One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 158 Chaos Begins

"Mom, mom! Welcome to my wedding!"

The high-spirited Charlotte Lingling is wearing a gorgeous white wedding dress. It can be seen that it has been carefully designed. Even wearing it on her body gives people a stunning sense of gorgeousness.

She stood on the back of a white cloud, waving her right hand towards the guests on both sides of the road, and greeted the guests with a smile.

There was also a sun flying around Charlotte Lingling, with small fireballs flying out from it, and then exploding in mid-air into celebratory fireworks.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing is that she is being held by Charlotte Lingling with her left hand around her waist. The other protagonist of today’s wedding, her little husband, looks extremely calm, and can even be said to be numb. Hod Doflamingo.

Although this guy is much shorter than Charlotte Lingling, his body proportions are much better than Charlotte Lingling. The white dress looks very suitable on him, and it also highlights his unusual appearance. Handsome.

Yes, you can clearly see how handsome Doflamingo is, because he is not wearing the usual sunglasses on his face today.

Brett had very good eyesight, so he could clearly see Doflamingo's true appearance.

How should I put it, unexpected and expected.

There's nothing special about him at all, just plain handsome.

It's just that there is no smile on his face, and he no longer has the unruly look that he should have had.


Tezoro ran to the edge of the cake platform and shouted in the direction of Doflamingo, "Doflamingo, you must be happy!

Have more kids with BIG·MOM! "

Doflamingo's eyes, which were originally numb, suddenly regained their vitality. He turned his head and looked this way.

Then he saw Taizolo, who was waving to him with blessings on his face, and Brett, who was sitting on the side and was also smiling at him.

The muscles in Doflamingo's cheeks began to twitch.

It's all because of this guy!

This happened to me all because of this bastard's plan!


He didn't dare to do anything, he didn't even dare to move his body, but this didn't stop him from roaring in his heart that he wanted to tear Brett into pieces.

Brett's smile grew even wider.

This is the voice of my heart.

What I want to hear this time is your thoughts, Doflamingo.

Ah, satisfied.

"Happy wedding! BIG·MOM!"

Brett also shouted blessings.

"Mommy mommy!"

Charlotte Lingling gave Bright a thoughtful look, and then hugged Doflamingo tightly, "Dover, did you hear that? Everyone is blessing us!"

Doflamingo said nothing.

What could he say?

Between these two sentences, the cloud carrying the two of them had flown in front of the priest and then landed.

Next comes the ceremony where the two conclude a sacred agreement.

“Hahahaha, this scene must be filmed!


Morgans was so excited that he took pictures for a while while holding the impact phone.


Since arriving at the venue, Brett's interest in knowledge has never stopped, and he must be prepared for any possible unexpected situations. …

Then, he actually discovered something.

The corners of his mouth quirked up.

It's really interesting.

The two newcomers have already stood in front of the priest.

The old priest who had been diligently presiding over weddings on Cake Island for many years did not panic even when facing Charlotte Lingling. He calmly and skillfully opened the Bible in his hand, and then cleared his throat.

"Excuse me, bride, are you willing to marry your groom?"

According to the general process, there should be several questions next.

But the bride is Charlotte Lingling, who gets married once a year, so no more questions need be asked.

"I am willing!"

Of course, Charlotte Lingling didn’t hesitate at all, and she laughed vigorously.


The old priest tremblingly turned his head to look at Doflamingo again, "Groom, you must be willing to marry your bride, and swear to be loyal to her forever, obey her, never betray her, and dedicate everything you have to her. Everything, work with her to give birth to your child, right?"

Completely, without any intention of waiting for Doflamingo's answer, the old priest said to himself, "Then let's do the vow kiss next."

Are weddings so simple and quick?

Brett couldn't help but want to laugh.

Charlie was looking forward to this wedding very much.

The result was completely different from what she imagined.

But will a vow kiss be that easy?

Charlotte Lingling had already lifted Doflamingo up by his armpits with her hands, and licked her red lips with her tongue, "Dover, did you hear that? Next is the vow kiss!"

She pursed her lips, closed her eyes and kissed Doflamingo.

"Hahahaha! Record it! This scene must be recorded!


Tezzolo was so happy that he didn't know when he took out a phone and took pictures of the wedding scene.

It seems that he wants to preserve this classic scene forever.

"Hahahaha, yes, yes!"

Morgans shouted in agreement, "This photo will be used on the front page of tomorrow's news! The wedding of the Sea Emperor and the Shichibukai!"


Brett's lips curled up.

At the same moment, Katakuri arrived at the scene without knowing when, and Katakuri, who was originally guarding the side, flashed red in his eyes.

Then in the next second, he stood in front of the newlyweds with a flash, the trident condensed in his hand.

"What's wrong, Katakuri?"

Charlotte Lingling, who was about to kiss her groom, was stunned for a moment.

She is not very good at seeing and hearing Haki.

"Careful, Mom."

Katakuri's voice was cold, "Someone who doesn't know how to live or die is here."


The next moment, the whole earth shook.

The ground was rising, and the square was distorting in an instant.

The originally dreamy dessert venue became shattered in an instant.

"This is--"

Taizuolo narrowed his eyes slightly.

Because he saw in the center of the venue, the originally flat ground suddenly rose up as if it had undergone tens of millions of years of evolution.

The rock from deeper underground broke through the constraints of the soil and the ground. After protruding from the ground, it began to deform and turned into the shape of a huge stone giant.

The stone giant towered over the land, as if towering into the clouds.

In terms of height alone, it is at least over 500 meters.


We are here to rescue you!


An unusually high-pitched roar came from inside the stone giant.

The huge fist had been raised high, leaving a thick shadow on the square under the sunlight.

On top of this huge fist, there are several other figures.

Doflamingo's eyes widened.

But the next moment.

"what you up to!"

Katakuri's eyes narrowed.



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