It was already dark after we came out of Ryugu Castle and sent Tezzoro to his usual hotel. So, what should we do next?

Of course there is only one thing.

Brett turned around and went to the Mermaid Cafe.

The good brother has already sent an assist, how could he not seize the opportunity?

Coral Hill is already more prosperous than in the past. Although the sunshine brought by Eve has disappeared as the sun sets on the sea, the light brought by wisdom and civilization is still bright at this time.

Even at night, the streets here are still crowded with people and the various shops are still bustling.

Walking here, Bright can clearly feel the changes in this island over the years.

It's really getting better.

When we arrived outside the Mermaid Cafe, the shop was still bustling with people.

Although it is very late, the business here is still very good.

There are definitely a lot of people on Fish-Man Island who are good at doing business. Today, there are various shops like Mermaid Café that recruit beautiful mermaid ladies as waiters, but Xia Li’s shop is still the most popular among them. of.

On the one hand, the first-mover advantage has already made him famous. On the other hand, it is difficult to say that it has nothing to do with Bright.

Brett pushed open the door and went in.

"Welcome the light - Allah, it's Bright!"

The waitress came over with a bright and tired smile. When she was saying hello, she noticed Brett's appearance. She immediately said in surprise, "Are you back?"

"Boss Charlie," she shouted over her shoulder, "The person you miss day and night is back!"

"Thinking about it day and night is unnecessary."

Charlie poked her head out of the kitchen and immediately saw Brett, who stood out from the crowd. "This trip really made an extraordinary noise, Brett."

"That's right!"

At this time, a fishman eating in the restaurant also shouted excitedly, "Brother Bright, even we have heard of it! Emperor of the Deep Sea, what an amazing title!"

"It's really amazing! Now no one in this world dares to underestimate us anymore!" Another mermaid said loudly and excitedly.

"It's not that exaggerated."

Brett smiled kindly.

These ordinary compatriots are already like this. It is hard to imagine what will happen to the radicals in Fishman Street.

Especially Brother Aaron.

That guy probably felt that the promised time had come, and it was time to go to the sea to build an unprecedented murloc empire, or so it was.

"Want to eat?"

Charlie floated over.

Female mermaids cannot spread their legs until they are thirty years old, and they must rely on air bubbles to move on the shore.

"No, I've already eaten with Tezzolo."

Brett shook his head, and he took out the stack of movie tickets that Tezzolo had given him before, "I'm here to give you welfare."


The mermaid ladies immediately gathered around, "What is it?"

"The movie that Tezolo shot on Fishman Island will have its premiere at Gide Kaulon Square in the next two days."

Brett shook the movie tickets in his hand, "These are the tickets."


The mermaid ladies were overjoyed, "Is it the one you also saw, Brett? Is it going to be released so soon?"


Brett handed the movie tickets to Charlie, "Charlie, you can distribute them as employee benefits."

"Give it all to me?" Charlie raised her eyebrows.

"Don't worry, I still have some left."

Bright said, "To give to friends and subordinates."

Tezzolo gave a lot of movie tickets. After all, he was planning to hold a large-scale premiere ceremony with 100,000 people, so he casually gave Bright a thick stack.

Only then did Charlie accept the movie ticket.

"By the way, I told you those were employee benefits,"

Brett took out another movie ticket and looked at Charlie, "This is for you."

The girl is twenty years old this year.

The short and cute girl I once remembered has now grown into a charming young girl who can be seen astonishing at a glance.

Sister Charlie, who used to play with me all the time, has now become Charlie.

Even the height has caught up now.


The mermaid ladies raised their voices and said, "You prepared it specially? Brother Bright, this is not good. Treat them differently or something."

"no way."

Brett shrugged, "Charlie, you are special."

Charlie's beautiful blue eyes like the sea trembled slightly, and she casually took out the movie ticket from Brett's hand, "Then I'll accept it."

"What's the time? When is it?" she asked.

"The specific time has not yet been determined by Tezzolo, but we should know it tomorrow and we will start promoting it."

Brett smiled, "Why, are Charlie looking forward to it?"

Charlie nodded matter-of-factly, "Of course, why, don't you look forward to it?"

Brett paused and felt something surge in his heart. He smiled and replied, "Of course I'm looking forward to it, even more than Charlie."

Charlie rolled her eyes, "Are you still a child?"

Then she couldn't help but smile slightly.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Brett also laughed, "Charlie, how about we go have dinner together before going to the movie?"

"Oh? Is it an invitation for a date?"

Miss Miriam poked her head out from the kitchen, "Charlie, why don't you agree quickly?"

Charlie nodded slightly, "Okay."

She never hesitates to show her feelings.

What is the most exciting thing?

That's probably because they realized that they have a good connection with each other.

"Brother Bright, when will the tickets go on sale?"

The good atmosphere was quickly broken by the ignorant fish people, who shouted excitedly, "We are also looking forward to that movie!"

"Don't worry about that,"

Bright turned back and said, "There will be a large-scale promotional event later, and the movie tickets for the premiere will be given away at that time, so you don't need to buy them."

By the way, let’s help Tezzolo spread the word.

"A gift? That's really a reason to go see it!"

The atmosphere inside the cafe became lively.

"Director Bright, can we also go to the premiere?" The speaker was a human.


Bright said matter-of-factly, "Don't worry even if you don't get tickets for the premiere, it will be officially released soon. Tezzolo said that movie tickets are 50% off at Fish-Man Island."

"If that's the case, I'll feel relieved, hahaha, I'm really looking forward to it!"

Who can not look forward to it?

Brett turned his head and met Charlie's gaze.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

After stopping for a while at the Mermaid Cafe and chatting with Charlie about her recent daily life, Brett said goodbye.

If he guessed correctly, there would be a little trouble after returning to Fishman Street, so he did not stay.

Facts have proved that his guess was correct.

As soon as I returned to my home on Fishman Street and sat down to take a drink of water, a certain guy came to my door.


Aaron was extremely excited, "The emperor from Fish-Man Island, who rules the deep sea! Has the time we have been waiting for come?"

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