his appearance.

White hair, white beard, elegant gold-rimmed glasses, and a scar on his eye.

He is Raleigh.

At this time, a figure with jumping lightning all over its body ejected, "But it's still far from enough for you, electric current propelling - Oniga Shoken!"

Of course Brett.

It was pitch black, but the fist wrapped with electric light seemed to have pierced the air, blasting away a huge mist as it let go of the air, heading towards Rayleigh with a bang.

But even in the face of such an attack, Rayleigh only raised his right hand. His right hand was also dark, but above the darkness, it was still entangled with invisible fluctuations.


The fist hit his hand, and then, Bright's body was shaken and he was ejected straight away.

"It's so exaggerated and domineering!"

When flying backwards, Bright was a little surprised.

The punch he gave with all his strength failed to penetrate Rayleigh's domineering defense!

But it's not over yet, "Moonstep!"

Brett suddenly stepped on the air like a twitch, and the air was stepped on with a crisp sound, and then allowed his body to be ejected forward.

Six Styles is a government secret taijutsu, and of course no one will teach Bright.

But in fact, the principle of Moon Step is very simple, just use enough force and speed to step on the air.

Straw Hat can fly in all four gears, and Blackfoot Sanji is a self-taught master. There is no reason why he can't do it.

In order to make up for the weakness of not being able to fly when not using his abilities, Bright started practicing Moon Steps with this concept in mind.

The results are remarkable.

He succeeded.

While ejecting forward, Bright stretched out his right hand, "Thunder Dragon Dance!"


Dazzling lightning extended from his arm, and then with a flick of his right arm, the lightning detached from his arm and spread. In an instant, it turned into several silver dragons as thick as buckets, coming from several different directions. Heading towards Rayleigh, half of the sky was illuminated.

It's not an ability, it's simply the electric current released by my body!

"You always say this is physical skill, but I can't see any trace of physical skill here."

Rayleigh's right arm turned black, and then he flicked it casually.


Time seemed to have stopped at this moment.

Then the next second, the brontosaurs that were so menacing just now were directly torn into pieces, and the strong wind caused by Rayleigh's swing of his hand even blew Bright's hair flying.

"It's just a matter of using your will to control the friction of cells at high speed, and then generate the power of electric current."

Brett landed lightly, then opened his mouth wide, "Hot breath!"

The blazing flames spurted out from the mouth, and the blazing temperature instantly turned the cool night into a scorching hot one.

Rayleigh made a sword out of his palms and waved his hand again.

So the blazing pillar of fire was cut open and flowed obediently to both sides.

"It's not that easy!"

Brett let out a low shout, and mist spread from his body. The mist quickly spread and dissipated, but the air began to riot.


A strong wind suddenly blew on the sea, causing huge waves.

At the same time, it also caused the flames that were separated by Rayleigh to turn and move towards Rayleigh's double team.

boom! !

The strong winds from two different directions collided with the flames, and finally squeezed each other to form a dazzling pillar of fire rising into the sky.

"It's so hot! Partner! Even though my back is covered with Haki, I still hate flames!"

Below, the behemoth that served as the platform for the two men to fight suddenly made a sound.

"Sorry Alexander."

Brett was a little embarrassed.

Of course, the sparring session between him and Rayleigh couldn't be held in the Chambord Islands, so they had to find a floating island on the sea, and finally asked the Warrior Shrimp.

The range that Rayleigh's knowledge can cover is wide enough, and there is no need to worry about being discovered at sea.

"Hahaha, but this is also a training for a warrior!"

Alexander immediately laughed again and said, "Training will only make me stronger!!"

This guy is still the same.

"So, are flames and strong winds also caused by the friction of cells?"

The pillar of fire dissipated, and his clothes became a little charred. Otherwise, Rayleigh, who was unharmed, slowly walked out.

Sure enough it doesn't work.

As a person with no ability but able to stand among the top strong men, Rayleigh's domineering power is simply too much.

While thinking this, Bright said with a smile, "The human body is amazing, right?"

Riley twitched the corner of his mouth, "Is it over? If so, I'm going back to sleep."

"Now, at least let me use the final move."

Brett took a deep breath, and then, the electric light on his body became brighter than ever before. The thick electric light went from the inside out, making him seem to have become an electric person.

"This is my limit! Take it, Rayleigh!"

Later, Brett lay lazily on Alexander's back, "It's still too far."

"He was defeated mercilessly."

"You kid, stop pretending to me,"

Rayleigh, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground and drinking from a bottle, casually said, "You haven't used all your strength yet, have you?"

Brett just laughed and didn't answer.

"The hardening of practice is almost over."

Rayleigh said suddenly, "The intensity is enough. If you continue to hone it, the time required to gain enhancement will be too long."

Brett turned his head, his face already full of surprise smile, "Riley, you mean?"

"You can now practice higher levels of domineering skills."

Riley smiled.

Bright was a little disappointed, "I thought I could practice the overlord color entanglement."

Riley rolled his eyes, "Haven't you been trying hard? What's the result?"

Brett sighed quietly.

"If you want to learn how to wrap around the overlord colors, the intensity and control of the three-color domineering energy must reach an extraordinary level!" Lei Li said, "Your kid's physique is already extraordinary, but his domineering power is still far behind. Woolen cloth."

"I guess so."

Brett sighed, turned over and sat up, and then he stretched, "Anyway, I will continue to trouble you, Rayleigh."

"I'm also curious about how far you can go."

Riley smiled.

Seeing Bright getting stronger step by step, Rayleigh was filled with shock.

This guy's physical talent is probably stronger than Charlotte Lingling and Kaido!

That's overwhelming physical ability, strength, defense, agility, stamina and recovery. This kid is a real monster!

In just one year, there has been an extremely huge improvement in strength.

As for this kid now, even if he doesn't use his Haki, he is already a very rare strong man in the sea just by relying on his body, right?

Even this kid has another hidden power.

When this kid trains his body to the extreme and learns a higher level of domineering, what level of strength will he reach?

Reilly found it hard to imagine.

Maybe he can surpass Roger?

Such thoughts could not help but arise in his mind.

"Well, see you tomorrow,"

Brett decided to go back to sleep, "I'm looking forward to tomorrow's practice."

The current time is the year 1513 of the Hainan calendar, seven years before the Straw Hat boy went to sea. In this year, Bright is nineteen years old.

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