One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 160 Monster falls from the sky

There were eight guys in total who were suddenly squeezed out of the air. One of them had a hair style like a horn. At this time, his eyes were turned white and he fainted on the ground.

Brett focused on this guy.

If you can quietly lead people to Charlotte Lingling, then of course you can also lead the navy troops to the human island silently.

This guy has to die here.

There were four other people half-kneeling on the ground with sweat on their faces. Their bodies were trembling uncontrollably. They could no longer stand upright just after being hit by Charlotte Lingling's domineering force.

There were only three people standing. The leader was a middle-aged man with a pale face and no beard. He was about two meters tall and looked very thin.

The other two people following him were a man and a woman. The man was tall and strong, and the woman had an ordinary face but a very hot figure. The two of them were also sweating profusely. They were obviously facing the dominator of Charlotte Lingling. Color is not without influence.

What a pity it failed.

Brett sighed very much.

They actually called CP9's Bruno over. The power of the Gate Fruit was indeed amazing, and they were just a little short of actually rescuing Doflamingo.

Although Charlotte Lingling is always slow, there is no doubt that she is powerful in frontal combat.

"Who are these guys?"

Tezzolo looked at the sudden appearance of several people in astonishment, and asked in amazement, "Are you the back-up man of the Don Quixote family?"

"Hahahaha, he must be from the government!"

Morgans turned around in his busy schedule and said with a smile, "Of course Wulaoxing won't just watch him and Lingling get married, after all,"

He said meaningfully, "That guy Doflamingo is still a former Celestial Dragon, and he still knows some of the secrets of the Celestial Dragon."


Tezzolo nodded understandingly.

He looked at Brett with a smile.

This means that now that the operation to save Doflamingo has failed, the next step will be to kill Doflamingo, right?

Should we cheer for these guys?

Tezzolo was almost beaming with joy.

However, it seems that it is very difficult for them to kill Doflamingo now.

Charlotte Lingling held Doflamingo in her left hand and looked at the CPs with extremely cold eyes.

At the same moment, Katakuri, Clark, and Smoothie surrounded him from three different directions.

CP0's group has been completely surrounded.

The man who was already pale now looked even more pale, and he looked very sad.

The man and woman behind him looked even more solemn.

Because, Charlotte Lingling's ability has been activated.

"Life or Answer!"

Charlotte Lingling was roaring like this.

The soul spell belongs to Emperor Charlotte Lingling, and is used to plunder and torture the soul!

As long as you have even the slightest fear of her, your soul will be taken away by her in an instant!

Either fulfill her request or give up your soul!

Obviously, there are people among the CPs who are afraid of Charlotte Lingling.

But everyone gritted their teeth and said nothing. …

None of them were willing to comply with Charlotte Lingling's request to answer her questions.

So of course, something like translucent bubbles rose up from the four CP0s who were kneeling on the ground and flew directly towards Charlotte Lingling.

"Didn't I tell you that you must not have any fear when facing this woman?"

The white-faced man looked at Charlotte Lingling who held the souls of four subordinates in her hands and sighed helplessly.

What an exaggerated ability!

Brett couldn't help but sigh when he saw this scene.

Although there is a condition that one must be afraid of Charlotte Lingling, but combined with her terrifying reputation for stopping children crying at night, her unparalleled strength, and her terrifying overlord-like domineering power, there are not many people in the entire sea. A guy who won't be intimidated by her.

In an instant, there were only three CP0 teams left.


Although the opponent's number was reduced by more than half in an instant, Charlotte Lingling was still a little unhappy. There were still three guys standing, which meant that there were still three guys who were not afraid of her.


She said, "Are these guys also your family members?"

Doflamingo looked at the CP0s who had obviously come to save him, and a sneer suddenly appeared on his lips, "I don't know them."

"Don't you know? Forget it, I'm not interested in your origins either,"

Charlotte Lingling hugged Doflamingo, "Katakuri!"

"I understand, Mom."

Katakuri raised the trident in his hand, and he absolutely obeyed his mother's orders.

These guys must die.

On the cake platform that had become crooked due to Pika's fuss just now, Stussy's smile had become extremely forced. The operation failed completely, and even several colleagues were about to get stuck here.

Even if I can survive, I'm afraid there won't be any good fruits to eat after I go back.

She couldn't help but cast her eyes on Brett.

But Brett just watched calmly.

Brett, why are you just watching?

Have you betrayed the government?

Bright completely pretended to have forgotten his promise to the Five Old Stars to help CP deal with Doflamingo.

Just kidding, if you want to do something against Doflamingo now, you really have to face Charlotte Lingling.

Brett shook his head regretfully, and could only watch these CP0s die here.

Really, I almost laughed out loud -

Brett looked up suddenly.

In the sky, at some point, thick clouds had blocked the sun, and among the clouds that blocked the sky, Bright heard an unusual sound.

That was a voice that was definitely on par with Charlotte Lingling or even surpassed her.

"It's really coming."

Brett secretly thought.

His guess came true.

Because of Doflamingo, the two monsters are about to meet!

"This is!!"

Katakuri's expression also changed drastically at this moment, and he shouted in a panic, "Mom!"

The child who screamed for his mother did not receive a response, and loud laughter came from the clouds, "Oh, giggle, giggle! Lingling! How many years have we not seen each other?"...

Hearing the familiar voice, Charlotte Lingling immediately realized who had arrived. She laughed and said, "Mom, mom!! Are you here specially to attend my mother's wedding?"


This name seemed to have a strange magic power. When it came out of Charlotte Lingling's mouth, everyone present fell silent instantly.


Tezzolo's eyes widened, and he hurriedly looked back at Tanaka.

Mr. Tanaka nodded solemnly, he was ready to activate his ability at any time.

"Kaido?? Hahahaha!! What a wonderful wedding!"

Morgans was so excited that he filmed Captain Telephone Bug in the sky.

Even Stussy had a look of hope again in her eyes.

The guy who disrupted the situation is here, so will things turn around today?

Whoosh! !

Above the clouds, a black shadow suddenly fell.


When he hit the ground, the entire venue shook, and smoke and dust filled the sky!

And this huge smoke and dust was blown away by the strong wind in the next moment.

The source of the strong wind is——


The monster was laughing loudly, and the mere laughter brought up an amazing wind,

"Lingling!! Happy wedding!!"

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