One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 173 River Pine, named Yamato

In the prison of Rabbit Bowl, Kaido is still fighting with Charlotte Lingling, completely unaware of what has happened here.

All the pirates of the Beast Pirates have been knocked to the ground, and all the restraints on the prisoners have been released.

Whether they were samurai, ronin, or craftsmen who were imprisoned here to process seastones for the Beasts Pirates, they had all regained their freedom at this time.

"Is it Lord Kawamatsu?"

The warriors looked at the fat man in astonishment as they were rescued from a separate prison.

This is not an unknown man.

On the contrary, he became famous in this country.

Kappa Kawamatsu was once one of the Nine Red Scabbard Heroes under Kozuki Oden.

"It was a samurai's fault to be imprisoned here due to an oversight."

He Song was a little embarrassed.

I was caught looking for something to eat because I was hungry. This kind of thing is a little unspeakable.

Moreover, the whereabouts of Princess Hiyori was not found until she was captured.

He was a little melancholy.

"Don't worry, we're not much better than you."

Huabao Goro smiled and comforted him, everyone was just a loser who had lost everything.

He turned to look at Bright, "Thanks to this gentleman, we can be saved this time."

Hesong also looked at Bright, "Thank you very much!"

"It goes without saying thank you."

Brett smiled and opened his right hand towards him, "Isn't it natural to help our compatriots?"

Hesong was stunned for a moment, and then a happy smile gradually appeared on his face.

He saw the webs between Brett's fingers.

"Are you from Fish-Man Island?"

Hesong suddenly wanted to cry and felt his eyes were sore.

Ever since he left Fish-Man Island and strayed into Wano Country with his mother when he was very young, he has never returned to his hometown.

The appearance of that beautiful island became a little blurry in his mind.

And now, he was actually saved by his compatriots, how could he not be moved by it?

Bright nodded and babbled, "I didn't expect to meet my compatriots here. What do you think, do you want to go back to Fish-Man Island with me?"

"Compared with the past, Fish-Man Island has undergone earth-shaking changes now."

Hesong's face clearly showed a look of yearning.

In fact, he has not returned to his hometown for many, many years.



Kawamatsu shook his head firmly, "I am a samurai under Lord Oden, and I have a mission that I must stay in this country to achieve!"

"Sorry, compatriot," he said apologetically, "I must stay."

I have to find Hiyori-sama!

"That's it."

Brett nodded.

Not surprising at all.

Inuarashi and Neko Viper, even if they give up the throne of Zuo, they still have to stay in Wano Country and serve as retainers of the Kozuki family.

I don't know how to evaluate it.

But since this was He Song's decision, Bright also respected him.

No matter what, Kozuki Oden was his great benefactor.

"But never forget, Fish-Man Island will always be your hometown no matter what."

Brett said seriously.

Fish-Man Island is really short of talent. Kawamatsu's strength ranks third in the entire Fish-Man Island, only behind Bright himself and Jinbe.


He Song nodded heavily.

I feel very warm in my heart.


Brett thought for a while, "You can go to the Flower Capital to find an oiran named Xiao Zi. You might get something unexpected."

"Xiao Zi?"

Hesong was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "Okay."

After saving your compatriots, you shouldn't deceive yourself, right?

Of course Bright didn't lie to him. He Matsuo would probably be so excited that he would burst into tears if he really met Xiao Zi.

It was someone he had lost and had been looking for for a long time.

"Anyway, everyone, let's say goodbye here,"

Brett looked around at the prisoners, "Be careful next time."

It is completely impossible to cause any trouble to the Beast Pirates in a head-on battle.

It has to be stretched a little.

"Really, thank you very much!"

Leopard Goro bowed deeply to Bright, "If you need help, please don't hesitate to use our strength."


Bright nodded happily, and then he looked at Hesong, "My name is Bright. Remember to come find me when you return to Fishman Island."


He Song nodded heavily.

He decided that after helping the Kozuki family retake Fish-Man Island, he would go back to Fish-Man Island no matter what.

Maybe I won’t stay there, I will still return to Wano Country, but at least I will go back to my hometown to see it.

"So, goodbye."

Bright returned to the sky, dragging a long line of thunder and lightning and disappearing into the end of the sky.

The people who finally regained their freedom were silent for a moment.

"Let's find a place to hide first."

Leopard Goro said, "We must not let Kaido discover our traces."

He Song said, "I want to go to the Flower City first. I'm very concerned about the little purple that Bright mentioned."

"Then let's agree on a meeting place."

Brett was thinking about River Pine.

The very helpless thing is that now there are two powerful fish-men in Wano Country, but neither of them will return to the fish-man island to help him.

Even that guy Jack is an enemy.

There's nothing you can do to accuse them.

Neither of them grew up on Fishman Island, and there's nothing wrong with wanting to follow the man they admire.

It just feels like a pity.

If those two guys are willing to return to Fish-Man Island and let them learn advanced Haki, then it won't be long before Fish-Man Island's high-end combat power is enough to be on par with the Pirate Emperors.

That's a pity.

But it's a pity that it's useless. People's thoughts are the most difficult to change.

Brett could only sigh in his heart, and then quickly headed towards the ghost island.

The two goals of coming to Wano Country have been achieved, now it's time to go see a show.

The prisoner had already been asked about the location of Ghost Island before, so there was no need to worry about finding the place.

It’s been almost a day since I arrived in Wano Country, and I don’t know how the fight on Onigashima is going.

Bright was very fast, but it took a long time to reach Onigashima across the entire Wano Country.

It was already late at night when we arrived at the coast and washed up on the inland sea of ​​Wano Country.

At this time, you can already see the rough waves on the sea.

The battle continues.

"It looks like the warm-up has just ended!"

Bright flew into the sky, and on a large ship below, Kaido, who had transformed into a dragon, and Charlotte Lingling, who was covered in blazing flames and wielding a sword, were having a passionate collision.

A big black bird with flames all over its body was hovering in the sky. On the same big ship below, rice cakes were surging beside Katakuri.

The battle has been going on for a long time, but it will continue for a long time.

Brett's arrival shocked many people.

Kaido frowned, "That brat!"

He was already very impressed with Bright.

After all, there are not many people in this world who can block his blow.

"Mom, mom!! Kaido!! It's not too late to admit defeat now!"

Charlotte Lingling laughed proudly.

"Stop being so arrogant!"

Kaido roared.

However, Charlotte Lingling had no intention of letting Bright participate in the war immediately.

Every time an outsider comes to help, how shameless is the Charlotte family?

Brett didn't take the initiative, so no one came to trouble him, and he was happy and free.

After watching the show in the sky for a while, he headed towards Onigashima.

Let's go eat something first. I'm a little hungry. Anyway, we won't be able to tell the winner for a while.

As if lightning flashed across the sky, he fell lightly and landed on the edge of the skull of Onigashima.


"Who are you? Are you from the Charlotte family?"

An excited voice sounded from the side.

Brett turned away.

A guy wearing a Prajna mask and a white top and red costume yelled excitedly next to him.


It is you.

Brett smiled, "Who are you?"

"I'm Yamato!"

The man said loudly, "He is the man who wants to become Kozuki Oden!"

"You guys are the enemy, right?"

I almost forgot about this guy.

Suddenly an idea came to me.

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