One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 161 Brawl! Bright goes to war

The muscles all over his body are tangled, a pair of big horns are twisting on the top of his head, and his dark hair is fluttering in the wind.

Looking at the man who was laughing wildly, Brett couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

In terms of height, she is slightly shorter than Charlotte Lingling, but her wild spirit does not seem weak at all, or even worse.

Just standing there can attract everyone's attention and make everyone who looks at him fearful!

"This is Kaido of the Hundred Beasts!"

Tezoro looked at Kaido in surprise. He never thought that another monster from the new world would appear at this time.

"Hahahaha, if that's the case, things will get really lively next time!"

Charlotte Lingling versus Hyakushou Kaido, this is a showdown that makes people excited just thinking about it!

The cadres of the Charlotte family were all ready at this time, and Katakuri's head was even covered with sweat. Even as arrogant as he was, he knew what kind of power Kaido represented!

But at this time, the eyes of several people in CP0 were filled with joy.

They knew the relationship between Kaido and Doflamingo. When they saw Kaido appear, they immediately understood that this guy was here for Doflamingo.

In this case, Kaido is their helper to a certain extent.

But of course, they wouldn't be stupid enough to tell Kaido that they could cooperate.

Given the character of this monster, the most likely course of action would be to give them a blow first.

Just wait silently for the opportunity.


Kaido's arrival gave so many people hope, and even Doflamingo couldn't help but have a look of expectation in his eyes at this time.

Charlotte Lingling noticed this keenly, and the cheerful smile of her old friend who had not been seen for a long time quickly turned cold.

"Kaido, I have received your blessing, so it's time for you to get out of here, right?"


Kaido smiled and said, "What are you talking about? Now that the wedding is over, you, an old woman, should have all the fun, right? Then, hand over the person to me honestly!"

"Don't say you don't know, this idiot Doflamingo is my man!"

"You are the one who is saying stupid things, right?"

Big Mom has already stretched out his hand towards the bicorn hat on his head, "Dover, you are my groom. You bastard, do you want to disturb my wedding?"

The bicorn hat has begun to change form, with a huge and sharp blade extending from the top. This hat turned into a big knife in Charlotte Lingling's hand.

At the same moment, Kaido also took out his mace from the feather cloak on his back.

The two have been friends for many years and can tell what the other is thinking with just one look.

Charlotte Lingling threw Doflamingo out, and then in the next moment, her fat body ejected, "Come on, kid! Let me see your kid's progress over the years!"

"Emperor's Sword - Broken Blade!"


Thunder gossip!


Black lightning danced on the mace in Kaido's hand, and his speed was even better than Charlotte Lingling. …

The next moment, the knife and stick collided.

No, they didn't collide together, the mace and the sword collided in the air!

There is a fierce conflict between invisible forces!

Thick, mostly black lightning shot up into the sky, and the turbulent wind swept across the entire venue almost instantly. A large number of unlucky people who were not strong enough were blown directly into the sky by the strong wind!

Taizuoluo stretched out his hand to block the wind and said with disbelief, "Didn't you touch it?"

what happened? Why didn't these two guys' weapons collide?

Is it domineering? Is that also domineering?

Brett remained motionless in the strong wind. He just smiled and watched the collision between the two.

The battle between the overlords, the showdown between the top powerhouses!

"Hey! Brett! Look at the sky!


Tezoro screamed in disbelief.

Brett raised his head. Although he had already prepared himself, he still couldn't help but be amazed after seeing the scene in the sky.

In the sky, the clouds split!

A bottomless chasm opened in the middle of the clouds that covered a small half of the sky, and then the clouds continued to recede toward both sides.

Just in an instant, all the white clouds in the sky disappeared, and the sun was shining brightly!

"what is this!"

Tezolo said he couldn't understand it at all, "Can the confrontation between two people even change the celestial phenomena?"

These are the real top powerhouses on the sea!

But while Charlotte Lingling and Kaido were taking action, someone else had also started taking action.

"Ready for action!"

The pale CP0 lowered his voice, "No. 3, go wake up Bruno."

The only woman among the trio nodded solemnly.

Now I feel a little lucky that the guy was unconscious from the beginning.

"Then number two, come with me!"

The white-faced man looked at Doflamingo, who was already being protected by the Charlotte family officials, "Target change, plan two! We can't let Kaido take the target."

Kaido now knows that Doflamingo is a Celestial Dragon.

The muscular man nodded heavily.


With a command, the three of them shot out in two separate waves.

"act recklessly!"

Cracker sneered, controlled the biscuit armor and strode to meet the enemy, slamming down the sword in his hand.

The thin, white-faced man showed extraordinary reflexes. A weird side of his body avoided Cracker's sword like a hemp rope.

Then he stepped forward and kicked Cracker in the chest.


The biscuit soldier was kicked straight away, and the biscuit shell began to disintegrate halfway.

"This guy is so awesome!


Smoothie, who was expecting Brother Cracker to easily suppress the enemy, said in shock, "Brother Cracker's cookie armor was broken in just a moment?"

The white-faced man was unyielding when he gained the upper hand. He flew into the air and launched himself to pursue Cracker.

Cracker gritted his teeth and sprouted several biscuit arms, wielding the biscuit sword and slashing at the white-faced man.

However, the body of the white-faced man is twisting.

He became like a thin thread, easily moving through the storm of blades, and the blade of Cricka couldn't even touch him. …

"You guy, do you mean-"

Cracker's hole tightened, and he thought of some possibility.


The white-faced man said nothing and already made a fist with his right hand.

"Baked rice cakes!"

A sound like thunder exploded, and a dark fist flew through the air.

The white-faced man ejected backward to avoid the blow.

He turned his head.

"Smoothie, look at Doflamingo."

Katakuri stepped forward with a trident, "I will be your opponent!"

He said.

"Katakuri! Show me the good Dover!"

Charlotte Lingling, who was constantly waving her blade against Kaido, turned around and said loudly.

"Uh-huh-huh! Do you still have time to look around? Lingling!"

Kaido smiled, and the attack suddenly became more fierce.

"Let's go too!"

At this time, the cadres of the Don Quixote family who were already in despair also gained confidence.

“Go rescue Dover!




The situation on the battlefield is very chaotic now, and they may not have a chance to rescue Doflamingo.

Even Doflamingo himself couldn't help wagging his fingers slightly.

"Hey, you guy, don't even think about taking advantage of the chaos."

The sword in Smoothie's hand was already pointed at Doflamingo.

Doflamingo grinned.

"Uh-huh-huh! Then let's make it more lively!"

Kaido suddenly burst out laughing, "All!


Charlotte Lingling's expression changed.

Very high in the sky, a black shadow suddenly fell!

In just a few breaths, he had reached low altitude.

At this time, he could already see his appearance clearly, with dark wings, dark leather clothes, and a burning flame behind his head.

Everyone knows his name, the strongest man under Kaido.

The end of the disaster!

"Ah! It seems I'm free!"

Doflamingo was no longer willing to endure it. He laughed and jumped up. The silk thread in his hand had gathered into a thread whip and whipped it towards Smoothie.



Smoothie met the attack with his sword.

At the same time, the body of the man following the white-faced man has also expanded!

It turned into an ankylosaurus lying on the ground and covered with a thick armored stomach and began to rampage!

Ancient species!

"Damn it, Kaido!"

Charlotte Lingling was quite angry.

She didn't expect that Kaido would bring everything this time!

"Uh-huh-huh! Lingling, I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence!"

Kaido laughed.

He stepped up his offensive, not giving Charlotte Lingling any chance to escape from the battlefield.

However, it is not true that there is no other combat power on his side.

Charlotte Lingling gritted her teeth and said, "Britt!"

She shouted loudly, "I need your help!"


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