One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 147 Provocation, Hailou Shi

Doflamingo finally got his wish to meet the head of the Charlotte family.

In the palace of Cake Island, Charlotte Lingling, who was enjoying afternoon tea, lay leisurely on the couch, releasing white light spots from her hands, which fell on the huge car in front of her. On top of the various desserts on the dining cart.

Then these desserts came to life. Each one grew facial features and limbs and came to life. Then they jumped into Charlotte Lingling's mouth with a smile on their face and called their mother.

"Mom, mom, Doflamingo, what do you want to do with me?"

Charlotte Lingling asked with a big smile while licking her scarlet lips.

"I'm here to help you, Big Mom."

Even though he was as frivolous as Doflamingo, he still remained humble in front of Charlotte Lingling.

He knows very well that he can be arrogant in front of the Navy because he is a Shichibukai and the Navy will not touch him. He can also be arrogant in front of the World Government because he has mastered the great secrets of the Celestial Dragons, so the Five Old Stars must also submit to the World Government. He compromises.

But he can't be arrogant in front of a monster like Charlotte Lingling.

If you anger this monster even slightly, it will die.


Charlotte Lingling immediately burst out laughing, "Interesting, how come I don't know if there is anything I need your help with?"

The only thing this guy could possibly help with was giving birth to children, but this guy was just an ordinary human being, and there were already enough human children, nothing special.

"Because you were deceived, Big Mom, I'm here just to help you expose that guy's lies."

Doflamingo spoke righteously, as if he was truly an upright man who traveled thousands of miles just to help an old woman he had never met before not being deceived.

"That guy?"

Charlotte Lingling was stunned for a moment, "Which guy?"

"Of course it's Bright, the fish-man Bright!"

Doflamingo said solemnly.


Charlotte Lingling stood up, and her invisible aura instantly enveloped Doflamingo.

Cold sweat immediately oozed from Doflamingo's head, but he didn't even dare to release his overlord color to confront Charlotte Lingling.

"I know about the conflict between you and Brett, so don't try to sow discord between me and Brett!"

Charlotte Lingling’s voice was cold.

"You trust Brett a lot and expect him to help the Charlotte family seize Fish-Man Island, but I'm afraid that guy Brett won't respond to your expectations BIG·MOM!"

Doflamingo had already made sufficient mental preparations, and even faced the pressure of Charlotte Lingling's momentum, he still spoke generously.

"Who leaked this to you?"

Charlotte Lingling was even more angry.

She originally ordered it to be kept secret.

"This matter is not important. What is important is that you probably don't know about it, BIG·MOM,"

Doflamingo said loudly, "You probably don't know what kind of relationship that guy Bright has with Neptune, and the king he keeps saying he wants to overthrow!"


Charlotte Lingling was stunned for a moment.

"Bright has killed high-ranking Navy officials, including a lieutenant general."

Doflamingo is very well-informed. He knows many things that people on the sea have never heard of. "For this reason, Neptune and Jinbei negotiated with the government!"

"Neptune even used Fish-Man Island's withdrawal from the world government as a bargaining chip to ask the government not to pursue Bright's crimes!"

This is not difficult to find out, after all, it was not Wulaoxing who answered the phone in the first place.

"What did you say?"

Charlotte Lingling finally frowned.

"Jinbei and Neptune have always regarded that guy Bright as the future star of Fish-Man Island,"

Doflamingo sneered, "How could they give up on Bright so easily? Big Mom, have you ever thought that this was just a scam from beginning to end!"

"After all," Doflamingo grinned, "Bright keeps saying he wants to overthrow Neptune, but hasn't he done anything yet?"


Charlotte Lingling's expression has become extremely gloomy.

"If you don't believe me, send someone to Fish-Man Island to see what happens with Big Mom."

Doflamingo smiled even more, "Go and verify it yourself."

He can't read minds, but he doesn't need to read minds now. He can clearly guess Charlotte Lingling's heart just by looking at her expression.

I succeeded.

Ha, Brett, you crafty boy, you're about to be in trouble.

Of course, Brett didn't know what his old enemy had done.

Tezzolo went back to Deros Rosa after filming. The post-production process still needed some time, so he asked Bright to stay tuned.

Brett wasn't really looking forward to it at all.

His days also became leisurely.

Normally, he would deal with official duties, and then spar with Jinbei or Alexander to practice advanced weapon colors.

What Reilly said is indeed true. After laying a solid foundation, it is not that difficult to learn the skills of advanced weapon colors.

Both Bright and Jinbei could feel that his Haki was becoming more flexible bit by bit, and both felt that they were very close to completely letting the Haki flow.

But Alexander is not good, probably because his foundation is not enough and the strength of his domineering force cannot keep up.

One day, Bright and Jinbei were going to have dinner at a restaurant in Fishman Street after sparring for a while at the Fishman Street training ground.

When we arrived at the restaurant, before we even had time to order, the laughter started.

"Hahaha, Bright, Boss Jinbei, come over and eat together!"

Brett turned around and saw that Mark and several miners were gathering together to eat.


Jinbe readily agreed.

Brett also walked over and said with a smile, "Why don't you go home for dinner? Aren't you afraid that your wife will be angry?"

"She dares!"

Mark suddenly became very energetic, "I have always had the final say in our family!"

"Hahahaha, stop pretending, Mark, who doesn't know you yet? I'm the first one to run home after get off work every day for fear that my wife will be angry,"

The co-workers laughed instantly, "If you want to have a dinner together today, you must have had to force your wife to agree to it, right?"

"Stop slandering me!"

Mark forced himself to pretend to be calm, "My wife doesn't really listen to me anymore. She's just afraid that something will happen to me outside."

But judging from the twinkling look in his eyes, it was probably true.

"Hahahaha, isn't this great?"

Jinbei found an empty seat and sat down, "Caring for each other is what counts as a family."

"Cheers to Mark, who loves his wife!"

Brett simply raised his glass.


The atmosphere was very lively.

Everyone was chatting and eating, laughing constantly.

When the meal was almost finished, Mark, who was already a little drunk, suddenly said, "Yes, by the way, Brett, today, today I dug a very, very strange stone. No one knows what mineral it is."

He slowly took out a dark stone from his pocket and placed it on the table.

"But it's very, very hard, and it feels a little unusual."

Brett, who was also a little drunk, picked up the stone casually.

He didn't care at first. The sea is the largest treasure house in the world. There are all kinds of minerals on the seabed. It's not surprising to find anything.

But the moment he touched the stone, he realized something was wrong.

His body suddenly went limp and his head hit the table.

"Brett? Hey, hahahaha," Mark looked at Brett's situation and was stunned for a moment, then laughed, "Are you this drunk already?"

Only Jinbei realized something was wrong.

With Brett's physique, how could he get drunk with just a little bit of wine?

Fortunately, the stone slipped from Brett's hand when he lay down. He straightened his body again and looked at the stone on the table in astonishment. "Mark, where did you dig this stone?" Arrived?

"Wha, where?"

Mark burped, "It's inside the iron mine. Keep going down and you'll find it."


Jinbei's eyes widened, and he had guessed something.

"It's Hailou Stone."

Brett said solemnly.

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