One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 168 The Capital of Flowers, the Black Carbon Snake

Wano Country may be one of the largest countries in the world.

This is the hometown of the samurai, and has maintained a closed-door policy for the past eight hundred years.

A long time ago, this place was called the land of gold. People from overseas flocked here. Then, the first samurai who shocked the whole world appeared.

The warrior's name is Shigetsuki Ryoma, and he is known as the Dragon-Slaying Warrior.

After Ryoma, Wano Country remained out of sight of the world for hundreds of years, until more than ten years ago, another powerful warrior, Kozuki Oden, appeared on the sea.

But that was more than ten years ago. The only impression people at sea now have about Wano is that this country is already the territory of the Beast Pirates, and the monster named Beast Kaido is entrenched here.

Now, Brett is in this country.

Bright didn't know what the country of Wano looked like in the past, but the current country of Wano was indeed very dilapidated.

When Bright passed over the sky, what he saw were factories spewing thick smoke that appeared every now and then on a barren land.

To a certain extent, Bright felt that Kaido and he had some common ideas.

For example, develop industry.

But the difference is that they focus on developing livelihood industries and pay great attention to pollution issues.

Kaido, on the other hand, has completely built Wano into a huge weapons factory. All the citizens and resources in this country are just consumables for his use.

So the result now is that this country is already in ruins.

"It's so sad."

Bright fell from the sky and landed on a road in the wilderness.

The people of this country are really sad.

Met a naive and foolish monarch.

Met two crazy lunatics.

Brett reminded himself in his heart that this world is never fair, and this is the fate of the weak.

Fish-Man Island must not be weak, and he must become stronger.

Brett turned to look at one end of the road.

On the other side, a motorcade was bringing smoke and dust billowing all over the sky.

A huge four-wheeled vehicle was pulled forward by two huge lions, and around the large vehicle, a group of guys riding on the backs of dinosaurs protected it.

Brett could clearly see that the large cart was piled high with various fruits, vegetables and meat.

The environment of Wano Country is seriously polluted, and most of the areas have become wastelands and can no longer produce food. Of course, it doesn't matter what happens to the ordinary people. The current general, Kurotan Orochi, rules here with the mentality of destroying this country.

But he and the Beast Pirates both have to eat.

Therefore, among the heavily polluted land, the Beast Pirates and the Orochi Shogunate opened up Taoyuan Townships, which are plantations, dedicated to growing food and raising animals.

And this vehicle is obviously a vehicle for transporting supplies.

The knights surrounding the cart also noticed Bright standing on the roadside. Several of them slapped the dinosaur's butt and ran towards Bright quickly.

"This look—are you an outsider?"

The leading knight had his gun pointed at Bright and asked loudly.

The attire of local residents of Wano is completely different from that of overseas residents, and they can be easily recognized at a glance.

Brett's eyes narrowed.


The air began to vibrate, and invisible energy roared out instantly.

In just an instant, the strong wind swept past several knights approaching here and swept through the entire convoy.

Whether it was the knights, the dinosaurs who were riding on them, or the lions who were pulling the cart, all of them rolled their eyes and fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth.

My overlord color has become much stronger than before.

Brett took the initiative to walk in the direction of the motorcade, while thinking to himself.

The intensity of Overlord Color's domineering energy cannot be improved through practice. Only when the user himself becomes stronger will Overlord Color become stronger.

Of course he has become stronger, and he has become much stronger. His armed domination has made a qualitative leap, even twice.

So of course, the intensity of Overlord Color's domineering energy has also reached a new level.

Not all of the knights fainted, there was one guy who looked at him getting closer with a look of horror on his face.

There has to be one guy left to ask for directions.

He has also become more and more proficient in the precise control of Overlord Color's domineering energy.

"Can you tell me where the Flower Capital is?"

Brett came to this guy and asked calmly.


The knight was stunned for a moment, then nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

You can tell at a glance that this is someone you absolutely cannot afford to offend.

Later, Bright rose into the sky again with lightning and flew directly towards the end of the sky.

The country of Wano is very large, but it is only relative to other countries on the sea, and the actual area is only that much.

Bright's speed was lightning fast, and not long after, a city appeared at the end of his sight.

This is the capital of Wano Country, the Capital of Flowers.

As the distance got closer, Bright could see the big tree winding upward in the center of the city at a glance.

There is also a building built on the tree, which is Orochi's castle tower.

If I remember correctly, there is a passage leading underground in the castle tower. If you go down, you can see the towns of Wano that were eight hundred years ago and are now submerged.

Then you can find the road signs.

finally reached.

Bright curled his lips, accelerated again, and flew across the sky with a roar of thunder. Soon he had passed over the Flower Capital as the residents of Wano Country raised their heads in surprise, and then headed directly towards the castle tower. The pavilion fell away.

On the top floor of the castle tower, a short-built man with a wretched and crooked face wearing a crown was walking around with a solemn expression.

"BIG·MOM! This bastard Kaido has really attracted a formidable enemy!"

Some bad news came from the Beast Pirates.

Man, the nominal supreme ruler of this country, General Heitan Orochi was somewhat worried.

Kaido is his biggest support. If something goes wrong with that guy, he himself will be doomed——


There was a sudden loud noise from above, the roof exploded, and a black shadow fell down.

Black Carbon Orochi was stunned for a moment.

In the smoke, Bright stepped out.

He saw the stunned black charcoal snake at a glance.

"Oh, it's you."

Brett nodded slightly.

The shame of those with phantom beast abilities.

The king of sit-ups in Onigashima, the black charcoal snake.

"Fu Lu Shou!!"

The black charcoal snake screamed and crawled back, looking quite embarrassed.

Whoosh whoosh.

There were several continuous soft sounds, and strange-looking guys stood in front of Bright.

It's Orochi's ninjas.

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