One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 178 Famous in the world

Bright could probably guess what would happen on Onigashima soon after he left Wano Country. Kaido would definitely be furious, so he ran very fast.

What if Kaido gets angrier the more he thinks about it and finally catches up with him?

Wouldn't that make the situation very passive?

In fact, it was okay to let the prisoners of the rabbit bowl go. For Kaido, he probably wasn't angry that his precious daughter escaped.

But what Bright did in the Flower City was probably intolerable to Kaido.

Of course he knew that there were road signs and historical texts under the castle tower.

That is the trump card in the competition for the position of Pirate King!

And now, this card was copied by Bright and left.

How could Kaido not be angry?

Brett was certain that if he hadn't left in a hurry at that time, he would have started a fight with Kaido by now, and Charlotte Lingling couldn't stop him.

I really made a huge contribution to the peace between the Beast Pirates and Fish-Man Island.

I just don’t know what’s going on with Yamato, but don’t get caught again. Otherwise, with just the few remaining people of Kozuki and a group of defeated dog samurai, it’s absolutely impossible to have any impact on the Beasts Pirates. impossible.

With such worries, Brett set out on his way home.

It has to be said that although it can fly, it is still very difficult to cross the sea by its own power.

If nothing else, food is a big problem.

I went to Onigashima just because I wanted to eat something, but I didn't expect that I encountered Yamato food and couldn't eat it.

Later, he ran away without attending the banquet of the Beast Pirates and the Charlotte family. Now his stomach is really empty.

Fortunately, Bright can breathe fire, so he can catch some birds in the air to satisfy his hunger, and he can barely supplement his nutrition.

If you feel sleepy, just land on the sea, find a big fish or even a sea monster, and sleep on its back. The fishman will never be troubled by the sea.

The next day came, and Bright was still flying across the sky, feeling hungry again.

He once again let go of his sights, preparing to catch some birds to fill his stomach.

Soon, he locked onto a target and accelerated towards the direction where the bird's sound came from.

But the bird noticed his arrival but did not leave. Instead, it took the initiative to approach him.

Only then did Brett realize that this was a news bird.

It is a custom at sea not to eat news birds until you run out of ammunition and food.

Brett took out a Bailey and handed it to it. The bird very obediently took out a roll of newspaper from the bag hanging under its neck and handed it to Bright.

Brett reached out and took it, and the news bird spread its wings and flew away.

Then let’s take a look at what news is happening in the world these two days.

Brett opened the newspaper, and the next second, he raised his eyebrows.

There was a large, eye-catching photo on the front page of the newspaper.

It was him, plus the sight of Kaido and Charlotte Lingling surrounding Doflamingo.

So where is that Morgans guy's reporter hiding?

But in order to listen to Doflamingo tell the secrets of the Celestial Dragons, she, Kaido, and Charlotte Lingling took turns searching everything around them with Haki.

Why are there still photos left?

Morgans, what an incredible guy.

Brett shook his head and sighed.

But there are more important things than photos.

Brett looked at the headline at the top of the newspaper.

This is what it says.

"Conference of Three Emperors"

A title that is very consistent with the characteristics of the World Economic News Service.

The whole newspaper revolves around this photo.

First, let’s talk in detail about the wedding that happened on Cake Island, including a series of unexpected situations, the Don Quixote family, CP0, and finally Kaido’s intrusion.

Among these events, Morgans focused on describing Bright's deeds, including the fight against Jhin and then against Kaido.

His original text said, "The fish-man Bright, who had some reservations in the fight with Jhin, finally showed his full strength in the collision with Kaido! Even against the Pirate Emperor, he did not fall behind at all. With his strength, the author is convinced that this man is indeed the top strongman on the sea!"

"If Kaido and Big Mom rule in the new world, then of course this man will be the emperor who rules the deep sea!"

Brett didn't know what to say.

It's not time to give the title of Fifth Emperor to your junior brother, why not give yourself the title of Fourth Emperor first, right?

Although he didn't explicitly say that he could keep pace with the three monsters, he had already been given the title of emperor, so who could not relate to it?

It wasn't even over yet. Next, the newspaper began to tell about Kaido snatching Doflamingo, and Charlotte Lingling chasing to the country of Wano. After that, a war broke out between the Charlotte family and the Beast Pirates. Real war.

The newspaper accounts of this war are rather vague.

Brett was convinced that Morgans had indeed obtained the newspaper through some means, but he was probably not there.

The entire second half of the newspaper is narrated around that newspaper.

Morgans said that Bright, Charlotte Lingling and Kaido decided to sit down and talk after a fierce battle. In the end, the three of them, impressed by each other's strength, decided to form the Three Emperors Alliance to conquer the sea.

Brett really admired Morgans' ability to make things up.

In return for the Three Emperors Alliance, he now appears in front of Kaido as a merciless thundering gossip.

"But now we are in some trouble."

Brett had a headache.

The World Economic News has absolute authority in the world. Ninety-nine percent of people in the world rely on newspapers for their understanding of the outside world. As the largest newspaper giant, Morgans can easily set off a frenzy of public opinion with just one report.

Now it is impossible not to become famous all over the world.

To be honest, of course he doesn't want to be so high-profile.

He even wanted to hide in the sea and silently make himself stronger and make Fish-Man Island stronger.

Damn Morgans, I really need to pluck this bastard’s hair out later.


The phone suddenly rang.

Brett took out his phone and answered the call.


On the other end of the phone was the anxious voice of the Five Old Stars, "What happened over there in Wano Country?"

Really anxious.

The troubles that bastard Morgans' report brought him had just begun.

Alliance of Three Emperors?

And three people surrounding Doflamingo? Are you asking Doflamingo about the secrets of the Draco?

Either world government would probably be intolerable.

Brett thought this, and then he said calmly, "It was just an ordinary fight between Charlotte Lingling and Kaido, and then Kaido chose to compromise and decided to return Doflamingo to Charlotte. Lingling, wait until Charlotte Lingling and Doflamingo’s child is born before taking it back.”


The five old stars on the other end of the phone were a little silent.

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