One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 156 Mobile release! Then--

At the end of the day, you still have to fight.

Tezzolo couldn't help but look at Bright's back.

Is that okay, Brett?

These two guys are both famous monsters in the new world.

Bright's expression was very calm when he looked at Cracker holding the sword and Katakuri whose eyes were getting sharper.

As I said, things are different now than they were a year ago.

"Are you sure you want to fight me on this big day?"

Brett smiled.

"That's why I chose this place specially. Even if I use my hands, I won't disturb my mother or disturb her mood."

Cracker grinned, the Cookie Soldier clapped his hands, and a lot of cookie crumbs began to fly in all directions.

Then these biscuit crumbs were combined together to form biscuit soldiers, directly surrounding the three Brights.

A year ago, Bright would feel great pressure when he saw Cracker's move.

But now I just feel okay.

"But don't worry Brett,"

Cracker's voice was full of blood-sucking and cruelty, "Today is the wedding day, so mom has no idea of ​​getting rid of you. She just specifically asked us to change your mind."

"Now you still have a chance to answer the question I just asked, Brett."

Katakuri's right hand melted, and a long trident emerged from his hand.

After awakening, the superhuman Devil Fruit can affect things around it.

Katakuri's practice is to turn his weapons into rice cakes and store them directly inside his body.

The sharp tip of the trident flashed with cold light, and the invisible aura made Tezzolo's expression become extremely solemn.

"Didn't you already answer it?"

Brett said, "I want to talk to Big Mom in person."

When dealing with jackals, tigers and leopards, the kinder your attitude is, the more you will be despised.

It may be easier to be recognized with a tougher attitude, especially when you have the strength to match your tough attitude.

"Hahahaha, I have to say, I actually admire your arrogant mouth, Brett!!"

Cracker suddenly laughed loudly, "You think,"

"what are you!!"

The voice turned cold and the earth shook.

The biscuit soldiers collectively took a step forward, and the huge biscuit swords in their hands were slashing at Bright at the same time.

Instead of targeting Tezzolo, he just pointed the finger at Bright alone.

There are still some rules in the world.

To be honest, Cracker's ability is actually quite tricky.

Although they are called biscuits, the biscuit soldiers he created are far stronger than steel.

Straw Hat couldn't crush it even if he turned on the third gear.

What's even more troublesome is that as long as he still has the physical strength, he can keep making this stuff.

Bright felt that Kricker, who ranked third among the three generals, was definitely much stronger than Jack, who ranked third among the three major disasters, although the bounty was not as good as that guy.

Even if the weakness of fear of pain is not too huge, his strength may not be much inferior to Katakuri.

However, it is not invincible.

Electric light.

Dazzling lightning burst out from Bright's body in an instant.

The electric current pushes it directly to full opening.

The Biscuit Soldiers simply couldn't catch up with Bright's speed at this time.

As his body flashed forward like a phantom, Bright thought that this might be an opportunity.

He had already arrived in front of the biscuit soldier controlled by Cracker's body.

But at this moment, the ground beneath his feet melted and turned into sticky rice cakes that surged upwards, swallowing Bright up in the next moment.

This is annoying about the awakening of the superhuman system. They can control the terrain and instantly turn the battlefield into their home field.

However, I heard it clearly.

The rice cake waves turned into waves on the ground couldn't catch up with Bright's speed. He soared into the sky dragging the flickering electric current and swept his right leg downwards.

"Water Wave Blade."

Electricity, moisture, and domineering energy, the trinity of water wave blades was instantly thrown out of Bright's legs. The moment it broke through the air, its size expanded to an exaggerated degree, and it slashed downwards like the blade used by the gods to divide the world. .

"This guy is so fast!"

Cracker yelled in displeasure.

Speed ​​is not his strong point, otherwise in the original work, he would not have been entangled with Straw Hat Nami for so long and still couldn't break through Straw Hat's defense to deal with Nami, whose abilities were limited by the constant rain.

But the defense is.

Biscuit Armor raised its shield, and the dark domineering energy instantly attached to it.


The next moment, that huge and majestic slash fell, landing on the biscuit shield held high by Cracker.

Where the slash and shield collided, there seemed to be dazzling sparks flying.

The shield is cracking and denting bit by bit. Even with the hard biscuits and the powerful domineering force, it is still not easy to resist.

However, even though it was difficult, I still blocked it.

"Go back here!!"

Kelijia roared angrily, and used his shield hand to forcefully smash the slash into pieces.

But at the same time as the slash was shattered, a bolt of lightning suddenly landed in the sky.


He stepped on the air as smoothly as if he were stepping on the ground.

Every time he took a step, his speed soared, and he was like thunder falling from the sky.

"Crackler, be careful!!"

But Cracker doesn't fight alone.

Katakuri swung his right leg, and his already slender right leg stretched forward and expanded like a whip.

The special super-human Nuo Nuo fruit allows Katakuri to not only make rice cakes, but also turn his own body into rice cakes.

In just an instant, his right leg was like a huge black pillar sweeping towards Bright.

He has seen the future.

Although Bright is fast, he is not fast enough to predict the future.

However, the future changed.

Bright refracted in the air and easily avoided Katakuri's blow. Then he stepped on the air again and fell downwards, landing heavily on Cracker's body.

"Electricity Propulsion - Mystery - Wu Laizuki!"

boom! !

It's like destroying everything.

The iron fist wrapped in invisible waves crashed down.

The biscuit shield shattered, and the indestructible biscuit armor also shattered in an instant.


Amid the exploding biscuit armor, Cracker's body quickly retreated backwards.

He gritted his teeth, "This guy!!"

Speed, strength, and dominance have all improved tremendously compared to a year ago!

This guy was able to break out of his cookie armor a year ago and now it looks even easier!

Brett stood there and shook his right hand.

The feeling is coming.

"Crackler, stay back."

Katakuri stepped forward, "Leave this guy to me."

If the biscuit armor is not broken, then his younger brother is very powerful.

But if he couldn't protect himself, he would just need to be punched, and this guy would probably scream and faint from the pain.

He has absolutely no chance of winning against this kid!

Because, as expected, this guy Brett can see the future just like himself!


What else does Cracker want to say.

"This is my decision." Katakuri didn't even look back.

"……I see."

Cracker stepped back extremely unhappy.

"Want to talk to mom?"

Katakuri raised the trident in his hand, and the surrounding trees on the ground instantly turned into white rice cakes, and began to surge like ocean waves.

"Let me see if you are qualified."

The rice cake wave was already rushing towards Bright.

But it was meaningless. After suffering a loss from Doflanigo before, Bright had already found a way to deal with it.

He stepped on the air and soared into the sky. He walked leisurely in the air, and the surging rice cake waves on the ground could not touch him at all.

Then, Bright hit Katakuri like a meteorite again.

“Peerless donuts!”

Katakuri made a fist with his left hand, and dozens of translucent rice cake rings instantly rose up behind him.

"Nutuan groans!!"

Among the rice cake rings, in the next moment, a black rice cake fist rushed out.

The amount of speed and power was at a frightening level, and in an instant, it swept towards Bright like a violent storm.

"This guy is screwed."

Cracker, who was watching the battle, sneered.

Brother Katakuri has become serious, but this bastard has no chance of winning.

Tezzolo, who was away from the battlefield, was quite calm.

He knew that Bright also had a killer move called King's Fist.

Brett did not dodge this time. He took a deep breath and concentrated his attention. His hands were already dark, entwined with invisible waves.

Isn't this the best time to fight as Rayleigh said?

Fist, meet the fist!

Boom boom boom boom! !

Thunder exploded continuously in this forest, and dark lightning radiated in all directions!

The smile on Brett's face became brighter and brighter, and he could feel the domineering rhythm of armed color with every fist collision.

The armed domineering spirit that was still somewhat lifeless gradually became more alive in these confrontations again and again.

The invisible fluctuations wrapped around Blake's arms became more and more obvious, now exuding a dark blue color like the sea.

All the previous accumulation turned into nutrients at this moment, and the domineering seeds finally blossomed and bore fruit!


The next moment, a rice cake fist that was thrown towards Bright exploded.

Then the second one.

The third one!

"that's all?"

Brett laughed.

At this moment, the domineering energy can flow freely.

Swinging the sledgehammer finally turned into artillery fire!

He could easily beat Katakuri's rice cake fist to pieces.

"This is--"

Katakuri's expression changed.

Could it be that this guy has been hiding his power until now and finally exploded with all his strength?

"What a joke!"

Katakuri jumped up, "The glutinous ball stabs!!"

The trident merged into the right hand, and the right arm rotated like a twist.

When this rotation reached the end, the accumulated power was released, and the trident suddenly stabbed towards Bright like an electric drill.

Brett was undaunted.

"Electricity Propulsion - Mystery - Oniwa Shoken!!"

Now that it can flow, let's try to destroy it internally.

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