One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 140 A match made in heaven, an emergency call from the government

Late at night, Brett's room.

Brett sat cross-legged on the big bed and waved his fist tentatively.

King Eliza Bailuo had completely taught him the training method of the Fist of the King without any secret.

"So what's the use of this trick?"

Tezzolo, who wanted to see what Bright would do, sat on a chair on the side of the room and said lazily,

"Even if it's really as powerful as the legend says, it's stupid to have to accumulate power for an hour before punching, isn't it?"

What kind of enemy would it take to watch you keep charging up for an hour?

"But if you can prepare it in advance, it will still be of some use."

Mr. Tezzolo judged.

Brett didn't even bother to answer, there was just a smile on his lips.

Now I finally understand what kind of move King's Fist is.

An hour-long warm-up of non-stop fist pumping is essentially conserving strength.

Because the bodies of the Lizabello family are somewhat special, they can continuously accumulate power in their bodies and then explode it in an instant.

But calling it storage is actually a bit wrong.

Because this kind of storage does not last long, the power must be released immediately after the warm-up is over.

A more vivid way of saying it is to press the spring. A one-hour warm-up is to press the spring to the bottom, and then the spring rebounds and explodes with strength.

The Fist of the King is actually a move that accumulates energy and then explodes it in geometric multiples in one breath.

This is of course meaningless to ordinary people, because ordinary people's bodies cannot store power like a spring. Only the special physique of the Elizabelo family can do this.

But so can Brett.

The energy storage ability from the giant lantern fish allows Bright to also store energy in his body.

Although the energy stored by Bright is different from the energy accumulated by the Fist of the King, the energy stored by Bright can be converted into strength or physical strength, so it is not a bad idea to convert it into the energy required by the Fist of the King. .

"So Brett, what the hell are you laughing at?"

Tezzolo asked very puzzled.

Brett smiled, then gently pushed his fist towards Tezzolo.

His movements were very light, but...


The air was rioting, and the violent wind blew Tezzolo away, hitting the wall heavily on one side.

The furniture and decorations were all in a mess.

Tezzolo got up from the ground in confusion, "What is this? Advanced domineering?"

"Bright, you guys have learned advanced weapon colors?"

"Funny, right?"

Brett chuckled.

Isn’t this what you have learned?

The real difficulty with this move is to store power, rather than releasing it in one go.

Bright skipped the most difficult part directly, and the rest of the energy transformation and release naturally wouldn't be that difficult.

As imagined before, this time it was really profitable.

Bright can also do it by simply converting the stored energy and releasing it.

But the Fist of the King increases the power on the basis of transformation, and it is an astonishing increase.

If he used all the stored energy in one go, Bright could hardly imagine how powerful he could be in swinging a fist.

But of course the energy is exhausted in one breath, so the only thing left is to recharge it.

But it is much better than Eliza Bailuo who has to warm up before every punch. Brett is loaded in advance.

It's a trump card that can only be used once.

"No way? Could it be the Fist of the King?"

It wasn't until he returned to the room that Tezzolo reacted belatedly.

Didn't that guy Elizabelo say that only people in his family can learn it?

Tezzolo suddenly felt that he had discovered something. This guy Bright is a half-fish man!

Is it possible——

On the second day, King Elizabeth and the two kings were ready to take action. They would gather their troops to go to five countries for military occupation.

Bright generously gave them a batch of weapons.

That should be completely enough.

After all, almost all the troops in those countries have now become prisoners.

Bright and Tezzolo were not prepared to stay any longer.

Bright's goal has been achieved and he wants to go back and continue to practice high-level armed colors, while Tezzolo's goal is simpler, and only half of his scenes have been filmed.

"What a pity. If the entire fleet was destroyed with a direct salvo, it would definitely leave a great image!"

On the way back, Tezzolo sighed.

Brett couldn't be bothered to deal with this guy who was obsessed with making movies.

But unbeknownst to Bright, almost at the same time, Mary Joa.

"Is it over yet?"

The five old stars were having a meeting again. The bearded five old star smiled and said, "That boy Bright did a good job."

There are some things that the government is inconvenient and too lazy to do, such as this war.

But they were happy to see the situation calm down.

After all, strictly speaking, this matter still has some impact on the government. If these countries cannot pay the heavenly gold next year, wouldn't the government suffer a great loss?

The government has even taken some preparatory measures to prevent the situation from developing out of control.

But that was all, they had no intention of directly intervening in the war.

"What I'm more concerned about is, have the weapons on Fish-Man Island developed to this extent?"

The blond Wulaoxing said, "It can move freely through the water, and its firepower is far superior to that of a warship."

"Yes, even though I have known for a long time that they have such a fleet, this performance is still a bit shocking." The bald Five Old Star also exclaimed in shock.

"That's weird isn't it?"

Wu Laoxing, holding the sword, asked, "Where did Fish-Man Island get such technology?"

"You want to talk about Tom again, don't you?"

The blond Wulaoxing said helplessly, "Didn't you ask CP to go to Fish-Man Island to explore several times? There is no trace of Tom at all in the weapons factory."

"Mishman Island is very rich now, and it is not impossible to quietly obtain technology from foreign scientists."

"I always feel suspicious."

Wu Laoxing, who was holding his sword, couldn't refute, but still insisted on his opinion.

"up to you."

The bearded Five Old Star said casually, "The focus now is on that kid Doflamingo, he's starting to act up again."

"He is looking forward to having the country he leads also become a member of the government." The blond Five Old Star said coldly, "If we can't get Deros Rosa, we will just try to achieve the goal through curves."

"But if we can make him calm down, it doesn't matter--"


There was a rapid knock on the door.

"Your Excellency Wulaoxing, urgent contact from the Navy Headquarters!!"

On Bright's side, the fleet has dived into the sea and is preparing to return to Fishman Island.

But at this moment, his phone suddenly rang.

After the call was connected, a somewhat anxious voice came from the other side.

"Bright! You are near the Prodence Sea area now, right?"

"Five old stars?"

Brett was a little surprised.

"Now, you immediately-"

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