One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 162 Duel with Jhin

"Bright, I need your help!"

Charlotte Lingling said so.


Kaido was stunned for a moment, "Bright——"

This name is not very unfamiliar, he has heard of it.

Doflamingo is the enemy that has always been in his heart.

Does Lingling mean to let that guy deal with Jhin?

Kaido sneered.

"Jiang Sanshi·Yinnaraku!!"

Kaido jumped up, spinning the mace in his hand, and then crashed down. The dark thunder spread upwards and shot straight into the sky.

"I can talk to you later!!"

Charlotte Lingling yelled, holding the big knife tightly with both hands, and struck back with the knife without showing any weakness.

That guy Bright is strong enough to suppress Katakuri. If he is willing to take action, then stopping that guy Jhin is definitely not a problem.


Brett felt helpless when his name was suddenly called.

He just wanted to watch the show.

"Hey, Brett, what do you say?"

Tezzolo looked like he was enjoying the excitement and looked back with a smile, "If you help now, then the other purpose of coming to Cake Island this time will be achieved."

This time, in addition to watching Doflamingo's excitement, the other purpose of coming to Cake Island was to resolve the trust issue between him and Charlotte Lingling.

Bright raised his head, and in the sky, a giant bird like a heavy bomber had arrived.

"Fire Emperor!"

The man called Yan Disaster turned into a huge pteranodon. His wings just waved downwards, and the huge flames gathered into a ball and fell downwards.

It's like the sun has fallen from the sky!

"Hey Hey hey!!"

Smoothie, who was waving his sword to prevent Doflamingo from escaping, raised his head in panic and shouted, "Who will stop this guy!"

Immediately two brothers jumped on.

Katakuri's two twin brothers, Charlotte Owen and Charlotte Daifuku.

Owen is a superman with the heat fruit ability. He can emit high temperatures, so he was not afraid at this time, wrapped in armor, and rushed towards the fireball falling from the sky, directly hitting the fireball and exploding it.

Dafu is like the magic lamp in fairy tales. He rubs his abdomen and releases a stream of smoke.

This smoke crossed the fireball and stopped in front of Jhin. Then the smoke condensed and turned into a djinn wielding a huge war blade.

"Don't block the road! Emperor Dan Gong!"

Facing the two brothers who were attacking, Jhin even sped up. His wings were already dark, but now they were covered in a domineering sheen!


The huge demon's body had been cut off at the waist before the war blade in his hand fell.


Owen was even more miserable. He fell down like a baseball that was hit hard by a bat, and his arms were already dripping with blood.


Owen crashed into the ground, the ground undulated like waves, and a big hole was blown open.

"damn it!!"

Smoothie's expression changed drastically.

This guy is so strong that the two brothers are no match for him!

But I can't make any use of it at this time.

"Brother Brett,"

While Brett was still watching the show, Stussy suddenly said, "Didn't Lingling ask you to help?"

She smiled and said, "We are all friends, don't let her down!"

Brett raised an eyebrow.

Got it, you want to kill Doflamingo right here instead of letting him be rescued by Kaido, right?


The positions among the three parties are constantly changing.

When Kaido first appeared on the scene, he was clearly a strong supporter of CP0.

But it's completely different now.

Brett curled his lips and said, "Since it's a request from a friend, well, there's a reason why I have to go."

Lightning splashed on his body, and in the next moment, he flew directly into the sky like a meteor.

"Oh, Six Styles!"

Stussy covered her mouth and chuckled.

However, if someone looked at her carefully, they could see a hint of horror in her eyes.

This guy's proficiency in Tsukibu is so high!

Even among CP0, there are few who are faster than him.

In just an instant, Bright was already high in the sky, and a black shadow almost reached his eyes.

"Get out of the way!!"

Jhin's voice was quite cold.

This is natural, after all, to him, Bright is just a nobody.

In the flames behind his head, flaming bullets shot out one after another, as if they were about to turn Bright into a hornet's nest.

But Bright didn't even think about dodging, and went straight up towards the bullet.

Puff puff puff puff.

The bullets used exploded small flowers on Brat's body one after another, but they were unable to hurt him at all.


Jin was shocked.

Such physical strength!

He has only seen it in himself, Mr. Kaido and Charlotte Lingling!

What's going on with this kid?

Before he had time to think, lightning was already in front of him.

"Electricity Propulsion - Mystery - Oniwa Shoken!"

Bright's fist was wrapped with electricity.

"Emperor Dan Gong!"

Jhin's wings fell off.

boom! !

There was thunder in the sky.


Kaido, who was fighting fiercely with Charlotte Lingling, turned his head in surprise.

That guy actually stopped Jin?

"Mom, Mom! Kaido! It's too early for you to be proud!"

Charlotte Lingling laughed.

Brett's strength is indeed extraordinary.

Next, you have to win over him!

In the sky, after a collision, Bright and Jhin pulled away at the same time.

What a hard body!

Bright clenched his fists and fired towards Jhin, sighing in his heart.

Even the flowing domineering energy can't break his defense!

In a defensive state, this guy is probably tougher than Kaido.

What a powerful force! So powerful and domineering!

The flames on the back of Jhin's head extinguished, and when he flapped his wings, his speed instantly increased by more than one level, and he was even not inferior to Bright at all.

In a flash of lightning, he came around to Bright's side.

He had returned to his human form and pulled out the long knife from his waist, flames rising from the blade.

Cut with the blade!

It's fast, but not too fast!

Bright's reflexes were unrivaled by anyone in the world. He stepped on the air and pulled back, avoiding Jhin's blow, and punched at the same time.


The three abilities of electric wave, domineering energy, and water wave merged into one, and the magnificent wave spread out in an instant, directly blowing Jhin away.


Jhin screamed in pain, and the fire on the back of his head quickly rekindled, and he entered a defensive state again.

While his speed slowed down, Bright had already advanced again.

"Go on! Yan disaster!"

Brett's smile was quite enjoyable.

The fluid level of domineering cannot break the anti-ember, so what about internal destruction?

Give it a try, this man is the best sparring partner!

Fight, continue!

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