One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 181 Return to Fish-Man Island

It’s not that I look down upon the cultural industry.

Brett, who comes from another world, certainly knows that subtle cultural influence can change people. Tezzolo's film strategy may have a greater effect than he imagined.

But the results were too slow.

Without enough time to accumulate, it is difficult to have enough effect.

And in this world, fists and guns are more effective.

But if Tezzolo wants to do it, let him do it.

The high ground of propaganda does need to be occupied.

Sometimes I really don’t know what the world government is thinking. Whether it is unaware or really doesn’t care, it has allowed newspaper industry giants like Morgans’ World Economic and Social News to rise. The journalism industry has been completely out of their control.

Now I guess they won't care too much if there is another Tezolo who is engaged in entertainment.

"So what about the movie?"

Brett said, "Didn't you say that the editing has been completed?"

"Don't worry, old friend,"

Tezzolo smiled proudly, "The most delicious food must be tasted at the most suitable time!"

"Let's go to Fish-Man Island first and have the world's best premiere!"

He said with some excitement, "I have invited that guy Morgans to attend the premiere ceremony and asked him to help promote the movie. Think about it, the World Economic News only needs to report it, and the news of the movie will spread all over the world immediately. world!"

"The release of the movie is also suitable for cooperation with the World Economic and Social Council. Through their channels, the movie can be delivered to people around the world immediately."

Of course.

The World Economic News Agency in this world is equivalent to the collection of all social media in Bright's previous life. It is the best in the world in terms of promotion and no one can compare with it.

"That guy actually gave you such face?"

Brett was surprised.

World Economic News rarely advertises, and that guy Morgans is just crazy about news.

"It's not because,"

Tezzolo grinned, "Do I have a good friend who is called the Emperor of the Deep Sea?"

Brett understood.

Probably Morgans knew that if he made it up, his hair might be picked off when they met again, so he chose to cooperate.

"That's right, Brett,"

Tezzolo added, "Remember to contact the government and ask them to notify the participating countries to help with publicity and to cooperate with the release of the movie."

Brett was speechless, this guy was stunned.

"Don't tell me that the government won't give you the honor of being the Emperor of the Deep Sea now?" Tezzolo said matter-of-factly, "The opportunity to show the real Fishman Island to the people on the sea is right in front of you, Bright! "

"The opportunity to change mankind's consistent impression is right in front of you. Can you bear to just watch it slip away?"

Brett had nothing to say and could only nod, "Okay."

Of course, the Five Old Stars will definitely cooperate.

Compared to the current me and the current Fish-Man Island, what does this mean?


Tezzolo almost danced, "Then hurry up and go to Fish-Man Island! Try to hold the premiere ceremony tomorrow!"

Do we need to be in such a hurry?

"Of course I'm anxious! I will soon be a big star known to the world! I can also use the trend to make Tezzolo Company famous. Even Tezzolo Entertainment Company can take advantage of the trend and develop. Maybe it can recruit many talented people." A quality artist with great potential.”


This world is not the previous one. What role can artists play?

Is there any artist who can compete with the Pirate Emperor?

Tezzolo hurried to prepare the ship.

Brett remained in his office looking at the view of Deros Rosa.

This country is indeed developing very rapidly.

Especially after the establishment of the previous trade zone, the country's trade volume began to surge.

With the capital technology and industry brought by Tezzolo, and the international market opened by the trade zone, import and export have become very convenient. There is really no reason for this country to usher in great development.

Now, this country should be a firm partner of Fish-Man Island.


"Come on, come on, what are you waiting for? The boat is ready, let's set off for Fish-Man Island!"

Tezzolo pushed open the door.

Bright followed Tezolo to the Tezolo Company's private port, where a large coated ship was already standing.

Get on board.

"Lord Bright."

Bacara and Tanaka were on the deck, bowing respectfully to Bright and saying hello.

Whether it was because of his status as Bright Tezzolo's good friend or because of his current title as Emperor of the Deep Sea, they deserved the most respectful attitude when facing Bright.

"Let's go! Go to Fishman Island!"

Tezzolo was in high spirits.

The big ship's bubbles inflated and then dived into the deep sea, aiming for Fish-Man Island.

De Rosrosa was really not that far away from Fish-Man Island. Soon, the big ball that looked extremely dreamy under Eve's light appeared in front of Bright's eyes again.

Obviously I haven't been away for long, but I still feel like I've been away from home for a long time.

Probably too many things happened after leaving this time.

First, he went to attend Charlotte Lingling's wedding, and then headed to Wano Country.

As soon as the ship approached Fish-Man Island, soldiers from the Immigration Administration rode around on sea beasts.

"Chief Bright!"

They noticed Bright, and their faces showed excitement.

"Check as usual."

Brett waved his hand.

This is Director Bright of Fish-Man Island, who will never rely on his power to violate the rules.

After the inspection, Bright and Tezolo returned to the land of Fishman Island.

Tezoro took a deep breath, "We arrived at Fish-Man Island, the deepest city in the world. Fish-Man Island is so beautiful!"

Brett rolled his eyes, "Let's go see King Neptune."

In order for Tezolo to hold his premiere ceremony, of course he still needs Neptune’s nod.


Tezzolo nodded.

He certainly wasn't worried at all that Neptune would say no.

In the final analysis, it was just a matter of procedure. His good friend was the real decision-maker of Fish-Man Island.

He had already contacted Dragon Palace City, so Bright took Tezolo to Dragon Palace City directly.

Coincidentally, Jinbei had just arrived.


He looked like he had a lot to say.

It's normal, a lot of things did happen when Brett went out.

"Let's talk later."

Bright said, pointing at Tezzolo, "First help this guy settle his matter."

Jinbei nodded.

As soon as the three of them walked into the gate of Dragon Palace City, King Neptune already greeted them.

"I'm finally back, Brett!"

Neptune had a bright smile on his face, "Reading newspapers these days has kept me up all night with excitement!"

"It's not to this extent."

Brett chuckled.

"And Mr. Tezzolo,"

Neptune looked at Tezzolo, "I agree to your request. Fishman Island is willing to help you hold the premiere of the movie."

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