Brett had already gotten up when it was still very early. After a brief wash, he went downstairs to have breakfast.

"Morning, Boss Bright!"

Along the way, fishmen kept greeting him with smiles.

Brett responded with a smile.

As soon as I sat down at my usual breakfast shop, people gathered on the street and headed towards the water road on the other side of the place.

The workers are going to work.

"Oh! Brett! Are you eating breakfast alone again?"

Among the crowd, there was a guy who greeted Bright with a smile.

"Mark, you guy,"

Brett rolled his eyes and said, "If you're late, your salary will be deducted."

"Hahahaha, forget it then,"

The old friend who lives a happy life said with a smile, "Spare me, Brother Bright. I'm not alone like you. I still have to support my wife and children."

"Then get out of here!"

Brett said angrily.

"Get out of here, get out of here, but Brother Bright, when you get married, please remember to invite me to come to the wedding!"

This guy is already married, and Brett went to be his best man. Now he even has a son, and his life is quite happy. Whenever he meets him, he always has a smile on his face.

But he can't do it. The experience of former general Zefa is still before his eyes.

But there is no need to worry, even nine years later, he is only twenty-eight years old, and Xia Li is only twenty-nine years old. According to the tradition of the strong men in this world to marry later and have children later, they are still very young.

The main goal now is still to develop Fishman Island, and then accumulate strength to wait for the opportunity.

Over the past year, Fishman Street has become more lively. With the continuous development of Fishman Island's economy, more wealth and materials have poured in, and the living standards of the citizens have also skyrocketed.

This is the good thing about a small country with few people. It only needs one economic pillar to greatly improve the living conditions of its citizens. If there are a few more, the per capita income can be raised to a jaw-dropping level.

Bright did not dare to say that the residents of Fishman Island lived the most affluent life in the world, but at least 99% of the countries on the sea could not compare with this place.

On Fish-Man Island now, the mining industry is no longer even the main economic pillar, and the manufacturing industry has gradually developed.

Because of the government's technical assistance a year ago and the supply of raw materials from the Charlotte family, Fishman Island's manufacturing industry has even gradually surpassed the mainstream level in Qinghai at this time.

In the past, merchants came to Fish-Man Island to buy raw materials and sell goods, but now it has become Fish-Man Island to buy raw materials and then make them into goods to sell to the merchants.

However, Bright estimated that the industrial scale of Fish-Man Island has now reached a similar level. The terrain of the seabed is infinitely vast. As long as there is bubble technology, industrial land can be expanded infinitely, but the population of Fish-Man Island is only so small.

The industrial size that Fishman Island pursues in the future should be broad and small, cutting-edge and sophisticated.

What is more pursued should be high-end manufacturing, and various industries with lower added value can be dumped to other countries later.

Brett thought this while eating breakfast.

"How long are you going to eat this guy?"

We were only halfway through breakfast when a certain guy came in a hurry and said, "The filming is about to start!"

"What does it have to do with me if you want to make a movie?"

Brett didn't even raise his head, "I've already said hello to you so you can take pictures as you like."

"Stop pretending to be stupid for me, Brett. You promised me before that you would assist me in filming, right?"

Dressed in a floral shirt and enlarged trousers, Tezzolo looked like he was on vacation and said angrily.

"But I never said I would appear in person."

Brett rolled his eyes.

Although the business is now very big and he has more or less connections with the giants of the New World, Tezzolo still has not given up on his dream of becoming a star.

He opened an entertainment company in Deros Rosa and started a record distribution business. Thanks to the logistics company he seized from the Shipping King, he could easily transport goods to every corner of the world.

In this world where there is a serious lack of entertainment and reading comics serialized in newspapers is a high-level enjoyment, his business is surprisingly doing very well.

And now, this guy came to Fish-Man Island to film a movie.

Of course there are movies in this world.

Needless to say, the video phone bug has almost all uses.

Even if there are real cameras, they are not without them. It is really not a great technology. All the pre-production technologies for the movie have already been pointed out.

But because of the closed nature of the world, few people used to play like this and never get back their money.

Of course Tezzolo won't worry about this problem.

"My movie might be able to change the way humans at sea view Fish-Man Island!"

Tezzolo said with great justice, "Let the people living in distant seas know the prosperity and wealth of Fish-Man Island, and let mankind realize that there is such a paradise on earth deep in the depths of the sea!"

Brett rolled his eyes. Where did this guy come from? Culture invades the human world, right?

"I can't say whether showing prosperity and wealth can attract the attention of ordinary people, but it will definitely attract the attention of pirates."

"That's why Mr. Bright, the great director of the Exit and Entry Bureau of Fish-Man Island, the guardian of Fish-Man Island, and the powerful and invincible disaster of the deep sea, needs to appear in person!"

Tezzolo's attitude changed, and in the blink of an eye he changed from impassioned to full of smiles, "Show the strength of Fish-Man Island and let the scum on the sea know that Fish-Man Island is powerful and inviolable! Isn't this a good thing? ? This disguised approach also reduces your stress, doesn't it?"

This bastard just wanted a gimmick.

Fish-Man Island was filmed on location, with Deep Sea Disaster Brett leading his invincible army to participate in the show, and even Shichibukai Jinbei also appeared!

Just thinking about this kind of movie makes me full of expectations.

Brett couldn't stand Tezzolo's insistence, and finally agreed to his request. As this guy said, it might not be a bad thing to show Fish-Man Island to the world now.

Although he said that he, the army and even the Sun Pirates would be involved in the filming, Bright thought that Tezzolo was going to have a big scene and shoot the battle fish, but in fact, Tezzolo was filming a romance film.

The general content is about a human who fell into the sea due to an accident at sea, and was rescued by a mermaid girl and brought to Fish-Man Island. The two finally fell in love, and finally defeated the incoming pirates. The two also overcame the racial stereotypes and finally The vulgar scene of joining hands.

Bright acted in his true self, playing himself. His main role was to block the relationship between the male and female protagonists on the charge of illegal immigration in the early stage. In the later stage, during the climax of the pirate invasion, he acted as the main force on the frontal battlefield, which is when the male and female protagonists were active. background board.

As for what kind of pirate would have the courage to attack Fish-Man Island head-on, Tezoro is a legal pirate hired by a certain government. He has colluded with all forces in the new world. He has huge power and a cruel personality. He is tyrannical and has always had conflicts with the male protagonist who is an honest businessman. He also covets Fish-Man Island and finally gathers troops to attack Fish-Man Island.

The actor's hair is dyed yellow and he wears a pair of sunglasses.

This is no longer a hint.

In any case, Tezzolo's movie, which has a cheesy title like "Ten Thousand Meters of the Sea," has been filming on Fish-Man Island for some time, and now Bright is set to star.

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