One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 142 Explosion! Fist of the King!

I have to admit that Bai II, the guy who claims to be Whitebeard's son, looks very funny.

Kaido-sensei also has short legs, but when he was young, he was also a strong man with long legs. However, Shiro II, who is only in his twenties this year, has two legs like two bamboo poles, which are completely different from his strong upper body. .

Coupled with his glazed expression all the time, it's hard not to think of him as a fool, just like one of those villains in the story who will be easily dealt with by the protagonists.

But Brett knew very well that the person who treated this guy as a fool was the real fool.

Zefa's current appearance is proof of this.

In the original work, Kizaru's evaluation of this naive-looking guy is that he has the power of Whitebeard in his youth!

This is not Kizaru's joke.

To be able to force Black-Wanded Zefa to this point, this guy is very close to the strength of a general in the headquarters, and he is only twenty-six years old this year.

This man, Edward Weeble, was a true monster.

Although Brett had a smile on his face, he actually didn't feel relaxed at all.

Facing a strong man like Bai II, no matter how vigilant you are, it's not too much.

"Hey, Brett, do you want to fight this guy?"

Tezzolo whispered.

Just kidding.

Why would you do such an inexplicable thing?

The reputation of Black-Wanded Zefa has long been resounding throughout the world. To be able to fight such a monster to such an extent, even causing him to be seriously injured, this guy who looks like a fool is definitely an amazing guy!

Although I don’t know why he is not very famous.

Something was wrong with Tezolobright's mind.

Even if Wulaoxing called him urgently and asked him to come over to help, he could come over slowly. Wouldn't it be better to just say he was late?

Bright smiled, and turned to look at Zefa, who was covering the wound of his broken arm, "Did you hear that, Mr. Zefa, he is going to attack me, get ready to attack that old woman."

Zefa tore off a piece of clothing and temporarily bandaged the wound. He took a deep breath and clenched his left fist, with dark domineering energy attached to it.

Miss. Ba Jin sneered, she jumped up, landed on Weibull's shoulders, and sat on it smoothly. It was obvious that she cooperated skillfully.

"Weibull, kill this guy first!"

She pointed at Brett.

We cannot fall into the predicament of being under siege.

Zefa is very difficult to deal with, and it is impossible to kill him instantly.

But this fish-man boy is different.

Disaster in the deep sea?

I’ll make you into sashimi today!

As soon as his mother gave the order, Weibull roared and rushed towards Bright.


Zefa has ejected at the same time.

If it was true, he would certainly prefer to watch Weibull kill Bright.

But it can't be like this.

It is true that there is a deep hatred between the Navy and Bright, but now is not the time to care about it.

We still need to count on that guy to protect the disciples.

"Shoot him back to Weibull!"

Miss. Ba Jin transforms into a commander.

"I understand, Mom!!"

He was obviously a fat man, but Weibull was unexpectedly flexible. He twisted around in the air, and the naginata in his hand had already struck Zefa.

The muscles in Zefa's left arm swelled, and the meridians bulged like a dragon. He punched with all his strength and violently collided with Weibull's naginata.

A violent wind suddenly rose on the sea surface, and dark lightning was already radiating in all directions.

"Two monsters!!"

Tezzolo's well-combed hair was flying, and he couldn't help but scream.

Whether it is the former admiral of the navy or this guy named Weibull, their strength is far beyond what he can match.

But at this time, someone rose up against the wind!

Brett was like a shining meteor across the sky.

His body was wrapped with thick electricity, extending back like the tail of a meteor.

As the body strengthens, the domineering energy improves, and the adaptability evolves, the current that the body can withstand becomes more powerful.

He stepped on the air, walking on flat ground in the void, and almost flew in front of Weibull in just a moment.

"So fast!!"

Tezzolo's eyes widened in shock.

He hasn't seen his old friend show off his strength in more than a year.

Looking at it now, it’s much better than a year ago!


Miss. Bajin almost screamed when he saw Bright, who was almost within arm's reach.

What's going on with this guy?

It's so fast! !

"Yes, Mom!!"

The fat man once again showed his flexibility. With the help of the collision with Zefa, he spun his body and slashed towards Bright with his naginata.

Brett held his breath, his right arm was completely black, and the brightest light was jumping.


Electric current push-mystery-fist of the king!

The power accumulated in the body through diet was instantly dissipated, and all the energy was converted into wonderful power and stored in his right arm.

Then Bret punched.

When Bright punched, Zefa's expression had changed.

His eyes widened and his mouth couldn't help but open slightly.

Then he quickly stretched out his left arm, and the invisible domineering force spread, forming a solid wall.

Tezzolo's eyes widened as well.

He thought he might be dazzled.

He actually saw the air between Bright and Weibull crack, and the jumping black lightning almost reached the sky.

The world seemed to have become silent, and all sounds were silenced.

Until the next moment, the explosion and sound waves spread at the same time. This time, the sound of the entire world disappeared and was covered by an even louder sound.

The two figures burst back at the same time, with explosive waves faster than them. The naval battleship was eroded by the shock wave in an instant, creating a huge spherical gap, and then exploded to pieces almost instantly, with only Zefa protecting it. Some barely escaped.

The sea surface sank in an instant and turned into a huge pit. The turbulent air waves pushed the sea water back continuously, and the entire sea surface was boiling.

Tezzolo looked at Bright, who landed next to him again, with a look of astonishment.

He suddenly wanted to raise his hands and rub his eyes.

Is this guy really Brett?

What is this kind of strength that only makes people feel strange?

When did you become so powerful?

His expression was as if he was constipated and he hesitated to speak.

But immediately, he remembered something.

Could it be said that it is actually the Fist of the King?

Weibull staggered backwards and landed on the broken pieces of the warship. He couldn't help shouting, "Mom, this guy is so powerful!"

I see it!

Miss. Ba Jin broke into a cold sweat.

There is such a powerful guy among the fishmen!

Face to face, she actually suppressed her precious son!

"Weible! Retreat!"

she yelled.

Fighting such a monster and Zefa at the same time is asking for death!

"Okay mom!"

Weibull was always the most obedient. He turned around and rowed in the sea with his naginata like a rowing boat, and immediately let the broken pieces of the ship under his feet shoot forward like an arrow from the string.

Sitting on this thing, you want to escape in front of yourself.

Brett thought with a smile, he really didn't know how to live or die.

Regardless of whether this guy is an esper or not, there is no way he can fight with him in the sea.

But let’s forget about the pursuit.

Is there any need to fight a monster like that?

To avenge the navy?

Then, it’s so strong!

The Fist of the King.

The blow just now was probably at the level of a general.

As for myself now, if I fully activate my domineering energy and current push without using my abilities, I should be considered very strong among the Shichibukai.

If he goes to fight the Empress again, this state should be enough.

But he is still far away from becoming a general.

If you make a hierarchical arrangement, it should be like this, Qiang Shichibukai-Emperor Vice-General.

In the words of fantasy novels, the blow just now was probably two levels higher.

It's an exaggeration.

It's enough to be used as a trump card.

The stronger the basic strength, the Fist of the King will increase accordingly.

And as the body continues to grow, it will be able to store more energy in the future.

in addition--

Bright turned to look at Zefa, who was on the sinking broken warship, looking at him solemnly.

The effect has also been achieved.

If your strength really reaches this level, there is no need to rush to expose it.

But just because I haven’t yet, I can just pretend for a while.

"Mr. Zefa, why are you still standing there?"

Bright smiled and said, "The ship is going to sink. Let the sailors move over."

Zefa gritted his teeth.

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