Brett was not surprised at all by Aaron's appearance.

In other words, he would only be surprised if this man didn't show up.

He has been waiting for this day since he made an agreement with this man after returning to Fish-Man Island two years ago, right?

Waiting for the time when he becomes strong enough to support a fish-man empire built on the sea.

And now, the time has come.

Ever since that bastard Morgans said something about the Deep Sea Emperor in the newspaper, Bright knew that this trouble would definitely come.

It turned out that he was right.

"Anyway, come in first."

Brett opened the door and let Aaron enter the room.

"Now your strength is completely enough, Brett!"

Aaron's face was full of excitement, "We can go to the sea!"

"Don't be anxious, Brother Aaron,"

Brett said, "Do you really think now is the right time to go to the sea?"

"What do you mean?" Aaron was stunned for a moment, "Bright, do you regret it?"

"Of course not. Let this country go to the sea and let all our compatriots be able to freely bathe in the real sunshine. This has been the long-cherished wish of our Fish-Man Island for hundreds of years."

Bright first confirmed the correctness of Aaron's proposition, and then he added, "But not now. All the industries of Fish-Man Island are under the sea. If we move rashly now, wouldn't everything have to start again?"

Aaron said, "I didn't say we were going to give up the Fish-Man Island. We just opened up another territory on the sea! We must rule both the deep sea and the surface. This is the Fish-Man Empire I envisioned!"

It makes sense.

Bright said with a smile, "But in that case, the compatriots who go above the sea will be exposed to the eyes of our enemies, especially the world government. They may use the lives of these compatriots as bargaining chips to threaten us."

"But aren't you here, Bright!" Aaron said matter-of-factly, "The emperor who rules the deep sea, with your strength, who else dares to provoke us in this sea?"

It’s really reasonable and well-founded.

I was almost convinced.

"Just wait a little longer."

Brett no longer tried to make excuses, but said seriously, "Wait until I get stronger."


Aaron said in shock, "Isn't it enough now?"

"not enough."

Brett shook his head.

Although everyone on the sea thinks that they are strong, they are still unable to compete with the monsters that dominate the new world, let alone the shady world government.

Aaron grinned excitedly, "Bright, you want to become stronger! Until you can crush those human masters on the sea and then safely lead your compatriots to the sea, right?"

Brett twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "You are right to understand this."

I just need to become stronger and ensure safety.

The government has unimaginable power at its disposal.

Even if they are willing to pay any price, the Pirate Emperor is really nothing. Anyone who rushes to the sea without enough power to resist is really seeking death.

"In that case, I understand, then just wait."

Aaron nodded heavily, "Bright, you have become stronger faster than anyone imagined. You have already reached this point in just two years. It shouldn't take too long to reach your ideal level!"

"I'm very patient!"

Just take it as such.

Brett took out a stack of movie tickets and handed them to Aaron, just in time for him to help distribute them, "Tezolo will hold the premiere ceremony of his new movie at Gide Kaulon Square later. Here are the tickets, Aaron." Brother Long, please help me distribute it to my old friends in Fishman Street."


Aaron showed a disgusted expression, "What's so good about this kind of thing?"

Even so, he still accepted the movie ticket, "But since it's your request, Brett, I'll just do it."

Bright nodded, and then there will only be some people from the Exit-Entry Administration. Just ask the secretary to distribute them when you go to work tomorrow.

Time soon came to the next day.

Brett had just gotten up in the morning and was about to go downstairs for dinner when he noticed that Tezzolo's publicity offensive had already begun.

A boat was driving slowly above the streets of Fishman Street. There was a guy on the boat with a loudspeaker, shouting loudly.

It is probably referring to the movie "Love at Ten Thousand Meters Deep" shot by Tezzolo and also participated by Bright. The premiere ceremony will be held on Fish-Man Island at 8 o'clock tomorrow night at Jedokron Square.

I hope the people of Fishman Island can support me more.

The teacher said that Bright always thought the title of this movie was quite vulgar.

It was at a level that he would never want to see if he heard the name in his previous life.

But for Fishman Island, which is severely lacking in entertainment options, the movie is still very attractive.

At least the people of Fishman Island reacted enthusiastically to this.

And even this is just the beginning of the promotion.

The ship stopped.

Another voice came from the ship.

"I'm Otohime!"

Brett paused slightly while chewing his breakfast.

It really works well with the publicity.

"Please everyone support Mr. Tezzolo's new movie! This will be a movie that can bring changes to this country!"

"It will show the people on the sea what Fish-Man Island looks like and make a huge contribution to eliminating the barriers between the two races!"

"And this movie is indeed very exciting. I think everyone who watches it will not have any regrets!"

Otohime's speech was very immediate.

At least around Bright, the residents of Fishman Street were already excited.

"If the princess has said so, then she must support her!"

"That's right! I'm really looking forward to the movie telling the story of Fish-Man Island!"

"So, where can I get tickets?"

Then the ticket deliverers came, and the soldiers from Dragon Palace City rode on the big fish to deliver the tickets.

According to the current momentum, the premiere of 100,000 people should be easy.

That guy Tezzolo should be smiling now, right?

Inside a hotel on Fishman Island.

"Hahahaha! Baccarat! I will become famous all over the world!"

Tezzolo stood in front of the window, laughing triumphantly.

"Congratulations, Lord Tezolo!"

Baccarat and Tanaka both stood behind him, congratulating him with smiles on their faces.

In any case, the time ended in a lively way.

Time soon came to the evening of the next day. Brett specially changed into a more formal suit and tidied up his messy hair.

Then he set off and went to the Mermaid Café.

"Really, Brother Bright, it's too late!"

A mermaid lady saw him coming and said with some dissatisfaction, "Charlie has been waiting for you for a long time. At least you came in time for a date."

Yes, today is a date.

"Sorry sorry."

Brett smiled and walked into the cafe.

Then, he saw Charlie today.


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