One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 145 Government’s Response

"So, is it really the Fist of the King?"

Tezoro asked on the way back to Fishman Island.


Bright nodded. Tezzolo knew about this, so there was no need to hide it from him.


Tezzolo gasped.

He is well-informed and has a clear understanding of the strong men on the sea.

"Is that move so powerful?"

Tezzolo said in amazement.

At least at the moment when he threw that punch, Brett had a power close to the top of the sea!

amazing! It’s really amazing!

There are such powerful moves in the world!

He couldn't help but lick the corners of his mouth and looked at Brett.

"Don't even think about it."

Brett half-smiled, "Have you forgotten the limitations of this move?"


Tezzolo smacked his lips in displeasure. It was of course a pity to miss out on such a powerful move.

So why can Bright be used? Wasn't it agreed that only the special physique passed down from generation to generation in the Elizabelo family can be used?

Of course, Tezzolo still didn't ask this question. He didn't mean to pry into his friend's privacy.

"But Brett, I don't understand it even more,"

Tezzolo said in surprise, "Shouldn't such a move be used as a trump card?"

"The problem is, neither Zefa who saw that move nor the high-level government officials who listened to his report knew that it was my trump card." Bright said with a smile.

Tezzolo was startled for a moment, then laughed loudly, "That's it! That's what your kid had in mind!"

The only thing this world respects is the strong. Even the World Government, even the Five Old Stars, after realizing that Bright from the deep sea has a strength comparable to that of the admirals, they cannot despise him in the slightest.

A strong man of this level is enough to make the world government fearful, and it will make the Five Old Stars consider whether the government can bear the consequences of becoming his enemy.

Not to mention that Brett is still a fishman.

Bright is convinced that for the government, his deterrence is probably sufficient at this time.

They can abandon the black wrist Zefa for a white second generation, but what about for themselves?

Probably as long as they don't break up with the government, their first reaction is to try to compromise to satisfy the demands, no matter how excessive they are.

Wouldn't that be better than hiding that move?

As for whether the secret would be revealed or something, Brett didn't care.

So what if the secret is revealed?

Could it be said that the government will still quarrel with itself because of this?

Moreover, Bright firmly believes that even if his current strength is not up to that level, it may not take much time.

Not to mention anything else, if you just need to learn the advanced weapon colors, your strength will take another leap.

While he was returning to Fishman Island, he was in another place in the new world, in the royal palace of the country occupied by the Don Quixote family.

Doflamingo received a call from his subordinates.

"That guy Brett saved Zefa the Black Wrist?"

Doflamingo looked stunned and said, "What do you mean?"

I don’t understand, when did a monster like Zefa the Blackman fall to the point where he needs to be saved by that guy Bright?

The man's voice on the phone was low, with a strong sense of power, "The recruit ship led by Zefa was attacked by pirates, and Wulaoxing asked Bright, who was nearby, to provide support."

"It is said that during the battle with the pirates, Bright showed extraordinary power, which shocked the entire headquarters."

"I see."

Doflamingo's brows were already furrowed.

Does this mean that boy Brett has become more powerful?

"Anyway, Dover, if you still want to make an enemy of that guy, you should be careful."

"I know, you should also be careful to hide your identity and don't let the navy discover the connection between us."

The call ended and Doflamingo fell into deep thought.

How powerful is it that the entire Navy Headquarters should pay attention to?

What is certain is that it will definitely be stronger than what it has shown in front of itself in the past.

And I'm afraid it's much more powerful.

That guy is only nineteen years old, right?

This kind of talent——

"Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. If that's the case, it's going to be really troublesome."

Doflamingo's smile grew brighter.

There is no room for relaxation in the conflict between that guy and himself.

So of course as Bright becomes more powerful, he will become more passive.

"We have to get rid of that guy as soon as possible."

Doflamingo muttered to himself.

If you delay any longer, that guy will only become stronger, and you will have no way out.

We must hurry up.

But it is absolutely impossible to kill Bright with the power of the Don Quixote family.

The battle that night a year ago had fully demonstrated the strength comparison between the two sides.

We can only rely on the Beast Pirates.

But the crux of the problem is that the guy Bright also has the Charlotte family as his backer. Although the guy Kaido looks rough, he is actually surprisingly rational.

That bastard would never go to war with the Charlotte family for his own sake.


"Do we still have to drive a wedge between Brett and Charlotte Lingling first?"

Moreover, time must be accelerated.

Fortunately, the relationship between Brett and the Charlotte family was not strong to begin with.

"Hey, let's go to Cake Island in person next."

On Bright's part, of course he had no idea what Doflamingo was planning to do.

He and Tezzolo had returned to Fisherman's Island. Tezzolo immediately devoted himself to the filming of the film, and Bright naturally continued his work.

But right away, he received a contact from Wulaoxing.

"Nice job this time, Brett."

The voice of the five old stars on the other end of the phone revealed unprecedented enthusiasm.

"You saved that guy Zefa's life, and the government decided to repay your help this time."

Bright smiled, "Is that so? I'm looking forward to it. How will the government decide to repay me?"

Look, isn't this the goodwill of the five old stars in the government?

For the five old stars, the Bright now is completely different from the Bright before.

"Don't you like technology very much? Then the government will provide Fish-Man Island with a batch of practical technologies, which will at least allow Fish-Man Island's industry to move forward."

"In addition, the manufacturing industry on Fish-Man Island has developed to a considerable scale now, but many raw materials rely on imports, so the export of goods will be somewhat troublesome, right?"

Wulaoxing smiled and said, "Let the government help you solve these two problems."

"Whether it's materials or commodity exports, the government can help you solve it."

"That's it, thank you very much."

Brett smiled.

"Remember Bright, the government is your Fish-Man Island's biggest support and your best partner!"

Wulaoxing emphasizes this point.


Brett gave in.

"So, let's upgrade our cooperation! Brett, we have a proposal."

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