One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 171 Samurai, Geisha

Brett knew the guy in front of him.

Known as Kuangshilang, the local ronin leader of the Flower City is currently the most famous samurai leader in the country. He is equivalent to a mafia boss. Even now, there is a group of samurai behind him.

He is a subordinate of Black Tan Orochi, and he is probably attracted here because of what he did in the castle tower.

But of course, this identity is just a disguise he made to go undercover to the side of Kurotan Orochi. His real name is Denjiro, one of the Nine Red Scabbards under the command of the former Kuri Daimyo Kozuki Oden.

This was also a guy who left Bright speechless when reading the comics.

After all, what was the secret behind his and Hiyori Kozuki's undercover plan?

If Junior Brother Straw Hat doesn't come, even if they stay undercover until death, it won't make any sense.

However, although he didn't have any favorable impression of the Kozuki clan and its affiliates, Bright didn't bother to make enemies of them.

After all, it is this country that is unlucky because of Kozuki Oden, and it is likely that the people of this country will have to accept the rule of this country again in the future.

It has nothing to do with Bright or Fish-Man Island.

"Rabbit bowl?"

Denjiro, whose alias was Kushiniro, changed his expression after hearing Bright's question.

Of course, it is impossible for people in Wano to not know which direction the Rabbit Bowl is.

This guy is an outsider!

His tone became sharper, "Who are you? Why did you come out of General Orochi's castle tower?"

The castle tower was destroyed. Could this guy be here to cause trouble for Orochi?

Since he's from overseas, there's no way he doesn't know how powerful Kaido is.

Even so, he dares to come to the Flower Capital to cause trouble. What a bold guy!

Denjiro's thoughts flashed in his mind.

"I'm just a person asking for directions."

Bright looked down at Denjiro and said with interest.

So, will Denjiro, who is apparently a loyal subordinate of Orochi, become his enemy for Orochi?

"Ask for directions? There's really no way around it. I can't turn a blind eye to this."

The smile on Denjiro's face was as unpredictable as a fox's. He kept squinting his eyes, and others couldn't even see his eyes clearly.

But his disguise was meaningless to Bright, who heard clearly.

This guy felt very helpless.

The blade in Denjiro's hand was dyed black bit by bit with domineering power. This kind of power is called Ryuzakura in Wano. In terms of skill, the samurai in this country are even ahead of the average level of the sea. Many powerful ones Samurai all use fluid techniques.

"I just want you to go back to me and explain what you did."

Denjiro smiled.

Brett said nothing.

Denjiro's samurai had already begun to clear the area, telling the surrounding people to disperse.

Denjiro took a slow breath.

Since he is the enemy of the big snake, he should be driven away.

Thinking like this, in the next moment, he had already exerted his strength with his legs, and rushed straight towards Bright like a flash of light. He clenched the long black knife with both hands, and the sharp slash followed.

In order to avenge his master, Denjiro never stopped training. He practiced swordsmanship and domineering for decades.

Just to avenge the lord on the predicted day twenty years later, and to help the Kozuki family regain peace in this country!

The blade tore through the air, and the slashes were as moving as the moon!

Leave this country! Outsiders! It's so devastated that there's nothing left worth coveting.

Denjiro slashed with a sharp blade.

Brett felt a chill.

His swordsmanship is really good.

But it was much better than that idiot from Hozo who spent a year or two to understand the breath of all things and finally mastered the flying slash not long ago.

With this swordsmanship and domineering power, this guy is not a weakling even if he is placed in the new world. Except for a few special ones, all other vice admirals will definitely not be his opponents.



A soft sound.

Denjiro's originally squinted eyes gradually widened, and the exposed pupils were full of shock.

This, this is——

A hand grasped the blade of his knife.

It's like a hand made of sea floor stone, indestructible and unable to shake it at all!

This guy--

So strong!

Denjiro realized this.

Although I have tried my best to overestimate the strength of the man in front of me, now it seems that I still underestimated it!

"Just because I asked for directions, he pointed a sword at me,"

Brett pulled him casually, and Denjiro was directly pulled over by him. Then Brett grabbed his head and pulled him up, "That's really unkind, samurai."

The surrounding ronin warriors were horrified. The number one samurai in the Wano Kingdom, the boss of Kusushiro, was actually being toyed with like a child? The gap in strength is so huge!

Denjiro had a splitting headache, and it felt like his head was going to explode.

Who is this man?

Overwhelming power! The extremely powerful Liuying!

Are they the opponents Kaido and Orochi provoked overseas?

Bright threw the warrior in his hand to the ground, "Or should I praise you, you are really loyal to your master Orochi?"

Denjiro's hand holding the knife trembled.

There is only one master for him!

"The little lady can answer your questions!"

Quite a soft and pleasant sound.

Bright turned her head, and a well-dressed oiran came walking on tall wooden clogs. Behind her were several maids with frightened faces, who continued to persuade her.

"Xiao Zi!"

Denjiro's forehead suddenly broke out in cold sweat, "What are you doing here?"

This man is so powerful that he cannot match it!

If you come here now, how can I protect you?

"There is a problem here at the castle tower, and the little girl is really worried."

The woman has blue hair, tied up with complicated hair accessories, and is dressed in a gorgeous divination kimono. She is as bright as the sun. She exudes a soul-stirring beauty just by looking at her style.

No one can deny her beauty.

But Brett doesn't accept this.

Are you kidding me, you feel calm when facing the Pirate Empress, okay?

"That would be great."

Brett smiled and said, "If you tell me earlier, nothing will happen, right?"

"Mr. Kuangshilang is just loyal to his duty. Please don't embarrass him."

The beautiful courtesan bowed deeply towards Bright.

Denjiro's face instantly turned pale.

He was saved by the daughter of the master he had always wanted to protect!

Just like that day, nothing worked and I could only rely on the help of others?

Denjiro was shocked.

"As for the rabbit bowl, it's in this direction."

The oiran straightened up and pointed his slender fingers in a certain direction.

Brett looked in the direction of her finger, then nodded slightly, "Thank you very much."

Next, I went to find the masons to get the processing method of Kailou Stone. This trip to Wano Country was considered a complete meritorious deed.

Lightning began to flash from Brett's body.

Ready to take off.

When leaving, Bright turned to look at the Oiran again, and then looked at Denjiro.

For these guys, they are probably sad for their misfortune and angry for their misfortune, right?

He smiled and said, "Orochi should run away to find Kaido. If you want to do anything, you'd better hurry up."

Then, Bright turned into a ray of light and rushed into the sky in an instant, leaving only Denjiro and Oiran with stiff faces.

The two looked at each other in shock at the same time.

This man, does he know?

Bright was flying through the sky, and every time he stepped on the air, his body would fly forward like a rocket.

There was a smile on his lips.

It doesn't really matter how Kouzuki's guy is, but it would actually be good if he could cause some trouble for Kaido.

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