One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 153 The Wedding of the Century

New World, Sea of ​​All Nations, Cake Island.

In the palace, the main cadres of the family gathered together today.

"So, brothers and sisters, does anyone know why mom summoned us today?"

Charlotte Smoothie asked curiously as she put her long legs on the table.

"Mom is getting married again."

Responsible for calling everyone over, the eldest son of the family, Perospero, said calmly.

The expressions of the children in the family did not change.

"Right, "

Smoothie even nodded and said, "Delshedraj and the others are a few months old, and it's time for mother to want to give birth to new siblings."

It is normal for them for their mother to get married again.

"So, who is the marriage partner this time?"

Charlotte Owen, who has always spoken out loud and has a rough personality, said, "Which country's nobleman or which race's big shot? Who is going to rob it?"

This kind of thing is also common.

"No, this time, I will be on Cake Island and stay with my mother right now,"

Perospero's expression was a little strange, "Mom asked me to call you here just to prepare for the wedding."

"That's right!"

At this time, Charlotte Lingling's laughter suddenly sounded, "This time, I want a wedding that attracts the attention of the whole world!"

The children of the family turned their heads.

Then they immediately knew why Perospero had a strange expression.

Like a doll, Charlotte Lingling held the disheveled Doflamingo in her arms, her hands around his waist.

Doflamingo seemed to have lost his life, his head lowered and motionless. If his chest were not still rising and falling slightly, it would be easy to mistake him for a dead corpse.


Cracker almost laughed out loud with gloating.

There is no hint of Doflamingo being annoyed that he is about to marry his old mother and become his cheap father.

\u0026quot;We got it mom,\u0026quot;

The real second-in-command of the family, Katakuri is the calmest among the brothers and sisters. He said seriously, "We will start preparing for the wedding from today. If it's time, can it be a week later?"

"Mom, mom, it's up to you to decide!"

Charlotte Lingling lovingly lifted Doflamingo up, kissed him hard on the face, and then she said, "I and Dove are waiting for the wedding!"

"By the way, remember to contact that guy Morgans. The news that the Celestial Dragon has become my wife's husband should be worthy of his front-page headlines, right?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

"Okay, Dover, let's go on and make a baby! We can't stop until I'm pregnant."

Charlotte Lingling felt a little tired and left with Doflamingo like a doll in her arms.

Then, the cadres gathered here reacted.

"meaning is,"

Smoothie's eyes widened, "That guy Doflamingo is a Celestial Dragon?"

"Ask that guy Morgans,"

Perospero was also very curious, "That guy should know something."

They were actually a little worried. They were going to attack the Celestial Dragons. Would they be okay?

On a hidden island in the New World, a strange building is located here.

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

In the office on the top floor of the building, the well-dressed Birdman was rolling on the floor with laughter at this moment, "How could such a thing happen? Hahahaha, should I say that you are worthy of Lingling? You have easily accomplished something we have never imagined!" "

"Quick, quick, quick! Print more newspapers! I can't wait to send this news to everyone on the sea!!"

"Let everyone know that this is the wedding of the century!"

It was already the next day when Brett saw the newspaper.

While having breakfast in Charlie's cafe, he couldn't help laughing while flipping through the newspaper, his shoulders shaking non-stop.

"Are you stupid?"

Charlie, who was sitting next to him and eating slowly, glanced sideways at Bright.

"Because it's really funny."

Even at this moment, Brett had a smile on his face.

The fat, old but beaming face in the newspaper formed a sharp contrast with the other young and handsome face that was as dead as a puppet. It was really hard not to laugh out loud.

Charlie came closer, wanting to see what Brett was laughing at.

Including her tail, Charlie was a little taller than Bright. When she leaned over, her face was almost touching Bright's.

Brett didn't have to turn his head to smell the scent of her hair.

It's light, not rich, but it's so refreshing.

"This is Doflamingo, right? And Big Mom?"

Although Xia Li has never left Fish-Man Island, she is quite concerned about the information at sea. She has her own understanding of the two protagonists in today's newspaper.

"They are getting married??"

Miss Charlie, who seemed very calm in most situations because she could see the future, opened her eyes wide in surprise this time.

I have no idea how the Shichibukai and the Emperor of the Sea decided to get married.

"The wedding is in a week."

Brett held up a finger.

"You want to go?" Charlie turned around.


Bright nodded, "I have to go to the Charlotte family."

I won’t go into details about the reason why I went to watch Doflamingo’s jokes.

Charlie nodded, and then she glanced sideways at Brett, "A wedding that the whole world knows about. It sounds really good."

I don’t know about anything else, but for Doflamingo’s guy, it’s probably more uncomfortable than death.

But of course, you can't answer Charlie like that.

Brett had a headache.

But fortunately, at this time, bulu bulu, the phone bug started ringing.

Brett was relieved and quickly took out his phone and connected it.

"It's me, Brett, did you read today's newspaper?"

Mr. Tezzolo's excited voice immediately came from the other end of the phone, "Hahahaha, that Doflamingo guy and Charlotte Lingling's wedding of the century! It's really a path that I have never imagined!"


Charlie didn't care and just continued to eat breakfast.

"In fact, I was the one who made it happen."

Brett told his good friends lightly about his great achievements.

"Hahaha, well done, you did well, Brett!!"

Tezzolo smiled like a fool, "I can't wait to see Doflamingo's stupid face! I will also go to the wedding in a week."

"Seriously Tezzolo?"

Brett reminded, "Charlotte Lingling didn't just let me come over just to let me attend the wedding."

"What a joke!"

Tezzolo said loudly, "Doflamingo and Charlotte Lingling's wedding, even if I die, I must attend the ceremony in person!"

What the ultimate happy person.

"That's up to you."

At almost the same moment, above the Fish-Man Island, there was Mariejoia and Pangu City.

"What is that idiot Doflamingo doing?!"

The five old stars were in a state of rage at this time, "The former Tianlongren's identity was actually exposed, and he became the husband of Charlotte Lingling!!"

"Damn!! What if Charlotte Lingling learns the secret of the Celestial Dragons from him?"

"We must find a way to save him! Or -"

Wano Country, Onigashima.

"JOKER, what are you doing, you idiot!"

The man who looked like a demon was wailing as he drank wine, "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu It's really because you're too weak! You were actually caught by Lingling to give birth to a child!"

"Mr. Kaido, what should we do?"

Not far in front of him, a man wrapped in a black leather coat said with a solemn voice, "No matter what, Doflamingo is our partner."

"Besides, the newspaper didn't say,"

A fat man next to him added, "Was that guy a Tianlong before? He should still be of some value."


The monster's cry stopped suddenly, and then.

"Uh-huh-huh! Then let's go to Lingling's wedding after a long time!!"

The cries turned to laughter in an instant.

In short, everyone knows about this wedding of the century.

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