"I hope to be able to rent the Plaza Jidekolon,"

In a tea room in Dragon Palace City, Tezzolo was expounding his plan impassionedly, "If you want to do it, then make the noise louder!"

That's too big.

Jide Kaolong Square can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people.

Brett couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. Are you going to hold a movie premiere or a military parade?

"It's up to you to help Brett,"

Tezzolo looked at Bright, "When there are a large number of people, maintaining order becomes very important! You have to make sure that no unexpected situations happen."

Bright said casually, "As long as your salary is enough, I think the soldiers at the Immigration Bureau will do their best."

As a friend, Brett's help to Tezzolo was of course free of charge, but it was different for the soldiers under his command.

"rest assured!"

Tezzolo looked like he had a lot of money, "Money is enough!"

It can be seen that at this time, Tezzolo already has a bit of the style of the world's richest man, and he will do whatever it takes for his dream of becoming a star.


"Next, please cooperate with me in launching promotional activities on Fish-Man Island,"

Tezzolo said very enthusiastically, "There must be at least 100,000 viewers at the premiere! I hope you can help me deliver the tickets to them, no charge, free of charge."

"Then it's easy."

Neptune nodded and said, "When we were filming the movie before, it already caused a sensation on the island. After all, it told the story of our Fish-Man Island, and Bright and the Immigration Administration also participated. Many citizens even thought about it. Am looking forward to."

“One hundred thousand tickets may not be enough.”

"is that so?"

Tezzolo was beaming with excitement, "It doesn't matter, in order to give back to the audience of Fish-Man Island, all future movie tickets will be 50% off!"

"This movie will definitely be popular all over the world! By then, people all over the world will recognize Fish-Man Island and have a correct and true understanding of fish-people and mermaids!"

Tezzolo said impassionedly.

Neptune and Jinbe were also a little excited.

If that's really the case, that's not bad.

"is that true?"

The door of the tea room was pushed open, and Princess Otohime rushed in with excitement on her face, "Can it really make humans recognize Fish-Man Island? Can it change humans' views on fish-men and mermaids?"


Neptune was stunned for a moment, "Didn't you go pick up Shirahoshi from school?"

Although they have never met, Tezzolo certainly has no reason not to know Princess Otohime of Fish-Man Island. He immediately smiled and said, "Of course, my movie shows a real, beautiful, harmonious, and prosperous Fish-Man Island." , I don’t think anyone can help but yearn for Fish-Man Island after watching this movie!”

"That's great!"

Princess Otohime was so excited that this was what she longed for most. She never thought it could be realized in this way, "I will definitely support the movie!"

"Of course you're welcome!"

Tezzolo smiled broadly.

Even the princess of this country has taken the initiative to go see his movies. Why don’t the residents of this country follow suit?

"That's just right,"

Brett smiled and said, "I'll leave the coordination of the premiere to you, Princess Otohime."

"No problem at all!"

Her Royal Highness the Princess patted her chest excitedly, and then coughed repeatedly in pain.

"Then it's up to you, Otohime,"

Neptune also nodded, "Just in time, we have something to discuss with Bright."

"Leave it to me Neptune!"

Otohime nodded, then looked at Tezolo, "Come with me, Mr. Tezolo, let's have a good talk."

Tezzolo glanced sideways at Brett.

Passing the buck, right?

But he didn't say anything and followed Otohime out of the tea room.

Only the three of Blatter were left.

"Well done, Brett!"

Jinbei was extremely excited, "I knew you could do it!"

"That's right, Emperor of the Deep Sea!"

Neptune was also very excited, "Now the whole world will look up to us!"

With Bright sitting on Fish-Man Island, who would dare to offend Fish-Man Island?

To put it bluntly, in the coming world changes, Fish-Man Island can even sit firmly on the Diaoyutai!

"It's not that exaggerated,"

Bright shook his head, "Brother Jinbei, you know, right? The Fist of the King."

The smile on Jinbei's face never faded at all, and he said solemnly, "Fame is enough! It is enough to deter the sea!"

"Yes," Neptune nodded. "For example, now, the world government wants to please us, and the threat of the Charlotte family has been eliminated in an instant."

And indeed it is.

Didn’t Master Baki become the Yonko just because of his fame?

"Then, Brett, have you gained anything from this trip to Wano?" Jinbe and Neptune were both looking forward to it.

"I got the secret processing method of seastone stone from Wano masons." Bright said with a smile.


Jinbe was so excited that he even waved his fist, "Hailou Stone Mine, coupled with Kailou Stone's processing method, we can even form an army equipped with all Kailou Stone!"

Slightly weaker ability users would just cry when they encounter such a troop.

"Great job Brett!"

Neptune also praised loudly.

This technology is really important to the current Fish-Man Island.

"This is still not the biggest gain."

Brett lowered his voice, "Just forget what you hear next until the day comes."

Neptune and Jinbe looked at each other, and then both looked at Bright expectantly.

Even the processing method of sea floor stone is nothing, so what else is really shocking?

Bright's next voice was very soft, but it was like thunder in the ears of Jinbei and Neptune.

He said, "I found Hades in Wano Country."

Neptune and Jinbe froze at the same time.

The two of them suddenly felt that their minds went blank. They were obviously fishmen and mermaids, but their lips felt very dry.

"Bright——" After a long time, Jinbei finally spoke in a hesitant voice.

"it is true."

Bright gave the answer in advance without waiting for him to ask the question, "But it can't be taken out for the time being. If you want to get it, you have to go to war, but the conditions don't allow it. Wano Country is Kaido's territory."

"In other words, if you want to get it, you must drive Kaido out of Wano Country, right?" Jinbe frowned slightly, "That is not an easy task."

"Just wait a little longer, there's no need to rush."

Brett said.

It's almost time to wait until he is really strong enough to rival Kaido.

Even if the Beast Pirates' high-end combat power is stronger than that of Fish-Man Island, he still has many friends, not to mention the defeated dog warriors of Wano and Kaido's own good daughter.

"It can only be this way."

Jinbe nodded, "Then just like what you said, Brett, let's just forget about this matter and don't mention it to anyone again."

Pluto is too important!

After the impromptu meeting ended, Bright waited for Tezzolo and sent him back to the hotel he had booked after he finished his discussion with Princess Otohime.

"Bright, this is for you."

Tezzolo handed Brett a stack of papers.

"These are tickets for some very good locations. You decide who you want to give them to."

Tezzolo said casually, "There are two more VIP tickets for the best seats. I don't think I need to say more about who to invite."

Brett took the movie ticket and chuckled.


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