One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 138 We are here to end this war

Prodence is a country located near the mouth of the New World.

The country's land area is not that vast, almost the same as Drosrosa, and its population and prosperity are even lower than Drosrosa.

Although it is also a government-affiliated country, life is very tight because of the gold in the sky.

However, although it is not very wealthy, in the past time, this country has still been at least peaceful and stable.

But now, this peace and stability is broken.

Proudian is outside the national border. On the sea, dozens of warships have gathered together, forming a huge fleet that can cover the sky and the sun just by unfurling the sails.

The cold muzzles reflected the gleam of the sun in the sky. When the countless gun barrels gathered together, there were stars on the sea.

"King Elizabeth, you must protect us!"

At this time, on the coast of Prodence, the country's fleet has also been assembled. They are confronting the fleet on the sea at a long distance.

On one of the battleships, two men who were shaking like chaff were holding a muscular man's thigh with tears streaming down his face, "These bastards want to kill them all!"

The muscular man was wearing a cape and his upper body was naked, revealing his strong muscles. He had a crown on his head and boxing gloves on his hands. He was waving his fists constantly and ignored the two crying people. guy.

His skin was an eerie red, and steam seemed to be rising from his body.

"Alright you two, don't interrupt His Majesty's warm-up!"

Next to the sturdy man, another big fat man who was also wearing a cape, shirtless and wearing a large gold chain said impatiently.

"Yes Yes Yes Yes."

The two men showed flattering smiles on their faces and nodded repeatedly.

In this sea area, everyone knows that the Fist of the King, which has been passed down from generation to generation by the Elizabelo family, has the power to destroy the world!

Even such a huge fleet would disappear in an instant as long as King Elizabeth could swing his fist!

King Elizabeth Luo was still waving his fists to warm up, but his face did not look good.

The Fist of the King is indeed amazingly powerful, but its only drawback is that it requires continuous warm-up for more than an hour before it can unleash its full power.

The trouble now is that the other party comes too suddenly, and there is not enough time to prepare.

Vasco da Gama, a shirtless fat man and the country's military advisor, looked equally solemn.

The key to victory or defeat lies in whether we can wait until His Majesty has finished warming up.

The ships of the fleet on the opposite side have gradually begun to turn, and they are lined up on the sea, with the sides of the hulls pointed this way, which means that the densely packed gun muzzles are aimed here.

It's too late!

Da Gama gritted his teeth.

He turned to look at His Majesty the King.

Elizabeth II nodded heavily.

Although it has not been fully charged now, it can only throw out a punch that is not powerful enough!

"I'm going to talk to them!!"

At this time, another voice sounded on the deck. King Riku came from afar and said loudly, "In the past hundreds of years, we all lived together peacefully. Now there is no reason to fight against each other——"

He didn't finish his sentence.

Boom boom boom! !

The fleet in the distance had already opened fire decisively, and the cannons began to roar one after another. While the firelight spattered, densely packed black cannonballs shot through the air.

King Riku was completely speechless and just stared blankly at the cannonballs heading this way.

Beside him, Cyrus, his guard captain and his good son-in-law, had already tightened his grip on the sword in his hand.

Cold sweat covered his forehead.

An artillery attack of this scale is completely unstoppable!

"Anyway, let's survive the first round!!"

Elizabeth II roared angrily, and his right fist suddenly shot out!


Taking him as the starting point, the wind suddenly rose, and invisible waves blasted out like cannonballs!

The air is pierced and the atmosphere is roaring!

Elizabeth Luo's punch directly detonated cannonballs all over the sky, and the sky was filled with brilliant fireworks.

Moreover, this punch continued unabated, pushing up huge waves on the sea surface. Wave after wave surged forward, directly dispersing the fleet formation in the distance, leaving them in the huge waves. Shaky.

But that's about it.

The fist dissipated, the waves gradually subsided, and the fleet also began to reorganize its formation.


A man who had been crying bitterly just now became very excited.

"King Elizabeth, hurry up and keep punching!"

Elizabeth II looked bitter.

If a single blow fails to accomplish anything, it's as if it's doomed.

"No! We can't go on like this!"

King Riku gritted his teeth as he looked at the fleet in the distance that had begun to rearrange its formation, "Cyrus, can you take me there!"

During his long reign, King Riku has always played the role of mediator of regional conflicts.

He would never want to see old friends fighting each other.

But before Cyrus could reply, the dark muzzles of the cannons were already aimed at this side again.

The next round of bombardment is ready.

"damn it!!"

Da Gama looked pale.

Isn’t there nothing we can do now?

But at this time, waves suddenly surged on the sea.

"This is--"

King Riku was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately remembered something and said with joy, "It's finally here!"

"come yet?"

Cyrus breathed a sigh of relief.

He was already ready to take King Riku and jump into the sea to escape.

"what is that?"

On the largest battleship in the fleet ahead, five men in gorgeous clothes gathered together. One of them looked at the rolling sea in the distance and said with some surprise.

"No matter what it is, now is the best time to eliminate those annoying guys! Hahahaha, with enough weapons, we can dominate this area!"

Another guy said loudly, "Get ready to drive--"

The words have not yet finished.


The sea surface suddenly exploded, and a huge shadow emerged from the sea.

"hold head high!!"

The monster with the head of a lion roared and slapped its claws on the sea.

Immediately afterwards, more monsters emerged from the water, and the entire sea surface became boiling in an instant.

After these monsters, several dark steel vessels emerged from the sea.

A high wall composed of two monsters blocked the two fleets.

"That's a sea beast?"

On the fleet, the five kings gathered together widened their eyes, "Why are there so many!!"

"Also, what are those shuttle-like things!"

"Wait, there's someone on the sea beast!"

Another person exclaimed in shock, "Are these fish-men coming up from the sea?"

"The fishman and the sea beast are the immigration bureau of Fishman Island!!"

"These guys-"

Whoosh whoosh!

While he was speaking, the magazines on the tops of the shuttle-like steel ships were opened, and the shells soared into the sky, and then after crossing a long parabola, they fell towards this side.

Boom boom boom boom! !

Each cannonball landed on the surrounding sea one after another, and in an instant there was an astonishing explosion.

The water column splashed on the sea was almost tens to hundreds of meters high.

The waves caused by the explosion even caused several ships to overturn. Other warships were also precariously swept away by the waves, colliding with each other or flying away, making them unable to be controlled at all.


The bodies of the kings, who were completely unable to stand due to the rocking of the ship, were now cold.

If these shells were aimed at them, then the fleet would probably be completely destroyed by now, right?

What's up with this firepower?

Do the battleships on Fish-Man Island have such amazing power?

The battleship bombardment ended after just one round, and then the sea beasts dived to the bottom of the sea.

When they appeared again, they were already among the fleets.

Seeing the sea beasts directly inserted into the gaps between the fleets, everyone on board the fleet was horrified.

They are completely unable to compete with the sea beasts that can attack from the bottom of the sea at any time.

One of the sea beasts was directly in front of the fleet, with two people standing on its head.

"We are here to end this war."

The tall, muscular man spoke in a calm voice.

But no one could ignore his voice, "Who is in favor and who is against?"

The kings were silent.

"Great!! Brett!!"

Behind, on Prodence's fleet, King Riku waved his fist excitedly, "The time is just right!"

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