One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 151 Giving Doflamingo a Marriage

"...Mom, I carefully explored Fish-Man Island for several days, and the final result is that the reputation of Bright Fish-Man Island has completely surpassed Neptune,"

The location is Cake Island, Charlotte Lingling is answering the phone, and there is a man's voice on the other end of the phone,

"Many people feel that he is more suitable to be the ruler of this country than Neptune, because everyone agrees that he is the one who brought about change."

Charlotte Lingling's expression was a little joyful, but immediately, the person on the other end of the phone said, "But there are also many people who think that the orthodox ruler Neptune is more suitable, and think that this kind of thing is meaningless. As long as Fish-Man Island remains The idea that it doesn’t matter who is in power at this pace of development also has many supporters.”

"I am somewhat unable to judge the situation here. I can only summarize the general situation and then ask you to make a decision, Mom."

Charlotte Lingling frowned.

She was also a little unsure.

Did that boy Brett fulfill his promise?

Yes, as Doflamingo said, he can't see any results now, and he still looks like he's on good terms with the Neptune brothers.

But no, he really has a very high reputation in Fish-Man Island. In a few years, if he can't help but raise his voice, the people of Fish-Man Island will spontaneously rise up to overthrow Neptune. As he said before.

How to deal with it?

The well-informed Charlotte Lingling hesitated at this time.

So she looked at the culprit, Doflamingo, who was standing aside with a frown and a downturned mouth.

Of course Charlotte Lingling would not let this guy leave like this.

Otherwise, it would later be confirmed that this guy was just talking nonsense, wouldn't he be allowed to escape?

"Doflamingo, what do you want to say?"

Charlotte Lingling's voice was cold.

Doflamingo slowly breathed a sigh of relief, that bastard Bright did a really good job.

Even he wondered if his news was lagging behind. In fact, Bright and Neptune were only getting along on the surface, but they had already fallen out secretly.

After all, he will never allow a guy with a higher reputation than himself to exist in the country he rules, let alone that guy has a team that may be the strongest in the entire country. army.

What king could endure such a thing?

But was Neptune really intolerable?

Doflamingo couldn't be sure.

The most indispensable thing in this world is all kinds of scum with no bottom line, but Doflamingo also knows that there are many idiots like his father and brother.

An obvious example is King Riku of Drosrosa. It is said that Neptune and King Riku are now good friends. It is difficult to say whether he is also that naive.

But of course Doflamingo couldn't be speechless in front of Charlotte Lingling, otherwise it would be confirmed that he deliberately framed Bright, and Kaido couldn't save him.

"What we have learned is only the superficial information about Fish-Man Island. Can you be sure about the details? Big Mom?"

Doflamingo tried hard to stay calm. The more he panicked, the less he could panic. He had to stay calm in front of monsters.

He couldn't pry into Charlotte Lingling's mind and speak specifically like Brett, but fortunately, he didn't lack experience in dealing with monsters.

"Are you saying that I should trust you more than Bright, who has helped the family a lot this year?" Charlotte Lingling sneered.

Doflamingo rolled his eyes behind the toad mirror.

If you really believed in that guy Bright, why did you send someone to Fish-Man Island to inquire about the situation?

"It's actually very simple to verify, you just need to push that guy Brett a little bit,"

Doflamingo added, "Then let your people on Fish-Man Island observe whether that guy Bright has taken any action."

Charlotte Lingling narrowed her eyes and said, "Mom, mom, you guys are really going all out to target Bright."

"Bah, bah, bah, there's nothing I can do about it, that guy is my enemy."

Doflamingo made no attempt to hide it, "On the contrary, we should be friends, Big Mom. Kaido told me a lot about your past. Aren't you good friends?"

"Mom, mom! Is that Kaido guy?"

Charlotte Lingling also laughed nostalgically, but immediately, her voice turned cold, "It will take hundreds of years before that brat wants to be on an equal footing with me!!"

She glared at Doflamingo fiercely, "You'd better pray that boy Bright really has evil intentions!"

Doflamingo's heart sank.

Now I am in an embarrassing situation.

"Mom, mom, without further ado, I'm going to call Brett now."

Charlotte Lingling didn't put down the phone bug in her hand and dialed directly.

When the phone rang, Bright was still sparring with Jinbei. The two of them had become more and more skilled in the flow of their armed haki, and even the slightest touch of their haki could exert considerable power.

This visible progress greatly stimulated the two people's desire to practice.

The positive atmosphere was broken only by the chirping of the phone bug.

Brett pulled out the phone bug.

"Is it Tezzolo?"

he asked expectantly.

Has the matter of END POINT that he was asked to investigate found out?

Shirahoshi is still a child, and Neptune's power cannot be properly controlled, and Pluto is still buried in Wano. If he can get the dynamite rock, which is comparable to ancient weapons, he will be tough to talk about afterwards.

"It's my mother!"

But what came from among the phone bugs was another voice.

Brett's expression changed slightly, and he immediately looked up at Jinbei.

Jinbei nodded clearly and stood aside silently.

"BIG·MOM? What, do you have any advice?"

Brett's brain began to work at the speed of light.

The Charlotte family has contacted him many times over the past year, mostly for business matters, but a few times they have urged him to quickly conquer Fish-Man Island.

But these contacts all have one thing in common. The person who contacted him was Perospero, the official spokesperson of the Charlotte family, rather than Her Majesty the Queen personally calling.

So, why this time?

"Mom, mom! Because there is a blind guy who insists on running in front of me and saying that you are just lying to me, and you have no intention of taking over Fish-Man Island."

There was a strong smile in Charlotte Lingling's voice, just like a neighbor's aunt laughing when she came to visit, but Brett's expression suddenly became serious.

"Bright, you won't cheat on me, right?"

"Of course I didn't need to lie to you."

Brett asked, "But can I know which bastard actually came to sow discord between us?"

Cake Island.

Charlotte Lingling smiled and looked at Doflamingo, who had an ugly expression, "Mom, mom, of course, it's Doflamingo."

He sold Doflamingo without hesitation.

Although she was suspicious of Bright, she would not act as a knife for Doflamingo.


Brett twitched the corner of his mouth.

More annoying than a fly.

I really want to kill him right away.

But that guy is far away in the New World...


Since Doflamingo disgusts him, why can't he disgust himself back?

Didn’t he go find Charlotte Lingling? Then just use this woman to fight back.

You're taking advantage of Doflamingo, let's give him a good marriage.

Brett's lips curled up.

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