One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 152 Doflamingo’s descendants are everywhere

Anyone who knows a little bit about the monsters in the New World will know that Charlotte Lingling has two most obvious hobbies.

One is dessert. She is a terrifying person who would conquer and destroy a country just because of dessert.

The other is getting married.

Charlotte Lingling is fifty-nine years old this year, but the number of husbands has exceeded thirty. But these husbands are not the focus. She just wants to give birth to children of all races. All husbands will be born after the children are born. Abandoned.

The world's number one collector.

So that being the case, the next thing is simple.

Brett's voice was filled with a smile, "It wouldn't be surprising at all if it was that guy. He was probably frightened out of his wits and didn't dare to appear in front of me again. He only dared to do tricks behind my back, like a gutter. It’s like a rat in there.”

"Mom, mom!! Rat in the gutter!"

In the palace of Cake Island, Charlotte Lingling laughed loudly, "That's a very good description, Brett!"

Doflamingo gritted his teeth.

But he didn't dare to speak to refute now, and he didn't dare to interrupt Charlotte Lingling's call.

"But even though it's a rat's lie, Brett, I still hope you can give me some confidence!"

Charlotte Lingling's laughter subsided, "You haven't let me see any progress in one year."

"We'll talk about this later, there's something more important now."

Brett's voice coming from the phone bug was angry and smiling at the same time, but strangely it didn't seem separate.

"Something more important?"

Charlotte Lingling was stunned for a moment, "What do you want to say?"

"I just want to get revenge on a certain rat."

The phone bug continued to relay Bright's voice, "BIG-MOM, what do you think of the Draco?"

Doflamingo felt bad for a moment.


Charlotte Lingling was completely stunned, "Why did you say this suddenly?"

Then she sneered, "Aren't they just the Celestial Dragons? They're just a bunch of scum who were born into a good child. Sooner or later, I'm going to rule this sea and then step them into the mud!"

"Is that so? I thought you were not repelled by them."

Bright's voice was a little regretful, "I also said that I would introduce you to a Celestial Dragon as your husband and let you have several Celestial Dragon children."

The moment he heard these words, Doflamingo's body was trembling, and his face instantly turned pale.

Regret, this is unparalleled regret.

You can use any method to cause trouble for Bright, so why do you want to appear in this place?

damn it! Brett! ! You damn bastard, shut up! !

"Dragon's husband?"

Almost instantly, Charlotte Lingling's eyes lit up, "Mom, mom, although those guys are a bunch of trash, the blood of this ethnic group is pretty good!"

"If I can give birth to a few children with Celestial Dragon blood, when I become the Pirate King, I will have a legitimate reason to inherit the World Government's legacy!"

"Tell me," she asked almost impatiently, "Is there any way you can help me get married to a Celestial Dragon?"

The thought of letting Bright prove himself has long been forgotten.

"It's very simple."

Bright's voice was filled with joy, "Just catch Doflamingo."

Charlotte Lingling was stunned for a moment.

Doflamingo himself was sweating profusely at this point.

"The name of the family that left Delos Rosa and went to Marigioa eight hundred years ago to become a world noble was Don Quixote."

As Bright's voice sounded, Charlotte Lingling slowly turned her head.

Doflamingo didn't dare to look at Charlotte Lingling at all. He stepped back with a pale face, "Big Mom, don't listen to this guy's nonsense..."

On Fish-Man Island, Bright heard Doflamingo's voice coming from the phone bug's mouth, and suddenly felt refreshed, "Oh, is the mouse actually here? That's a perfect coincidence."

Just when I was worried that this guy was unlucky, I couldn't rush to the scene immediately to add insult to injury, but it turned out that he was beside Charlotte Lingling.

"You can contact BIG·MOM to confirm whether this is true or not. I also learned about it from him."

Bright smiled and said, "In short, this guy is indeed a Tianlong. Moreover, he probably holds some secrets of the Tianlongs. The Five Old Stars are very indulgent towards him..."

"Bright, remember to come to the wedding on time."

Before the words were finished, only this sentence was left there, and then 'The phone bug had already lowered his head and closed his eyes with a click.

The call was hung up over there.

it's a pity.

Brett shook his head helplessly.

I couldn't hear Doflamingo's screams with my own ears.

Doflamingo, how do you feel now? How do you feel?

Cake Island Palace.

Doflamingo felt his hands and feet go limp as he looked at Charlotte Lingling approaching step by step.

"Mommy mommy!!"

Charlotte Lingling licked her scarlet lips with her long tongue, "Doflamingo, no, Dove, come and marry me."

Doflamingo's fingers kept twitching, and the threads came out and then retracted.

There was only one thought left in his mind at this time.

Kaido, save me!

Fishman Island.

Brett put away the phone bug and looked back at Jinbei, who was having a hard time suppressing his laughter.

The two looked at each other.


They both burst out laughing at the same time.

"Well done! Brett! Well done!!"

Jinbe laughed heartily, "There is no more painful revenge than this! If I were Doflamingo, I would choose to commit suicide!"

"But that guy will only choose to survive and then find an opportunity to seek revenge from me."

Brett also burst into laughter, "But I think he should thank me. Now the Don Quixote family is full of descendants."

is not that right?

If he marries Charlotte Lingling, Katakuri, who is seven years older than Doflamingo, can theoretically be considered his son.

"But, but, Bright," while laughing, Jinbe added, "Wouldn't this be a problem? If that guy Doflamingo gives up his dignity to please Charlotte Lingling, maybe he can really do it. Let him draw on the power of the Charlotte family.”

"No need to worry about that."

Bright said casually, "Charlotte Lingling will never share her power with anyone, and she will not have any love for any husband. She just wants children."

Her husband is just a tool for her reproduction.

"That puts me at ease."

Brother Jinbei was relieved, and then he laughed even louder.

"Anyway, let's get ready first."

Brett couldn't help but laugh, but he still smiled after all.

"Prepare? Prepare for what?"

"To the wedding, of course."

Although Charlotte Lingling is now fascinated by the little goblin Doflamingo, her suspicion will not disappear so easily.

That's what he was asked to attend the wedding for.

However, how could one not go and see such a shocking scene as Doflamingo and Charlotte Lingling’s marriage?

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