One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 179 Emperor! Movie!

Marie Joa, Pangu City, among the powers.

The phone worm's microphone has been buckled on his back. The phone worm who was imitating a certain man in high spirits just now is lying on the table languidly, with both eyes closed and drooped.

The five old men of different heights were somewhat silent.

After a long time, a guy spoke.

"Is what that guy Brett said true?" The blond Wulao Xing's tone was somewhat thoughtful, his brows were frowning, his tone was low, and he was obviously quite hesitant.

"Who knows,"

The bearded Wulaoxing shook his head. He sat on the sofa with his fingers crossed and supporting his chin. He also looked very worried, "Maybe it's true, maybe it's false. We can't read that kid's mind." !”

"Although we are not sure, we can only assume that he, or should I say, they already know."

The bearded Wulaoxing stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window. The bright sunshine shone in from his back, but it happened to hide his face in the shadows. "We can't afford to bet."

"That's the truth, but the problem is that if these three forces really join forces, Fish-Man Island, the Charlotte family, and the Beast Pirates,"

Leaning against the side wall, wearing a loose white robe and holding a sword in his arms as always, the bald and bespectacled star said in a serious tone, "It will be difficult for the government to deal with them, Charlotte Lingling and Kai Needless to say, even that boy Bright can basically confirm that he has at least as much power as the generals!"


The bald Five Old Star sighed, "With the three of them joining forces, a force even more terrifying than the Rocks Pirates will be born."

"Even," the blond Five Old Star added, "that guy with white beard also has a good relationship with Fish-Man Island."

The five old stars in charge of the highest power in the world all fell silent.

"No action can be taken now."

The bearded Five Old Star suddenly raised his head and said in a deep voice, "Immediately send someone to Wanguo and Wazhi to find out what is going on between the three of them."

"Our secret may have been leaked, we must not turn a blind eye!"

On the other side, somewhere in the sky of the new world.

Brett put away the phone bug.

Although Wu Laoxing didn't say anything just now, and even praised him verbally for doing a good job, their true thoughts are self-evident.

"It's not far away from the time when we have to break up with the government."

Brett sighed, and then he was wrapped in electric light and continued to fly forward in the sky.

WES newspapers once again spread throughout the world.

"Emperor of the Deep Sea? Kula La La La!"

New World, Moby-Dick, Whitebeard looked at the newspaper and laughed, "That boy Bright did a good job!"

"Bright is indeed very powerful," Marco said with a smile on the side, "but he is still far from being on par with dad."

"Kula La La La! No matter what, let's have a banquet! Maybe in a short while, we can take back the flag of Fishman Island!"

Also somewhere in the new world.

"Hahahaha, it's so funny, Captain, someone was called the emperor before you!"

The fat man with a round figure smiled so much that tears flowed from his eyes.

"Mlocculant Bright?"

On the side, a red-haired, one-armed man was holding a newspaper with a smile on his face, "He looks like a very great guy! I really want to meet him."



There was a roar coming from a certain foggy sea area, but the attention was entirely on the other guy.

Elsewhere, in the homeland of the recently destroyed Sikeal Kingdom, an old farmer who had lunch with a group of baboons during a break in the plowing fields also picked up the newspaper. His golden pupils were as sharp as an eagle.

"Emperor? I really want to see how far we are from such a monster."


"The monsters actually joined forces? Damn it, where in the world is that thing hidden in this country!"

Some people are anxious.

Daughterland, Amazon-Lily.

"Sister, look, it's Bright! Emperor, that's what the newspapers call him! They say he is the man who rules the deep sea!" Marigold was very excited as she waved the newspaper in her hand.

Of course they should be excited, Bright is their ally.

"If it's that guy, maybe it can be done!"

Sandasonia was also very excited, "Even Kaido and Charlotte Lingling have become his allies. He might really be able to overthrow the world government and overthrow the Celestial Dragons!"

That way, the lingering nightmare will definitely disappear.


The emperor of this country, Hancock took the newspaper from his sister's hand, glanced at it, and then she snorted, "That guy has become stronger!"

"But I won't lose to him!"

Overlord color entanglement!

As long as you learn this, you will definitely be able to keep pace with that guy, or even surpass him in power!

Somewhere along the Grand Line, there is an island called Baldigo.

"Mr. Bright, has he really become an ally with Kaido?"

The boy wearing the hat was a bit unbelievable.

"That's impossible to say."

The leader of an organization called the Revolutionary Army quietly stationed here, Dorag had a headache. "Although Bright's enemy is also the World Government, he is different from us. He only thinks about Fish-Man Island."

Working with Kaido the Beast, this kind of thing is not impossible for Bright.

So, is this a good thing or a bad thing for the revolutionary army?

"Let's contact Bright later and ask for details."

The commander-in-chief of the revolutionary army thought so.

At least, around the world, the name Deep Sea Emperor has gradually begun to be known.

People began to realize that the deep-sea disaster that brought changes to Fish-Man Island was actually a very remarkable guy.

And Brett's return journey continues.

After crossing the waters of the world and getting very close to Fishman Island, the phone rang again.

"Hahahaha, Emperor of the Deep Sea, Bright, you are really awesome now!"

As soon as the call was connected, Tezzolo laughed loudly from the other side, "Don't forget your old friend in the future."

Brett twitched the corner of his mouth, "If you're calling here just to talk nonsense, then I'll hang up."

"Okay, okay, let's get down to business."

Tezzolo's laughter continued, "The editing of the movie has been completed and it is ready for official release. I am preparing to hold a premiere ceremony on Fish-Man Island."


Brett raised his eyebrows, "Why on Fish-Man Island?"

"Of course it's because Fishman Island is one of the richest and most prosperous countries in the world!"

Tezzolo said matter-of-factly, "It's also the filming location of the story, and my good friend is a high-ranking official. It's really unreasonable not to give me a good start, right?"

Brett's eyes twitched, "Why, you expect me to book the theater for you if the box office isn't good?"

"Whatever you want," he said.

"Great, come pick me up when you pass by Delos Rosa. Just wait, Brett. We will be famous all over the world soon!"

"Before you became popular, I was already popular."

"Hahaha, that's right. After all, he is the great Deep Sea Emperor Bright!"

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