One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 170 The War on Ghost Island, Pluto!

Brett began digging deeper.

This is not a difficult matter. Ordinary soil and rocks are not much harder than foam for Bright. Just scratch them with your paw and you can make a big hole in the ground.

However, Bright still felt that this digging speed was a bit too slow.

Need to speed up.

"Oniwa Shoken!"

Brett punched down.

The condensed wave instantly penetrated the ground below like a laser, opening a deep hole in the ground.

Brett nodded with satisfaction.

This excavation speed is considered appropriate.

keep it up!

While digging deeper, Brett let go of his sense of perception and tried hard to listen to any unusual sounds.

Since it is a legendary ancient weapon, it will naturally have an unusual sound, right?

Although Bright's knowledge is not known for its range, he can only rely on it now.

Just like that, down down, Brett dug his way down.

While Bright was still working hard on digging, the Beast Pirates were stationed in the Wano Inland Sea. The waters near Ghost Island.

The ship, which was singing with its mouth wide open, slowly approached the ghost island.

On the sea side of Ghost Island, warships have also left the port one after another and are heading towards the enemy.


On the bow of the battleship located at the front of the Beast Pirates' fleet, Kaido opened his mouth wide and roared angrily, "You dare to invade my territory without permission. You should know what will happen to you next, right?" "

There were three tall figures standing behind this man.

In addition to Jhin who went to Cake Island with him before, there was also a fat man holding a cigar, a tall young man.

Doflamingo stood a little behind the three.

He stared intently at the flashy ship that was approaching rapidly.

On the bow of that big ship, the woman who brought him indelible painful memories was clearly visible.


Charlotte Lingling was holding the big knife Napoleon, her voice was like thunder, no less than Kaido, "You ruined my wedding, snatched my groom away, and made me lose face in front of everyone!"

"You didn't think this was the end of it, did you?"

"That's because you're such a stubborn old woman!"

Kaido sneered and replied, "Doflamingo belongs to me! Just snatching him back is enough to save your face!"

"Mom, mom! You damn brat, you really have the guts to say that!"

Charlotte Lingling was extremely angry and laughed, "Then let me remind you now of my horror!"

"Come here if you dare, you bastard old woman!!"

Kaido drew out his mace and roared, swinging it around.


"Fight! Show these bastards some color!"

Charlotte Lingling also raised the big knife Napoleon in her hand high.

"Wei Guo!!"


A loud bang announced the start of the war.

Two of the three strongest pirate groups in the New World are now in full conflict.

And on the ghost island not far away, a figure with white upper and lower red quickly ran to the coast, and she looked towards the battlefield with excitement.

"It's so lively!"

Then she lowered her head dejectedly and looked at the two broken handcuffs on her hands.

"Asshole father!"

So what if it’s lively? It has nothing to do with her.

Brett's side.

Excavation work continues.

He felt that he had descended at least a thousand meters, and was definitely below the sea level.

You can already vaguely hear some special sounds coming from below.

In addition to the sound, the more obvious change is that the temperature is rising rapidly and it has become very hot.

It's like standing next to a steel furnace.

Ordinary people would probably be completely unable to continue at this point, but Bright was different.

He has incredible adaptability.

Keep going!

Another punch came down, and Bright once again made a deep gash.

But this time, light came from the hole.

Brett felt happy, had he found it?

He hurried down.

But when he came to the exit of the hole and looked down at the rock walls on both sides, he realized that he was wrong.


Brett couldn't help but marvel.

The red or even dark red color is constantly rolling and surging, with the sound of gurgling bubbles, scorching temperature, and rising heat.

It's magma.

Below is a spreading sea of ​​magma.

At most, this depth is not much below the sea level, but there is actually a magma sea of ​​this size.

The landscape of Wano Country is truly magical.

But Bright understood how Kaido and the two were knocked into the magma layer in the original work.

Luo's 800-meter-long sword did not reach the mantle of the earth, and the straw hat junior's big fist was not strong enough to hammer Kaido-sensei to the center of the earth.

It wasn't too deep originally.

But of course, it is already extremely exaggerated.

Such a shallow magma zone with such large reserves. If Bright hadn't seen the movie and knew it wasn't, he would have even suspected that this country was one of the End Points.

"Could it be that,"

Bright fell from the tunnel he dug, and the flame cloud wrapped around him, allowing him to float above the magma sea.

"Pluto, is he hiding under this ocean?"

Do you want to search for it in the magma yourself?

Brett twitched the corner of his mouth.

Even with his invincible adaptability, Bright didn't want to take a bath in lava easily.

In short, let’s use our knowledge and color to find out first.

Bright began to circle on the magma sea.

If Pluto is really hiding here, then some clues will eventually be found.

Now I can only be patient and look for it.

Of course, ordinary people cannot carry out search work in this environment, but Bright can.

The heat of the magma didn't cause him any trouble, it didn't even make him feel hot.

He flew around above the magma sea in his sight.

Then finally.

Bright stopped suddenly. He heard a distinctive sound coming from the magma pool below.

It's the voice of steel!

It's the sound of weapons!

It's the extraordinary sound of steel and weapons!

This is it, right?

Brett grinned, then he took a deep breath, his armed domineering energy covering his whole body, and he plunged into the magma.

I really want Kaido and Akainu to see me bathing in magma. What is the true strongest creature?

After the magma pool swallowed Bright, there was no change. It still exuded a scorching aura and was still rolling.

It wasn't until several minutes later that the surface of the magma pool exploded and Bright flew out again.

He was breathing heavily.

Unlike in the sea, there is no oxygen in the magma. Even if he is a fishman, he cannot breathe.


"It's amazing!"

Brett's eyes sparkled with excitement.

Really found it!

Hades is here!

The extremely evil battleship built by our ancestors eight hundred years ago that could destroy the world, Pluto, the King of Hades, is here.

"Too bad we can't move it now."

Brett sighed.

Even he can't move such a huge battleship out from below.

It should be said that no one can move it out.

Pluto's condition is more than just soaking at the bottom of magma.

Sukiyaki said that he must tear down all the high walls around Wano Country so that after the country is founded, Pluto can see the light of day again.

Bright felt that it might depend on the power of the elephant owner.

But this trip is totally worth it.

The exact location of Hades was confirmed and he even saw it with his own eyes.

Brett didn't hesitate and returned the same way.

Halfway up the tunnel he dug, he thought for a moment and punched the smooth rock wall next to him.

The passage begins to collapse.

Brett repeated this action while moving up.

It is enough for him to know the whereabouts of Pluto himself, there is no need for Mr. Kaido, who is already searching hard, to take advantage of him.

By the time he reached the room where the historical text was stored, the passage had completely collapsed.

But even this still left traces, so Bright simply hit the center of the room with a heavy punch.


The whole room was shaking and then shattering, the walls were crumbling, the dome was falling, and the whole room was collapsing.

As he went up, Bright was wreaking havoc.

Then, the water came.

In the passage leading up to the original Wano town, Bright smashed all the walls in this section, and the water that originally separated the walls poured in instantly, completely submerging everything.

Brett nodded.

That should be almost it.

The room where the historical texts were stored has been turned into ruins and completely submerged by the water, not to mention the passage leading below.

Even the fishmen probably can't do anything about it.

As for how Bright himself should go down next time he comes -

Besides, I don’t know how long it will take.

After almost destroying the downward passage, Bright jumped out of the castle tower.

Next, it's time to go to Rabbit Bowl to find the stonemason.

The first thing to do is to find someone to ask for directions.

When he landed on the ground, he saw a man appearing in front of him.

"who are you!"

The man had a bun pushed forward on his head, his eyes were narrowed, and the katana in his hand was already unsheathed and pointed directly at Bright.

Oh, I seem to have met a named character again.

"Can you tell me? How to get to Rabbit Bowl?"

Brett asked politely.

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