One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 175 Let’s move towards freedom, Yamato

In Yamato's surprised eyes, Bright reached out and grabbed the two handcuffs on Yamato's wrists.

The domineering energy instantly seeped into the handcuffs, and then——

The two hands shook like phantoms, and the two handcuffs suddenly flew into the sky.

boom! boom!

The two explosions were almost indistinguishable, bringing two brilliant fireworks to the coast at night.

Yamato's eyes widened.

Actually, it really exploded!

She was lucky at first, thinking that the handcuffs only limited her abilities.

However, it actually explodes.

"Oh, this is really——"

Brett couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

With his abilities and domineering suppressed, if he were exploded by such a bomb at close range, Yamato's hands might fly into the sky.

Kaido has always been very cruel to Yamato.

But he probably didn't really want to kill Yamato. After all, he also wanted Yamato to become the general of Wano and help him rule the country.

"That bastard dad!!"

Yamato almost gritted his teeth.

Changes that were supposed to happen nine years later are now ahead of schedule.

"Okay, now you're free, Yamato."

Brett smiled.


The anger on Yamato's face solidified.

Her whole body seemed to be petrified, motionless.

But Bright could hear something rising in her heart, and soon it was roaring like a bell.

"Am I free?"

She said in a daze.

"Nothing can restrain you, you can just do what you want to do." Bright said, "Isn't this freedom?"

"Yes, this is freedom!"

Tears welled up in Yamato's eyes, "Now I'm free!"

She bowed deeply towards Bright, "Although I don't know your name yet, I am extremely grateful! I will never forget this kindness!"

"Because I am Kaido's enemy and I just want to cause him some trouble."

Brett was very honest, "So it can't be said to be a favor."


Yamato was shocked, "Is that so?"

Brett couldn't help but want to laugh. I really don't know how Kaido could give birth to such a silly daughter.

"Go to the mainland of Wano Country, Yamato,"

Bright said, "I released the samurai prisoners in Rabbit Bowl, and they will probably lurk in Wano Country. You go find them, and then become Kozuki Oden who leads them."

"Becoming Kozuki Oden to lead them?"

Yamato's eyes lit up, "I understand! I will lead the samurai to drive away the bastard father!"

"If they don't believe you, just try saying my name,"

Bright tried his best to advise Yamato, "My name is Bright."

"In short, until you become good enough to keep up with Kaido, just keep a low profile and lurk in the dark to accumulate strength."


Yamato muttered something, then nodded heavily, "Remember!"

Brett smiled softly.

It is absolutely impossible for the samurai alone to fight against the Beast Pirates.

Not to mention Kaido, just sending out a Jhin or Quinn is a force they can't resist.

But adding a Yamato makes it different.

Yamato's talent is probably on the same level as the three Ice Sabo and Luffy brothers. Even though he has been wearing the handcuffs of Kailuishi since he was a child, he still has the strength to compete with the serious Kaido at the age of twenty-eight. .

Probably stronger than the twenty-seven-year-old redhead.

Now that she is out of bounds and growing up in an environment where she is fighting against the Beast Pirates, she may become stronger even faster.

Maybe it can really make Kaido anxious?

It doesn’t require any investment anyway, it’s just a matter of smooth sailing, right?

Moreover, if Yamato really becomes the general of Wano, wouldn't he be better than Kozuki Momonosuke? Anyway, he has no fruit to eat, so he might as well give up his position as general.

"Then let's go, Yamato."

Brett smiled and said, "Do what you want to do."


Yamato nodded heavily.

She turned around.

Then, it turned back.

"That's right Brett!"

Yamato took out a piece of paper, tore off a corner and handed it to Bright, "This is my life card. We will definitely meet again in the future, right?"

Brett reached out and took it. He nodded slightly, "Of course."

We will meet again.

I will come to Wano Country again, after all, Pluto is here.

It will be much easier if we add Yamato by then.

"Then, I'm off!"

Without any hesitation, Yamato's face burst into a smile of great joy and he jumped directly towards the sea.

Halfway through, her already slender body further elongated and turned into a white wolf wrapped in white mist!

When she landed on the sea, the ice gave her a foothold.

The white wolf turned around and smiled at Bright.

Then she galloped forward.

Towards freedom.

"Bastard thing!!"

On the battlefield in the distance, Kaido noticed something and suddenly turned his head angrily, "Yamato!! Where do you want to go!"

His voice was like thunder, exploding on the battlefield.

But Yamato of Mercedes-Benz turned a deaf ear.

Dad, you can't stop me this time.

"Mom, mom, Kaido, don't be angry!"

Charlotte Lingling laughed. Although she didn’t know what happened, she could just stop Kaido now.

The black lightning on the broadsword instantly became more fierce.


Kaido gritted his teeth, then raised his head and roared, "Jhin! Go and stop that idiot!"

Without any hesitation, Jhin, who was hovering in the sky, and Katakuri, who was currently acting out the scene of "I can't hit you, you can't hurt me," suddenly flapped his wings and flew high.

He was heading towards Yamato who was flying above the sea like a bomber.

"Yamato, go back and don't try to anger Mr. Kaido!"

His voice was cold.

At such a critical moment, he had to break away from a strong enemy to do this kind of thing.

This idiot really embarrasses Mr. Kaido!

Yamato's body trembled instinctively.

It's Jhin!

"Don't look back! Yamato!"

But suddenly, another voice came.

Yamato was stunned for a moment.

Then she smiled and sped up.

In the sky, someone dragged a long line of lightning and thunder across the sky, blocking directly in front of Jhin.

Bright heard Jhin's extremely angry voice and said with a smile, "Why should we stop people with dreams from running towards freedom?"

"You guy!"

Jhin's tone was extremely low.

There is a white trace on the sea surface, which extends all the way to the end of the ocean.

The next moment, the flames on the back of Jhin's head went out, and he switched to speed mode, but in the next moment he bypassed Bright and pursued Yamato on the sea.

He's really fast.


Crack! !

The Pillar of Thunder soars into the sky!

Brett's whole body was submerged in the thunder.

His weapon color has become stronger, which means that he can further increase the intensity of the current push!


Just by being stepped on, the air was knocked out and exploded, and Bright's speed increased to the limit speed that could be discerned by the naked eye.

He caught up with Jhin from the side.


Jhin's eyes were horrified.

Latest and first?

What speed is this?


Bright punched, "Oniwa Shoken!"

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