One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 148 Hailou Stone Mine

Hailou stone.

It is an ultra-rare mineral that can only be produced in a few places in the world. It is equivalent to the crystallization of the sea. Its composition is similar to that of the sea. It can even be said to be the solid form of the sea. It is even stronger than the sea in restraining people with abilities.

A user with high-purity sea floor stone will be instantly deprived of all their physical strength just by touching it. No matter how powerful a user is, there is nothing they can do when facing the sea floor stone.

And not only is it capable of restraining those with abilities, Sea Tower Stone also has a characteristic, it also has a hardness that far exceeds ordinary substances. It is said that the hardness of Sea Tower Stone is even greater than that of diamond, and its toughness is far superior.

Therefore, even in the face of incompetent people, Hailou stone handcuffs are often used to restrain them.

These two functions have almost made Sea Tower Stone the most cherished ore in the world. After all, most of the powerful people on the sea are ability users, and Sea Tower Stone that can restrain ability users is really important.

The problem is that the output of seastones is too small. The only place in the world with a stable output of seastones is Wano.

However, this situation seems to be different?

Brett stared blankly at the dark, unspectacular stone on the table.

That’s right, Wano can produce seastone, but there’s no reason why it’s the only place in the world that has seastone mines, right? Unless the sea floor stone was created because of Pluto.

Of course, there is a high possibility that there are veins of sea floor stone buried in the boundless sea, so why can't it be near Fish-Man Island?

Now I really found a treasure.

There is no way this is the only place where you can dig out the sea floor stone, right?

"Bright, are you sure?"

Jinbei felt his heart beating thumpingly, and blood flowed all the way up his blood vessels, making his entire face turn red.

He slapped the table and stood up.

"It can't be wrong."

Brett reached out to touch the stone on the table again, and then the powerlessness he had just experienced came over again, making him lie down on the table again.

Jinbe stretched out his hand and took away the stone, looking at it with mixed surprise, "How could such a thing happen?"

Is it really sea floor stone?

This thing is very precious!

"wait wait wait?"

Mark shook his head hard, and the hint of drunkenness had completely disappeared. His eyes widened, "Brett, you said this is - the sea, the sea -"

Sea floor stone! !

Even he knows about that stuff!

An ore that can restrain those with abilities!

"You've done a great job for this country, old friend!"

Brett got up from the table again and said to Mark seriously.

"Gong, contribution?"

Mark scratched his head in embarrassment, then smiled slyly, "Can you give me a salary increase?"


Brett looked at him meaningfully, "I can even give you a promotion."

In any case, the discovery of possible seafloor stone veins is a huge achievement.

"In short, this matter must be kept secret!"

Brett looked around at the miners at the table, "This matter must not be spread."


The miners nodded heavily, "Brother Bright, if you say that, we won't reveal a word to anyone until we die!"

"You don't have to go to this level, just be careful."

Brett waved his hand, "Anyway, Mark,"

He looked at Mark and said, "First take us to the place where you dug out this stone."


Mark nodded heavily.

Even he knew that the sea floor stone veins were very important to Fishman Island.

Without any stop, Brett and Jinbei went to the mining area with Mark.

Although it was already off-duty time, Bright and Jinbe would certainly not be hindered by anything when they came together.

They entered the mine directly.

After nearly two years of excavation, this mine located in the Great Undersea Rift Valley is completely different from the past. Mine tunnels extending in all directions have been excavated inside the cliffs and beneath the submarine plains.

If you come here again without someone to guide you, you will really get lost.

Fortunately, there is Mark. Although he is already the small leader of the mining company, this guy has not left the front line, so he was able to dig out the sea tower stone.

"It's right in front!"

Mark swam forward along the mine, and at the same time turned back to Bright and said.

Brett's eyes opened slightly.

Then, countless subtle or noisy sounds came into his ears.

"Brother Jinbei, we seem to be very lucky!"

A look of joy appeared on Brett's face.

I can hear you.

The mine stretched far and deep down to a large area, and there were unusual sounds reaching my ears.

That was Hailou Shi's voice.

"Brett you mean?"

The smile on Jinbei's face was completely uncontrollable.

"From here down,"

Bright stretched out his hand and pointed down the mine, then up and to the right, "Then to the right, each extends for several kilometers. There are a large number of sea floor stones scattered in this area."

"Although I don't know the scale of the seastone veins in Wano Country, but the scale we have here should be pretty good, right?"

"Is that so?"

Jinbe was overjoyed, "That must be an amazing vein of minerals, right? After all, seastones are very rare in the sea!"

"I think so too."

Brett said.

For ordinary iron ore, copper ore and coal mines, such a scale is certainly nothing, but sea floor stone is much more precious than precious metals such as gold. There is no sea floor stone to be found on the entire Fishman Island at this time. Floor stone.

Such a vein is certainly considered a rich ore.

"Anyway, let's go find Neptune first,"

Bright said, "The significance of this mineral vein is too great, and we need to discuss it carefully."


Jinbei thought so.

Nowadays, major matters on Fish-Man Island generally require discussion by the three giants.

Bright and Jinbe went to find Neptune overnight.

Neptune, who was already asleep, was overjoyed after listening to the two Brights talking about the matter in a daze, but immediately, this joy was replaced by fear.

"The Sea Tower Stone is indeed very valuable, but if this news gets out -"

"That's what I'm worried about too."

Brett nodded slightly.

The main reason why Kaido occupied Wano Country is Pluto, the second reason is the road sign, but the third reason is probably the sea tower stone there.

It is no exaggeration to say that this thing is the most precious natural resource in the world. If they knew that Fishman Island had such a vein of seastone, the monsters would probably be unable to sit still.

"My advice, dig quietly and on a small scale,"

Bright said seriously, "Anyway, Fish-Man Island is not short of money now. Let's dig out part of the sea tower stones and store them for use as strategic materials."

The biggest use of Hailou Stone is to take care of those with abilities. It will always be useful.


Neptune nodded in agreement.

Then let Mark take the lead. He was the first to discover it, and he also promised to give him a promotion and a salary increase, and opened a new department specifically for mining sea floor stones.

But there is still a problem.

The excavated sea floor stone cannot be processed.

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