The remaining navy finally moved to the Sea Lion and brought over all the medicines on the shaky half of the ship.

There were only a few dozen navy recruits who survived, and the sea lions were not unable to carry them.

But the other naval soldiers who had lost their lives could only sink into the deep sea with the sunken ship.

While the injured disciples were dealing with their injuries, Zefa gritted his teeth and had tears in his eyes. Until a few hours ago, these children had respectfully called him Teacher Zefa. They were supposed to be the future hope of the navy.

But now, because of the ambition of a stupid pirate, he can only sink into the dark and cold deep sea, and his body is eaten by fish and shrimps.

Pirates! !

Damn pirates!

This was the second time that Zefa doubted whether his ideas were wrong.

Not killing, is it really a good thing to treat pirates with such an attitude?

Zefa was a little confused.

"Mr. Zefa, don't be in a daze,"

While Zefa was still deep in thought, Bright smiled and said, "Where will we send you? If I remember correctly, the G-5 base is nearby."

Not only is the G-5 base, the place where he made his fortune, Punk Hassad is also in the sea not far away, but he will not go there and ask for trouble.

"Of course, if you feel you don't want to stay with us for too long, I can also send you to Prodence. After all, it is also a country that joins the government."

Bright smiled and said, "Although you are indifferent to the war taking place there, Elizabalo should not dare to ignore you. After all, everyone knows that the navy is the overlord of the sea."

"You guy!"

Zefa suddenly turned back, his eyes extremely angry.

Of course he knew about the wars between several countries in this sea area recently.

However, in wars between participating countries, the navy cannot intervene without government instructions.

"Hey, hey, Mr. Zefa, is this the way you should look at your benefactor?"

Tezzolo also said with a smile.

"Make a decision quickly Mr. Zefa,"

Bright pointed at the navy soldiers, most of whom were seriously injured, "Their injuries may not be delayed."

Zefa really should say thank you to himself.

After all, only two of the group of people in the original work survived, causing Zefa to almost collapse.

Brett pretended not to care and glanced at a girl among the navy recruits.

Her mid-length, wavy sea-blue hair was spread loosely. She was covering the roughly bandaged wound on her left arm with her hand, and there was still a look of panic on her face.

One of the two recruits who finally survived in the original work, this girl's abilities are extraordinary.

The ability of the time system, the ability to make objects go back in time.

I don’t know if she is an esper now.

Bright only looked at it for a moment, and then his eyes returned to Zefa.


Zefa was a little silent.

No matter how he felt about Bright, it was certain that this guy saved them this time.

"Go to G-5 base."

Finally, Zefa spoke.

Prodence is much closer.

But when the former admiral of the Navy Headquarters was beaten into such a tragic situation in front of the participating countries, what dignity does the Navy have?

It's better to go to your own base.


Brett immediately turned the sea lion around.

Although the fleet was not followed for safety reasons, the pointer and chartbright were brought with them, so there was no need to worry about finding the direction.

The sea lion moved forward quietly, with only the sounds of Tezzolo and Bright talking on his back.

"It's a pity that the scene just now was not filmed, otherwise it would have been very effective if it was added to the movie!"

Tezzolo was a little annoyed.

Although there are many methods in the world that can achieve the same effects as movie special effects, real shooting is of course better.

"Do not be silly,"

Bright didn't look back, just smiled leisurely and said, "Why does the government allow you to broadcast the miserable appearance of the navy?"

When Tezolo thought about it, it seemed that this was indeed the case. If it was blocked by the government, the movie he carefully shot would not be able to be released.

"You're very proud, aren't you, Fishman Bright!"

Seemingly stimulated by Bright's words, from behind, Zefa whispered, "The navy that once made you panic all day long has lost its face in front of you, and it still needs your help!"

Brett couldn't help but chuckle.

Tezzolo even laughed out loud.

This is anger that has nowhere to vent. Are you ready to find an outlet?

Bright turned around and said, "Afraid all day long? Have you misunderstood something, Mr. Zefa? It is true that I was once a pirate, but because Brother Jinbei has been pardoned by the government, why should I still be afraid of the navy?"

Zefa gritted his teeth, this guy still refused to admit his guilt.

"On the contrary, it's you. I didn't know that the legendary black-armed Zefa was such a mean and ungrateful person. I'm so disappointed to be able to say such things to my benefactor." Bright said with a sigh.

Tezzoro laughed.

This is so refreshing.

For him, the navy is the biggest loser of the Tianlong people.

Zefa's expression was cold, "How can you thank a criminal? Murloc Bright, it's already a huge kindness for me not to arrest you directly."

"No need to show mercy, no need to show mercy,"

Tezzolo was afraid that the world would be in chaos. He laughed and patted Bright on the shoulder and said, "Just pretend that the kindness just now does not exist. Arrest this guy quickly, Zefa, and let this guy go to jail."

Brett gave the guy a sidelong look.


Zefa gritted his teeth.

Of course he wanted to, but he couldn't.

The government is shielding this guy.

"A criminal?"

Brett sighed, "No matter now, even in the past, I never considered myself a criminal."

"If the pirates are not criminals, why doesn't Murloc Island open the door to welcome them?" Zefa sneered, mocking Bright's double standards.

"Pirates are never a unified group,"

Brett glanced at Zefa, okay, then let me silence you, "After all, why did I go to sea with Brother Tiger and become a pirate?"

"Is it because Brother Tiger has committed any crime?"

Tezzolo no longer smiled and his expression was solemn.

"Mr. Zefa, tell me, what crime did Brother Tiger commit?"

Bright said, "He just rescued the slaves who were abused by the Celestial Dragons and set them free. What crime is this? Liberating the oppressed and saving their lives. What kind of crime is this? Let the Celestial Dragons lose their lives." A slave who can be abused, what is his crime?"

Zefa opened his mouth, but had nothing to say.

As a former general, he has been to Mariejoia countless times, so he certainly knows what the Celestial Dragons look like.

"But for such a nonsense reason, we were forced to leave our homes and accept the pursuit of your navy at sea, but,"

Bright asked in a deep voice, "Even during the years when we became pirates, as a senior member of the navy, you couldn't possibly not have known about it, right? Have we ever hurt anyone?"

Brother Tiger strictly forbids his compatriots from killing anyone even when facing hostile pirates.

He is a true idealist.

Zefa was speechless.

The Sun Pirates are indeed a very unique pirate group.

"Mr. Zefa, we are not guilty in the first place, so how can we be considered criminals?"

Bright said with a half-smile, "Who is the guilty one?"

Zefa suddenly felt horrified, and he said angrily, "You are lying! The death of the naval officers at your hands is a crime that you cannot erase no matter what!"

"Admiral? I don't know what admiral is."

Brett smiled and said, "But it doesn't matter."

It's strange to be able to shake Zefa's persistence with just a few words.

"Anyway, Mr. Zefa, just wait, sooner or later you will understand who is the real sinner."

Zefa stopped talking and just looked at Bright coldly.

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