One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 157 The wedding begins

The moment the crazily spinning trident tip collided with Bright's fist, Katakuri noticed it.

What an exaggerated power! So powerful and domineering!

This guy!

Amidst the constantly jumping black lightning, the two figures were separated at the touch. Brett ejected backwards and landed lightly in front of Tezolo.

On the opposite side, Katakuri also hit the ground hard. He stepped on the ground and made two dents. His body even took two steps backward uncontrollably.

His eyes became very solemn.

"Hohoho, is this the highest masterpiece of the Charlotte family?"

Tezolo suddenly laughed and said, "It doesn't look like that."

"Shut up, you bastard!"

The most respected brother was insulted, and Clark was instantly furious.

But in fact, he couldn't believe it in his heart. Brother Katakuri was actually suppressed!

That guy Brett actually has this level of strength?

As a person involved, Brett himself was not surprised at all.

Katakuri is indeed a strong man.

But once you exclude his domineering power of foreseeing the future, his strength is actually just that.

The armament color is very domineering, but it is just an ordinary hardening. Even though it is very powerful and efficient, it cannot keep up with Bright's armament color.

Pure physical skills and physical ability cannot be compared with Brett.

Katakuri's biggest shortcoming is that his attack power is too weak.

Brett had imagined that the battle between him and Tsunade would probably be interesting. Although Tsunade was very fast, it would still be difficult for him to hit Katakuri, and Katakuri's attack power basically couldn't break his defense. He causes damage.

You can even add Marco. Marco can't foresee the future and his defense is just that, but he has an abnormal level of recovery ability.

The three of them probably couldn't do anything to anyone.

"How is it? Am I qualified now?"

Brett had a smile on his face.

Just now, this trip is completely worth the price.

I have completely mastered the flow and outward expression of armed color Haki.

Even in the last blow just now, I also gained some insights into the skills of internal destruction.

What Reilly said was indeed true. After mastering the flow of external release, internal destruction is not far away.

As for myself now, even without using my powers, I am fully capable of fighting monsters like Katakuri.

In fact, because of his bloodline advantage, he might even be able to outdo Katakuri.

Teacher Kai is indeed right, domineering is the ability to dominate the world.

The increase brought by high-level domineering is simply too great.

After all, with the help of advanced weapon colors, a guy of Kinemon's level can defeat Kaido.

Katakuri was silent for a moment, and then the trident in his hand melted into rice cakes and merged into his body. "I will truthfully tell my mother what happened here. You'd better be mentally prepared first, Brett."

There is no point in continuing to fight.

This man is exaggeratedly strong.

Katakuri was reluctant to admit it, but it would probably be very difficult for him to defeat Brett. …

"So much the better,"

Brett smiled and said, "Then, can you take us to the wedding banquet?"

What else could Katakuri say?

The momentum came fiercely, but the result was full of embarrassment.

The three Bretts got on the carriage again, and this time they were really going to the venue.

On the carriage.

"Well done, Brett!"

Tezoro looked excited and didn't care about the shivering chess soldier driving the car at this time. He just laughed to himself, "Have you seen the expression on that guy's face? From shock to disbelief. It was so funny at the end with a face full of humiliation!”

"Being able to taste this appetizer before Doflamingo's main course is considered a worthwhile trip!"

Brett also had a smile on his face, so he said, now is completely different from a year ago.

The castle arrived quickly. This time, the wedding venue was not on the top of the castle. After all, if the same idea is used ten years later, no one will think it is repetitive. But if you rush to do it again after a year, it will seem a little bit... Don't worry.

Outside the castle, part of the forest was cut down, and it was connected to the original square to form a huge flat land.

And above this huge square, there is already a sea of ​​desserts.

A variety of desserts stand on the square, and their sweet smell is almost pungent.

"It's really a wedding venue that fits Charlotte Lingling's style, isn't it?"

After getting off the carriage, Taizolo said with some surprise, "Just looking at it makes me feel so sweet that I'll lose my teeth."

These desserts are huge.

There are platforms one after another, with a round table and a circle of chairs placed above each dessert. This is a banquet held in the dreamland of desserts.

As soon as the three Bretts got off the carriage, another chess soldier came to pick them up and lead them to the positions assigned to them.

The guests who came to attend Charlotte Lingling were all famous people in the New World, but even the big people were divided into different levels.

Brett and Tezolo are of course of very high rank.

The chess soldiers brought Brett and Tezzolo to a big cake at the front, and then respectfully stepped back and left.

Brett looked forward along the cake. The luxurious carpet stretched horizontally, which was the gate of the castle in the distance. Some inexplicable Homitz were flying on both sides of the road. It was a dreamy scene for a moment.

At the end of the road is the main venue decorated in a dessert style, where a white-haired old priest is already waiting.

"Looks like we've caught up."

Brett smiled.

Katakuri and Clark didn't waste too long, and the newcomers hadn't appeared yet.

"Hahahaha, Brett, and Taizolo, you two are finally here! What are you doing standing still? Come up quickly!"

There was loud laughter from above the cake.

Brett raised his head.

"Hahahaha, Morgans, you bad guy, are you here too?"

Tezoro had already led Tanaka to the cake.

Brett followed. When did Tezzolo have such a good relationship with Morgans?

The top of the cake was very wide, and there was a huge round table, and around the round table, there were some old acquaintances sitting there.

"Long time no see, Brother Brett."

It was Stussy who greeted her with a smile, and Brett could hear the nervousness in her heart.

The task Wulaoxing gave CP0 this time was quite difficult.

There are also several underground power giants in the New World, including Fukushin and others who were at the table at last year's tea party.

Tezoro chatted and laughed with them.

Probably there have been many harmonious cooperations during this year.

Then, after Brett quietly listened to their chatter for more than ten minutes, the Homitz flying all over the sky suddenly started singing. On one side, the door of the castle opened, and many winged musical instruments flew out, cheerfully. The music came from them.

What an exaggerated ability, Charlotte Lingling.

While Brett was sighing like this, a newlywed couple dressed in costumes came out from the door of the castle.


Tezoro burst out laughing instantly.

Brett also raised his lips at the same time.

The wedding has begun.

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