One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 139 Trade Zone, Fist of the King

In the new world, there is a palace that looks new but is quite luxurious.

"Bah, bah, bah, did it really fail in the end?"

The lord of this island, the king of this country, Doflamingo sat crookedly on his throne, with his legs crossed and his feet dangling up and down.

"That damn fishman brought a fleet here!"

Diamanti, the top leader of the Don Quixote family, said with some displeasure, "Those ships are indeed as powerful as the legends, but just one salvo from five ships made those fools no longer have the courage to resist. .”

Then he saw Doflamingo's expression.

The man he was willing to follow for the rest of his life did not feel depressed at all. His smile never diminished even a little bit, just like a chess player sitting in front of the chess board. Any movement of the chess pieces would not surprise him. .

"Dover," Diamanti said in shock, "this plan failed completely."

"It doesn't matter, right?"

Doflamingo raised his hands high, stretched his legs as hard as he could, and stretched deeply. His tone became lazier due to his movements, "It was just a random provocation. Success or failure has nothing to do with it." What’s the point?”

"If that guy takes action, those countries alone won't be able to make any waves. This has been predicted for a long time."

"Wouldn't it be great to be able to push Fish-Man Island to the opposition of those countries?"

Diamanti was still a little unwilling, "What is this? That guy doesn't care at all!"

Since the establishment of the Don Quixote family, they have never suffered such a big loss.

That night in de Rosrosa was the family's greatest shame.

"Well, in this case, those countries will probably have to rely on us. At the World Conference in a year's time, our decision to apply to join the world government will also be supported."

Doflamingo said leisurely, and then he shook his head again, "But, baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, there's nothing we can do about it. Not only does Fish-Man Island have Jinbei, a Shichibukai like me, but he's even the same as us." We have become allies with the emperor, or two, and it is not easy to take action against them."

Diamanti could tell that Dover's tone was somewhat helpless.

The competition of hard power has been verified a year ago. The combination of Jinbe, Tezolo and Bright is enough to beat the entire Don Quixote family.

The background of the competition was that the opponent was also the Shichibukai, equally powerful, and even had the Emperor of the Sea as his backer.

There is absolutely no advantage in every aspect.

"Unless, we can try to drive a wedge between Fish-Man Island and the Charlotte family."

The corners of Doflamingo's lips curled up, "Hey, hey, hey, a year ago, at Charlotte Lingling's tea party, that guy Bright seemed to have made a very interesting agreement with Big Mom."

Kingdom of Prodence, on the coast.

The war started by the selfish desires of several kings was over.

At this time, the five kings who provoked a war due to the expansion of their power and jointly sent troops to occupy the two countries, causing the royal families of the two countries to flee, were already shackled and thrown on the shore.

On the broad coast on one side, the soldiers of the Five Nations Allied Forces also put down their weapons, gathered together, and were guarded by Prodence's soldiers.

After Bright appeared with his fleet, the five kings realized that they no longer had any power to resist.

It only takes one round of artillery bombardment, or a few attacks from sea beasts from the sea, and the fleet they scraped together can only be wiped out.

"You bastards! Are you still arrogant now?"

The two kings, whose country had fallen and their country was destroyed, had completely lost their minds, and their dignity as a king had been completely forgotten. They just rushed over with red eyes and punched and kicked these kings.

How could the five pampered kings stand this?

The screams were endless at the moment.

I have been complaining in my heart for a long time, regretting why I came here in person this time. It was all because I was too inflated before and felt that I had a chance to win, so I rushed over to share the territory.

While they were punching and kicking here, on the other side, Bright and Tezzolo had already gone ashore to meet with King Riku.

"Thank you so much Mr. Bright and Mr. Tezzolo!"

King Riku thanked him repeatedly, "If you hadn't arrived in time, the consequences would have been disastrous."

In that case, this country would be doomed, he himself would be dead, and after that, maybe Drosrosa would be doomed too.

"I heard King Riku talking about you,"

Elizabelo II was equally grateful, "Mr. Bright, Mr. Tezzolo, you saved this country! You are Prodence's great benefactor. We will never forget this kindness! If there is anything we need to help you, Just ask, I will go through fire and water without hesitation!"

It really does exist. That’s what I came here for on this trip.

"Mishman Island and Derosrosa are in an alliance. If our friends encounter threats, of course we have a duty to do so."

Brett thought for a while, but still did not speak directly. He pointed at the kings who were still being beaten, "What are we going to do with these guys?"

"How else to deal with it? Just deal with it."

Tezzolo said, "Since the government does not intervene in this war, they have no say in what to do with these war prisoners."

"That's right!! Let these bastards die! Let them all die!!"

A king who was still beating several kings violently echoed loudly, "These bastards took over my country and drove us out of the country. My sons were killed by cannonballs!!"

The five kings were struggling to beg for mercy,


King Riku hesitated.

Everyone knows, he has always advocated repaying evil with kindness.

"We can't just let these bastards get away with it!"

But without giving King Riku a chance to persuade him, another king said angrily, "The country has been completely destroyed by the war, the people have been displaced, and the economy has almost collapsed. How can the country maintain development next year? More importantly, next year's sky gold What to do? These bastard countries must make reparations!"

King Riku has nothing to say now. The Heavenly Gold is a huge stone weighing on the heads of all participating countries. If they fail to pay the Heavenly Gold, they will be expelled by the government and can only become a non-joining country without a navy. How can these two countries survive in the new world?

"You're right, these guys must pay for their atrocities! Their country must also make adequate compensation for this!"

Elizabeth II solemnly said, "I suggest that several of our countries form a joint court to try them, and at the same time send troops to station in these countries first! Two kings, you should still have some troops on hand, right? In addition, we still have Deros Rosa, which should be enough. These countries have used all their forces to fight for a quick victory, and now the domestic power has been completely exhausted!"


The two kings said in unison.

King Riku was a little helpless, and he could only agree in the end, "I hope this can bring the two countries back to life."

Otherwise, what should we do with the Heavenly Gold next year?

"If you're worried about this, maybe we can help."

Brett said.

"Mr. Bright?"

Elizabelo said in surprise, "Is Fishman Island willing to help?"

The prosperity and abundance of Fish-Man Island is no longer a secret to the countries on both sides of the Red Continent.

"Next year is the World Conference,"

Bright said directly, "We at Fishman Island should also be participating by then, so we need some support."

"completely fine!"

The two kings agreed immediately and looked at Bright eagerly.

"Of course there will be no problems on my side!" Elizabeth II also said seriously, "It's my benefactor's favor, and I must help you no matter what!"

"In that case, I have some suggestions,"

Bright said with a smile, "Several of our countries can form a trade area and cancel each other's tariffs and quantity restrictions on imported goods. In this case, it should help stimulate domestic economic vitality."

"But Mr. Bright," a king said immediately, "the domestic economy has been severely damaged. Even before, we did not have any very developed industries in the country..."

Isn't this trade zone just to facilitate the entry of goods from Fish-Man Island?

"So there's a second offer."

Bright said with a smile, "Mishman Island will invest in building factories in your countries. We will provide funds and technology. Of course, we need some policy support from you. Although it will not have much effect, it will be of great benefit to the country. The reconstruction and economic development should be helpful."

Now we can try to move some unimportant industries away from Fishman Island, Bright thought.

Tezzolo rolled his eyes and said it was an investment, but in fact he just wanted to reduce costs.

The two kings looked at each other, and then nodded happily at the same time, "Of course there is no problem!"

Not to mention that it can promote the recovery of the domestic economy, just becoming an alliance with Fish-Man Island has already made a lot of money!

With the strength shown by the Fish-Man Island fleet just now, they couldn't imagine who would dare to provoke them in the sea at the entrance to this new world in the future!

"I don't have any problem either!"

Elizabeth II also nodded happily, "If it can make the country prosperous, then of course there will be no problem!"

There will be no problem with King Riku, as Drosrosa is already an ally.

In this way, the first free trade zone on the sea appeared. Fishman Island, Deros Rosa, Prodence, and two other countries formed the Five-Nation Alliance.

Regarding the issue of dealing with war criminals, Bright's suggestion is to first carry out military occupation of several countries, and then go to find opposition groups within these countries to support them in coming to power.

It is impossible to completely eliminate a few countries anyway, so it would be better to support a few puppet regimes.

In terms of weapons and equipment, Fishman Island can provide support.

King Riku frowned and Elizabeth II didn't care, but the other two kings agreed.

Then, in the evening, a banquet was held in Prodence's palace to celebrate the victory and welcome the benefactor, and Bright and the two received the most solemn reception.

During the meeting, everyone also discussed some details of the trade zone.

By the time the party ended, it was already late at night.

The two kings, who had been frightened for a long time, went back to rest, and King Liku also went back to his room to sleep under the protection of Cyrus.

As for the two Bretts, Elizabeth II personally took them to the room prepared for them in the palace.

Now is finally the time.

When he arrived at the door of his room, Bright finally said, "King Elizabeth, I have a heartfelt request."

The forthright King was stunned for a moment, as was Tezzolo who was traveling with him.

What is this guy Brett doing?

Tezzolo said.

"Mr. Bright, if you have any requests, just ask!"

Elizabelo laughed and said, "The benefactor's request is definitely not an unkind invitation."

"No, because my request was indeed presumptuous."

Bright paused for a moment, "King Elizabeth, I heard that your family's ancestral move called Fist of the King is extremely powerful, so I wonder if you can teach me."

Elizabelo was completely stunned now.

The Fist of the King is a treasure that has been passed down from generation to generation in the Elizabelo family and is comparable to that of this country!

Fist of the King?

Tezzolo raised his eyebrows, was it the family heirloom sword of the mysterious Elizabelo that was passed down in the nearby sea?

Would Brett be interested in that kind of thing?

If he was really that powerful, he wouldn't have to wait for himself and others to come to the rescue during the day.

After being silent for a period of time, Elizabeth II smiled again, "Hahahaha, if you are interested, Mr. Bright, of course it is no problem!"

Brett breathed a sigh of relief. If the king really refused, there was really nothing he could do.

"But Mr. Bright, regarding the Fist of the King, this move is very special,"

Elizabeth II said seriously, "Only people from the Elizabeth family can learn it. Maybe you-"

"Is that so?"

Brett nodded, "I want to give it a try."

"Hahahaha, of course!"

As a result, Bright got the training method of King's Fist.

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