One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 144 Goodbye Kizaru

The sea lion is still galloping on the sea, heading towards the G-5 base.

The navy was silent. Many of them were too frightened by the battle just now and had already fallen asleep.

Zefa just had a friendly exchange with Bright and then made a phone call to the headquarters, and then fell into silence.

On the back of the sea lion, only Brett and Tezzolo chatted.

It was mostly Tezzolo who did the talking, telling Bright about the aftermath of the film.

He hoped to use the fleet from Fishman Island, and the final decisive battle must be grand.

Tezzolo excitedly described the scene in the depths of the ocean, the battle between the fleet defending Fishman Island and the fleet sent by the pirates to invade.

In this lively and noisy battle, the hero and heroine went deep behind enemy lines and defeated the heinous pirates on the enemy's flagship. Finally, amidst the constant explosion of fireworks, the hero and heroine danced together to a song.

"That's great!"

Tezzolo was completely immersed in narcissism, "passionate, pathos, and extremely romantic!"

"What a romantic,"

Brett rolled his eyes, "I won't tell you why a pirate's ship can fire cannons in the sea. What do you think about dancing among the cannon fire?"

Tezzolo looked at Bright with regret, "It's really sad to say such things, Bright. Although art comes from life, it is of course higher than life. This is called the processing of art."

Brett didn't bother to answer him.

That's what all bad movie directors say.

Just wait and get slapped in the face by the box office later.

Speaking of which, do movies in this world have box office?

While the two were chatting, Zefa's eyes moved from Bright's back to the sea lion.

It is no secret that Fishman Island has a sea beast army. Both mermaids and fishmen are good at taming sea beasts.

But this sea beast is different.

He was loaded with weapons.

There are things like rocket launchers on both sides of the body.

There are also harpoon launchers on the sides of the head.

The sea beasts that roamed the sea were directly transformed into war machines.

How powerful has Fishman Island's military force become now?

Zefa didn't dare to predict, but what he knew was that it was probably far superior to the navy in terms of weapons and equipment.

But the point is not these weapons, but this guy!

Zefa's eyes returned to Bright's back.

Although he only exchanged one move with Weibull just now, even that move was enough to show how powerful this guy was.

Even when faced with a monster like Weibull, Bright didn't fall down at all, and even faintly suppressed his opponent.

Zefa doesn't want to admit it, but he has to admit that even if this guy's strength is not as good as his three disciples, the gap is probably not that big.

Even the government must treat the Fish-Man Island commanded by this guy seriously.

Can the Navy still give this guy the justice he deserves?

Zefa was a little confused.

There was even another thought in his mind at this time.

Is the man named Fisher Tiger really a sinner?

Of course, Zefa quickly expelled such thoughts from his heart.

The enemy of the righteous navy is of course evil.

The G-5 base is not too far away from the sea area where Prodence is located. Although the speed of the sea beast is not as fast as that of the merfolk and mermaids, it is still fast in the sea.

It only took half a day's effort before the huge naval base appeared in Bright's eyes.

"finally reached."

Brett stretched and said, "Mr. Zefa, it's time to say goodbye——"


Brett suddenly frowned and looked at the sky.

The light flashed in the sky, and the next second the light fell on the sea lion's head.

Then the light condensed into the appearance of a certain man. He was wearing a yellow striped suit and a pair of sunglasses on his forehead.

Tezzolo's expression suddenly became serious.

Another monster appears.

"Ah, Teacher Zefa, I have never seen you in such a miserable state."

As soon as the man appeared, he couldn't wait to greet Zefa.

It should be considered a greeting, right?

"But it's great to see you're okay. I rushed here from headquarters non-stop."

The man nicknamed Kizaru patted his chest with lingering fear, looking scared.


Zefa's expression was very cold.

Perhaps it was because he felt that the reason why this guy rushed over as soon as possible was not because he cared about him, but just wanted to rush to the scene as soon as possible to laugh at him.

Brett speculated in his mind.

"Anyway, let's go to the G-5 base to deal with the injuries first."

Kizaru said.

Then he turned to look at Brett.

Brett looked up at him too.

"Ah, Brother Bright! Thank you very much for your help this time."

Kizaru's smile was very enthusiastic, which was completely different from Zefa's cold attitude.

"Haha, this attitude is just right."

Tezzolo said in a somewhat sinister tone, "This is the attitude you should have towards your benefactor."


Kizaru immediately understood what he was talking about, so he smiled and said, "Don't worry, Teacher Zefa is just a little too rigid."

The rigid teacher Zefa snorted coldly, not even bothering to talk nonsense with this disciple.

"But Brother Bright, we haven't seen each other for a long time, right?"

Kizaru smiled and said, "I remember the last time we met was when we were in the Science Corps. It's been more than two years, right?"

He seemed to have completely forgotten that it was he who asked the major general to keep an eye on Bright.

"I don't miss it at all."

Brett said casually.

"Is that so?"

Kizaru didn't take it seriously, "I was very impressed. In fact, at that time, I felt that Brother Bright, you will definitely be great in the future."

"Now it seems so."

Brett twitched the corners of his mouth, "Now that the people have been delivered, we'll leave first."

There is absolutely no need to talk nonsense with this guy.

And honestly a little dangerous.

"Eh? Why don't you stay for a meal? At least let us express our gratitude."

Kizaru looked very disappointed.

"Porusalino, you've had enough!"

Zefa finally couldn't bear it any longer.

He had never been able to stand this guy. He looked so careless, as if he didn't care about anything.

"Yes, yes, I understand, Teacher Zefa."

Kizaru could only raise his hands and surrender.

After sending Zefa and others to the G-5 base, Bright and Tezolo left on the sea beast.

On the coast of the base, Kizaru looked at the leaving shadow of the sea beast and sighed.

"It's really amazing. There's nothing special about the aura, but it can explode with such power. Does it really have any moves that can cover the aura?"

"Now the five old stars have a headache."

His guess was indeed correct, at this time, Marie Joa Pangu City.

"That guy Brett actually has that kind of strength?!"

The five old stars were completely confused.

Totally incomprehensible.

Last year, he was only able to rival Doflamingo. How could he become so strong now?

"The key question now is, what attitude should we use to treat him and Fish-Man Island in the future?"

The bearded Wulaoxing said solemnly.


The five old stars were a little silent.

After a long time, the bearded Five Old Star finally spoke,

"At least this guy is on our side now, he must show more sincerity!"

The five old stars nodded in agreement.

In fact, it was the sword-wielding Five Old Star who had always suspected that Bright and the fish-man Tom were involved in the disappearance, and he also believed it.

It seems that the general is really unable to keep up with the version. Sir Huang, the king of the king, has no standing in front of the red hair of the real king of the king.

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