One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 167 The Country of Wano

Just like when she went to Wano Country in the original work, Charlotte Lingling did not bring a large fleet, but just boarded her ship, the Queen Mother Anthem, and set off with the main cadres of the family. .

After all, the enemy is Kaido, so bringing a group of soldiers is of no use. The monster only needs one round of overlord-colored sweeps to clear the battlefield.

Quality is more important than quantity. Except for the eldest son Perospero and the eldest daughter Combat who stayed behind in Wanguo, Charlotte Lingling took away almost all the elite family cadres.

She is not worried that someone will take this opportunity to go to Wan Guo to cause trouble.

Not many people in this new world have the courage to challenge the Charlotte family.

The two ignorant and fearless Perospero are more than enough to handle it.

The Queen Mother Anthem set sail like this, aiming directly at the country of Wano.

This ship is quite large, with a length of several hundred meters. It is like a moving fortress on the sea, and its various living facilities are quite complete. In Bright's opinion, it is no different from a small town.

But the only thing that made Bright a little dissatisfied was that most of the food provided on the ship were sweets. This was of course normal for the Charlotte family, but it was really hard for Bright to accept.

Fortunately, he has a good status on this ship and can find cooks to cook.

What's a little more troublesome is that Perospero didn't come, and the Charlotte family officials on the ship didn't have a good attitude towards him.

It just means that no one comes to trouble him. Most of the time, he acts like a transparent person and pretends he doesn't exist.

Brett was happy to be free, no one came to disturb him, and he could seize the time to practice.

I have become very proficient in the technique of flowing armed domineering outwards, and I also have a deep understanding of internal destruction.

The success rate of using it in the previous battle with Jhin has been getting higher and higher, and the confrontation with Kaido has made the proficiency of internal destruction a big step forward.

Bright estimated that even if he didn't experience any more battles, he would be able to master this skill in just a few days.

Teacher Leili is indeed right. As long as the basics are sufficient, it will no longer be difficult to learn these advanced domineering techniques.

After mastering the internal destruction of the armed color, it’s time to entangle the overlord color, right?

Brett stood on the deck beside the ship, looking at the calm sea and thinking in his heart.

Junior Brother Straw Hat learned the overlord color winding at the age of nineteen. It seems that his speed is not slow and he can definitely catch up with his progress.

We already know the method of cultivating the Bawang color entanglement from Senior Whitebeard, so the last thing left is to see and hear the color haki to foresee the future, right?

Although my ability to listen to my heart is no weaker than to foresee the future, and I have restrained this ability to a certain extent, but who wouldn't want it?

You can use it, but you can’t live without it, right?

The problem is that Mr. Rayleigh doesn't know this technique, so do we have to ask another teacher?

Katakuri? Or Mr. Kaido?

Just when I was thinking about Katakuri, Katakuri really came over.

This man was a little taller than Brett, and he walked aside silently.

Brett looked up at him.

"I don't know what your purpose is this time, but it's best not to attack the family."

Katakuri's voice was very calm, "Otherwise, I will never let you go."

Brett could hear his voice, and he didn't have any trust in himself.

It's normal. If you can trust yourself, that would be a strange thing.

Brett didn't care about this, he just smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm a friend of the Charlotte family."

"Besides, this is a bit unrealistic for you to say, Katakuri?"

The personality of a strong person must be well maintained.

Katakuri snorted.

Of course he knew he couldn't win against the man in front of him.

Previously in the forest, this guy just tried his best and already exhausted himself.

"This kind of weak threat will only make you look fierce and weak,"

Bright turned back and continued to look at the sea, "At least become a little stronger, and don't say such things to me again."

"You guy!!"

Katakuri felt insulted.

"Always living under the protection of mother's wings, the eaglet cannot spread its wings and fly."

Bright said this, "If you want to become stronger, try to get rid of Charlotte Lingling's influence on you, Katakuri."

"A strong person should be fearless, and only a strong person can protect what he wants to protect, right?"

Katakuri was stunned for a moment.

This man is really a pity.

He has all three colors of domineering, and his knowledge and color have been honed to the point of perfection. He has the talent to become the strongest.

But the final strength was far from the level of the top experts.

It can only be said that living in such a family gave him some psychological problems.

But Bright has no idea about the Charlotte family's family problems.

He simply thought it would be interesting if Katakuri and Charlotte Lingling had a disagreement.

Katakuri left without saying a word, and Bright didn't know if he would listen to her words.

The ship continued to move forward and sailed for several days. Finally, the water became turbulent, and stone pillars protruded from the seabed around it.

"Mom, mom! It's finally here!"

Charlotte Lingling came to the deck, laughing and looking forward.

Brett is also looking ahead.

At the end of the horizon, an island is slowly emerging.

It was huge, much bigger than any island Bright had ever seen before.

This is the country of Wano.

The country of the samurai occupied by the Beast Pirates, the place where Pluto sleeps.

"BIG·MOM, I'll take the first step."

Brett told Charlotte Lingling that of course he did not intend to act together with the Charlotte family, "If you need any help, please feel free to contact me."

"Go ahead and do whatever you want Brett! Mom, Mom!"

Charlotte Lingling laughed loudly, "Just remember to come to my mother's celebration party in the end."

He is very confident.

"Then I'll take my leave now."

The lightning on Bright's body flashed, and in the next moment it turned into a meteor that shot straight into the sky, and soon disappeared at the end of the sky.

"Mom, is it really okay to let this guy go?"

Smoothie looked at the empty sky and couldn't help but ask.

Charlotte Lingling didn't look back, "That guy is a fishman. Can any of you stop him at sea?"

The cadres were silent.

"Okay, don't worry about that guy, the more important thing now is the battle with Kaido!!"

Charlotte Lingling laughed and waved her hands, and white balls of light flew out from her hands, and then fell into the sea below.

The next moment, the sea surface rose, and huge waves lifted the entire ship.

"Mommy mommy!"

There was a huge face on the waves, smiling, "I'm here to help!"

same moment.

Bright has arrived at the sky above Wano Country at lightning speed.

Looking down from above, the country's environment is already quite bad, with wasteland everywhere.

But what does this have to do with him?

"Should we go to the Flower City first or the Rabbit Bowl first?"

Should we go to see the Mason first, or to see Hades first?

"It's better to go find someone to ask for directions first."

Although I know where Wano is, I don’t know the specific location.

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