One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 149 Dynamite Rock, Charlotte is here

Sea Tower Stone is a powerful weapon against those with abilities.

But the only drawback is that it is too difficult to process. The hardness beyond diamond and the extraordinary hardness make this stone one of the strongest natural minerals, probably only under the stone used to make historical texts.

Ordinary masons are completely unable to process sea floor stone.

Even the World Government can only say that it is barely processed, and it is very rough. Although this sounds ridiculous, in fact, in this world, only the stonemasons of Wano Country have mastered the technology of finely processing Hailou Stone.

The craftsmen on Fish-Man Island are even more strenuous.

Just wanting to polish the natural sea floor stone smoothly may not be possible, let alone fine processing.

Even if the ore of Hailou Stone is excavated and wants to be put to use, I'm afraid it can only be used as a flying prop to hit people, or it can be loaded somewhere on the body to trick others.

So, is it possible that I will go to Wano to get some seastone processing technology and come back?

This is not an easy task.

Kaido is Doflamingo's partner, and strictly speaking he is hostile to him.

That guy's temper is not much better than Charlotte Lingling, and his strength is even better than Big Mom. If it's not necessary, don't stir up trouble in his territory.

I was originally worried about the possibility of my ability being exposed, so what's the point of sending it to my door?

Let's leave it like this for now, it doesn't matter if we can't finish the sea floor stone, and there aren't that many esper enemies to deal with.

And in this deep sea, sea floor stones are not used much. After all, sea floor stones are solid sea, and this is the depth of the sea.

The three people discussed it and finally decided to set up a small department in the mining company to be responsible for the excavation of Hailou Stone.

The number of people does not need to be too large, because there is no need to excavate many sea floor stones now that they cannot be processed. You only need to have a certain amount of reserves to ensure that they can be used at critical moments.

The candidate for the leader of this department is definitely Mark. It can be considered that Brett gave an old friend a backdoor.

When Brett went back to sleep, he had some associations in his mind.

"Since sea floor stones can be dug from the seabed, can other stones be dug?"

In addition to sea floor stones, there are many other extraordinary stones on this sea.

For example, the strength of the stone used to carve historical texts is much more exaggerated than that of sea floor stone.

Another example is the dynamite rock, which is secretly stored by the Navy and known to very few people on the sea.

A few of those stones can sink an island. When the number increases, the power of the stones is comparable to that of ancient weapons!

The most important thing is that dynamite rock cannot come into contact with air. Once it comes into contact with air, it will explode immediately. So, where is the origin of this stone?

Under the sea, of course.

Otherwise, how to dig on land?

As for the specific location, it should be near the island where the navy stores explosive rocks, right?

Because I am afraid that something might go wrong during transportation.

Otherwise, how could such important things be stored in such an ordinary base?

Unfortunately, I don’t know the name of that island.

All I know is that it’s in the new world.

However, Brett then thought, just knowing that we are in the new world is enough, right?

How many large bases can the Navy have in the New World?

And that island is one of the three legendary END POINTs that can destroy the new world.

Brett was so excited that he could hardly sleep.

He immediately stood up from the bed and made a call.

"Which bastard is it?"

Tezzolo's resentful voice soon came from the other end of the phone.

"Find me a naval base."

Brett said bluntly.

"Huh? Brett? Who cares about you, you bastard!"

Tezzolo said angrily, "Is there something you don't want to discuss tomorrow?"

Derosrosa is to the east of Fish-Man Island, a little later than Fish-Man Island.

"This matter is very important and related to our future career!"

Brett said so.

There is no doubt about the power of dynamite rocks. If the previous batch can be stored, it will definitely play a key role in future wars.

When the time comes, I will take a batch of them and fly them from the sky to Mary Joa and then throw them down.

How about just blowing up the center of that world government?

"You bastard, you really find trouble for others!"

Tezzolo's irritation at being disturbed from his sleep gradually calmed down, "Tell me, what base?"

"I don't know the specific name of the base, but do you know END POINT? That base is one of them." Bright said.


Tezzolo was stunned for a moment, "Are you kidding, Brett? Isn't that just a mythical legend? How could there be such a thing?"

END POINT is a legend that has been circulating in the New World for many years.

According to legend, as long as those three islands are destroyed, the entire new world will be destroyed.

"No, that's actually true."

Bright said seriously, "Those three islands are at the key gathering place of underground magma in the New World. As long as the three islands are blown up, the entire New World will usher in an unprecedented super volcanic eruption, and everyone may be steamed." .”

"B-Bright, are you serious?"

Even through the phone, Brett could hear Tezzolo's anxiety.

He lives in the new world.

"Nothing meant to be a joke, help me find it, that's very important."

Brett said.

"You don't need to tell me that I will look for the three islands that can destroy the new world. Of course, I have to confirm their status!"

Tezzolo's voice was low.

He was living on a pile of explosive barrels now. Although he couldn't throw away all the explosive barrels, he should at least confirm the status of the fuses.

"Anyway, please."

After the call with Tezzolo ended, Brett let out a long sigh of relief.

If everything goes well, when it comes to the decisive battle with the World Government, the power on our side will be at least Neptune and Pluto plus dynamite rock that is comparable to ancient weapons.

I don’t know how to lose at all.

Unless that Lord Im really has the power to surpass ancient weapons alone.

No matter what, everything is moving towards a better goal.

In the next few days, Bright focused on the mining of Hailou Stone.

Mark and the previous miners were assigned to the new department, and the mine was semi-blocked. Although entry was not prohibited, miners would be kept away from that area as much as possible during shift scheduling.

After that, the formal excavation work began.

The sea floor stone mine is similar to the diamond mine, and is mixed in the rock formations. Therefore, although the sea floor stone is extremely strong, mining is not too difficult.

The excavated sea floor stones are transported through another channel. Bright specially transferred a squadron from the Immigration and Entry Administration to be responsible for this. After the sea floor stones are excavated every day, they will be sent to a newly built seabed in the industrial zone. It is stored in the warehouse without air bubbles to prevent human prying eyes.

While Bright was busy with these things, he didn't know that a certain guy quietly came to Fish-Man Island on a merchant ship.

"Mom, I will find out what's going on on this island!"

This man, who has no reputation in this sea, came with the mission of Charlotte Lingling.

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