One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 180 Little Human Race, Tezoro Entertainment Company

Brett came to Deros Rosa again.

This country is different from what it used to be.

The land area of ​​Deros Rosa is quite small and the population is not large. Under such circumstances, once a leading company settles in and brings a pillar industry, it will immediately bring about earth-shaking changes to the country.

A man named Gilder Tezzolo was the man who made the difference.

When he fell from the sky, Bright could see with his naked eyes that the country had become prosperous.

The number of high-rise buildings is gradually increasing, and the streets are becoming more prosperous.

The only thing that hasn't changed is the splendid flower field outside the city. It's still so golden that people can only sigh at its beauty.

The location of Tezzolo's company is easy to find, as it is the tallest building in the city.

It is a golden tower that truly reflects the golden light under the sunlight.

Just like the famous gold all over.

No, not like.

It is made of gold.

This guy Tezzolo has not stopped collecting gold over the years, and Fishman Island has also been providing him with gold mines. This guy has already reserved quite a lot of gold resources, and he directly used his ability to build a gold mine in Drosrosa. A golden tower was built.

This guy is even planning to build a golden ship, just like in the original game.

Brett didn't feel anything about this. Since he had this ability, it didn't matter what he did.

Falling from the sky, Bright landed directly on a terrace high in the Golden Tower, having already locked onto Tezzolo's voice.

He pushed open the glass door to the terrace, "What are you doing?"

The room behind the door was very luxurious. Tezzolo was sitting in his large office chair and talking to a guy.

Brett raised an eyebrow.

The guy who was talking to Tezzolo was a very petite guy. How petite was he? She is only about 20 centimeters tall. She cannot even be called petite. She can only be described as Xiuzhen.

The little guy was startled when he noticed the sudden appearance of Bright, and catapulted his body and hid behind the sofa opposite the table.

The speed is quite fast.


Tezzolo turned around in surprise, "You guys came here very quickly, but didn't you know to knock on the door before entering? You scared my friend."

"That's really sorry."

Brett's lips twitched.

It's a small human race.

That's right, now that Tezzolo is also a veteran of Deros Rosa, it is not unexpected to notice the existence of the small humans.

"Leo, don't be afraid, this guy is my good friend."

Tezzolo raised his voice slightly and said with a smile, "He is a very trustworthy man!"


The small figure reappeared on Tezzolo's desk.

Only then did Brett see his appearance clearly.

He wears a crown-shaped green hat and goggles on his head, wears two needles about the same height as himself, and has a furry tail that is larger than his body.


What a coincidence.

"Hello, big human!"

The little human named Leo happily waved and greeted Bright, "Since Tezolando said you are his friend, then you are also my friend. My name is Leo, please give me your advice!"

Bright knew that one of the most striking characteristics of the little humans was that they could not tell lies and they believed others very easily.

He also smiled and nodded, "Hello Leo, I'm glad to be your friend. My name is Brett."


Leo said happily, "Great, I have a new friend!"

"I thought your kid would be shocked, Brett," Tezzolo said with a strange expression, "I was really surprised when I saw the little human race for the first time."

"Maybe you're making too much of a fuss."

Brett said casually, "After all, the world has always been very broad."

"You bastard!"

Tezzolo gritted his teeth and cursed, and then he said to Leo, "Okay, Leo, you go back first, I still have something to discuss with this bastard."


Leo nodded, and then he waved to Bright, "Goodbye, Brelando!"

"Goodbye." Brett nodded with a smile.


With a soft sound, Leo had disappeared from the table.

Although the little humans are petite, they are much faster than humans, and their average strength is even stronger than humans. It can be said that apart from their size advantage, humans are useless in front of them.

"A very cute group of little guys, they live in Greenbit next door to Deros Rosa."

Tezzolo leaned back lazily on the back of his office chair, "I plan to let them appear in subsequent movies. Leo has already agreed. Don't you think they are just like elves in fairy tales?"

"Think about it, if the kingdom of elves in fairy tales appears in a movie, the whole world will be shocked!"

"I suggest you think about it again."

Brett walked to the huge floor-to-ceiling windows. Looking out from here, he had a panoramic view of the entire Deros Rosa, with King's Heights opposite.

This bastard Tezoro is so arrogant. This tower is built higher than the palace on King's Heights.

But King Fanliku is a narrow-minded person, and he has long been thinking about how to deal with him.

Bright said, "Do you want the little humans to go through what we fishmen or mermaids have experienced?"

Tezzolo frowned.

It is true that small humans have almost never appeared overseas.

Truly the best collectible for some disgusting guy.

"Why, the mighty Emperor of the Deep Sea, Mr. Bright, can't protect us?" Tezzolo knew that what Bright said made sense, but this did not prevent him from being tough.

Brett twitched the corner of his mouth and didn't bother to answer him.

"But Bright, I'm afraid you don't know that there are two ability users among the little humans!"

Bright didn't speak, but Tezzolo suddenly became energetic and said, "Leo is one of them. He is a superman with the ability to sew the Seam Fruit. He can sew anything together."

"But the focus is not on him, the focus is on his childhood sweetheart, the princess of the little human race, Manxili!"

Tezzolo lowered his voice, "She is a superhuman healing fruit user. No matter how serious the injury is, no matter how serious the disease is, she can heal it!"

This is simply a strategic weapon level capability.

"In addition, King Riku's youngest daughter, Princess Violet, has extremely powerful abilities. She can see scenes thousands of kilometers away and can see through people's hearts! I have never thought about the little virtue. Rose Rosa is actually such a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!"

"so what?"

Brett raised an eyebrow.

"So - hum,"

Tezzolo sneered, "Of course we need them to help us!"

"I'm going to set up an entertainment company. Let's not talk about Princess Mansheli for the time being. Princess Violet seems to be very interested in becoming a star, so I can recruit her in!"

"She will be one of our own then!"

Tezzolo revealed his plan.


Brett twitched the corner of his mouth.

The man who is determined to overthrow the world government with him can't let go of his entertainment career. I really don't know what to say.

Seemingly sensing Bright's disdain, Tezzolo snorted, "Just watch Bright, what an amazing power the cultural industry you look down on has!"

"Start by using this movie to change the world's view of Fish-Man Island!"

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