One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 177 The song ends and everyone disperses

On the sea outside Ghost Island, there is a shabby big ship floating on the sea.

Bright, Charlotte Lingling, and Kaido gathered around Doflamingo sitting on the deck, and learned from him a big secret that few people in the world knew.

"Is the government still hiding something like this?"

Charlotte Lingling's eyes were solemn.

"How can the world government rule the world for eight hundred years without any knowledge?"

Bright chuckled and said, "This world has always been dominated by the weak. The world government has been able to dominate the world for so many years, which of course means that they have been the strongest in this long history."

"The strongest?"

Kaido grinned. His teeth were almost white in color, so when he smiled, it always gave people a scary feeling. "Ugh, geek, geek, isn't this great? To become the supreme king, There is nothing better than defeating the strongest enemy! No, no, no, no, no! I am the strongest!"

Quite confident.

The suggestion here is to go through the navy first and then talk about government matters.

Brett felt a little solemn in his heart.

If Doflamingo is not lying, the World Government does hold unimaginable power in its hands.

The Five Old Stars are probably not bragging. The navy is just the surface of the world government.

And at a deeper level, the government has other forces that are equally strong or even more powerful.

Not to mention CP0, from Doflamingo's mouth, Bright also heard a strange name, the Knights of God stationed in Mariejoia, who are actually responsible for guarding the Celestial Dragons.

Doflamingo said that the leader of CP0 is indeed the strongest shield for the Celestial Dragons, but the Knights of God are the high wall that truly guards the Celestial Dragons.

Brett was even more curious about how Brother Tiger made such a fuss about Mary Joa.

Probably because the area where the slaves are located and the area where the Celestial Dragons live are not in the same place.

In addition to the so-called Knights of God, many Celestial Dragon families even have their own private soldiers. For example, the five old stars who are in charge of world power have a strong military force in their respective families. .

Even within the Tianlong people, competition still exists.

If you just want to be treated like rice bugs and raised as pigs, then of course you don't have to worry about anything. There is no doubt about the welfare of the Tianlong people.

But if you want to gain power, it's completely different.

However, these are secondary.

The most terrifying power in the hands of the World Government is what Doflamingo said is the national treasure of the Celestial Dragons.

That was something that could make monsters like Charlotte Lingling and Kaido sweat on their foreheads.

"Hey, you have to protect me!"

Doflamingo grinned, "Also, remember to look for the surgery fruit. Without me and the surgery fruit, you have no hope at all."

Kaido looked at Charlotte Lingling.

"Mommy mommy!"

Charlotte Lingling grabbed Doflamingo and said, "As I said just now, this guy belongs to my mother, Kaido!"

"However," she rolled her eyes, "after I have a few children with him, he will be useless. Then I can give you a son."

"Hmph," Kaido snorted coldly, "You'd better not break your promise, otherwise I will definitely make you regret it."

"Mommy mommy!"

Charlotte Lingling laughed.

Doflamingo had a calm expression and was sandwiched between Charlotte Lingling, just like an oversized rag doll.

He didn't show any dissatisfaction, nor even a trace of anger or fear.

It's very peaceful.

It was as if he had completely accepted his fate, and his heart had calmed down.

But Brett knew otherwise.

This man may have been depressed and despaired before, but those emotions were quickly forgotten by him.

Even now, he probably has a plan in mind.

He's a very tenacious guy.

"As for Brett, your words,"

Brett raised his head, and Charlotte Lingling looked at him with a smile, "We are friends. When the time comes, you can just stay with me."

It refers to the distribution of Tianlong people.

Brett smiled, "I don't care."

Isn’t it easy to catch a Tianlong?

Just be patient and squat a little longer in the Shampoo Islands.

The fruit of the operation is the key.

Do you know where it is? You still want to exclude me?

Brett had a smile on his face.

What responded to him was Charlotte Lingling's smile.

"Mom, Mom, as expected of you, Brett, you are so reasonable!" She laughed loudly, "Then let's have a banquet next!"

"Kaido, hurry up and get someone ready!"

"You order me."

Kaido was unhappy, but still prepared to call someone.

Then at this time, Bright said, "I don't need it for the banquet. Things here are over. I should return to Fish-Man Island as soon as possible. There are still many things waiting for me over there."

It was all because of Charlotte Lingling that Kaido tolerated letting Yamato go. There was even another reason because he felt that he would definitely be able to catch Yamato back.

But if what was done in the Flower City and Rabbit Bowl Prison is exposed, then Charlotte Lingling probably won't be able to stop Kaido.

Now that the battle is over, I'm afraid the call will come in soon.

Bright doesn't want to start a war with Kaido just yet.

So we can only retreat first.

"Bright, you kid is so disappointing." Charlotte Lingling was a little dissatisfied.

"BIG·MOM, you and Kaido are old friends."

Brett smiled and said, "I won't interrupt you to reminisce about old times."

Charlotte Lingling raised her eyebrows.

She understood that this boy didn't want to stay and put her in a dilemma between him and Kaido.

What a reliable kid.

"Well, I won't keep you here either."

Charlotte Lingling smiled broadly and said, "Have a safe journey!"

It can be said that all the goals of this trip have been achieved, and it is considered profitable.

Kaido didn't say a word. After all, if Charlotte Lingling wasn't there, the iron rod would have already hit Bright.

Lightning suddenly flashed across Brett's body.

"So, goodbye."

He smiled softly and rose into the sky in the next moment.

After flying all the way to the very high sky, and then moving forward until he was above Wano Country, Bright took out the permanent pointer of Fish-Man Island to confirm the direction.

Then, scaly claws began to grow on his body.

He transformed into his draconian form.

Flame clouds condensed under his feet, then stepped on and ejected!

The force obtained by stepping on the entity's flame cloud is of course much stronger than stepping on the air!

This time it really seemed like it was running on the ground.

Brett's speed at this time was comparable to when he was running at full speed on the ground!

And not long after he left, Ghost Island.

"That brat!! I'm going to kill him!!"

"Mom, mom, I know that boy Brett can run so fast."

The news came a little late.

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