The entire Jide Kaulon Square was already crowded with people coming to attend the premiere.

In order to maintain order, the Exit-Entry Administration sent several teams directly into the square to assume the responsibility of maintaining stability.

But even so, the entrance passage to the square was extremely crowded at this time.

But of course, as distinguished guests, Bright and Morgans did not need to go through the ordinary passage.

Even the tickets had to be paid for because Tezzolo personally led the way.

The steps floated in the sky under the influence of bubbles. Tezzolo led Bright and others up the steps, and finally reached a high platform that also used bubble technology to float in the sky.

A lot of seats have been placed on the platform, which is very luxurious, which can be seen at a glance.

There are already some people here.

"Yo, Brett!"

Neptune, who was sitting on an extra large sofa with his wife, saw Bright's arrival and smiled and raised his hand to say hello.

"It's Brother Bright. Sure enough, Charlie is here too?"

Princess Otohime covered her mouth and smiled narrowly, "It's so loving."

In addition to the couple, their four children were sitting behind them, and Bai Xing was happily waving to Bright or Charlie.

She is a good friend of Little Nana, and she often goes to the Mermaid Cafe with Little Nana.

Taking this as an opportunity, Xia Li became an acquaintance with Princess Otohime, who often picked up and dropped off her daughter in person.

So even when facing the king and princess of this country, Xia Li was able to remain quite calm. She chuckled and said, "His Majesty the King and His Royal Highness the Princess are the ones who are very close to each other at all times."

"Hahahaha, of course!"

Neptune looked very proud, "The so-called couple means loving each other."

Brett agrees with this aspect. They have been married for more than ten years, but their relationship is as good as newlyweds.

"Hey, hey, it's true, today is Tezzolo's home court,"

Another voice sounded, it was Jinbe.

He sat behind the Neptunes and said helplessly, "You can chat whenever you want, right?"

Tezoro gave Jinbei a thumbs up.

"Anyway, let's find a place by ourselves first."

He said, “Then you can start looking forward to the official start of the ceremony!”

Tezzolo left in a hurry.

He is the host of the premiere, and he has no time to talk nonsense now.

So Brett took Charlie and found a place to sit down.

Morgans sat on a single sofa next to Brett in a very ignorant manner.

He leaned lazily on the back of the sofa.

"Mr. Tezzolo is really amazing,"

He smiled and said, "Few people in this ocean can notice what a top star means to ordinary people."

Of course this guy knows this very well. World Economic Society is deeply involved in this field.

"If Mr. Tezzolo really becomes the world's number one star as he wishes, coupled with Mr. Bright's strength and the influence of Fish-Man Island,"

When Morgos said this, he couldn't help laughing in a low voice, "Hey, hey, what a wonderful combination this will be? Can I ask you a favor, Mr. Bright?"

He said, "If there are any important actions in the future, remember to inform me. You know that I am not willing to let go of any big news in the world."

"In return, I can also provide you with information. Although it's hard to brag about it, I think my intelligence system does have some unique features."

This guy talks a lot of nonsense, but it fits his character design very well.

The reason why I was willing to do Tezolo's favor was probably just because this was big news.

But Brett just thought he was noisy.


The lights in the square were extinguished instantly, and in front of the platform suspended in the sky, the light began to gather, and finally formed the appearance of Tezzolo.

The huge Tezzolo is almost a hundred meters high, enough that even the audience in the last row of the square can clearly see his appearance.

There were lots and lots of phone bugs casting light all around.

The phone bug is so amazing, it can even achieve the effect of such virtual images directly.

Tezzolo held the microphone in his hand and said, "Welcome to my film conference."

Cheers suddenly started.

Many people may not know why they are cheering now, but it doesn't matter, just follow the trend.

"My name is Tezzolo. I am the actor, director and screenwriter of the movie "Love at Ten Thousand Meters Under the Sea." To be honest, the filming of this movie took a lot of effort."

"The investment was huge and the filming process was very troublesome, but fortunately, the filming was completed."

"I think the quality of the movie should be good. As for whether I'm bragging or not, I'll leave it to you to judge for yourself."


Tezzolo paused, "Please start enjoying this audio-visual feast, let's start the movie."

The huge Tezoro's body collapsed instantly, and then the next second, beams of light were projected from all directions, forming screens of light in the sky.

It is of course technically possible to project a huge screen that everyone can see clearly, but this is too unfriendly to the people sitting in the front. Even if you raise your neck with great effort, it is impossible to see the screen clearly. full picture.

So Tezzolo's approach was to divide the square into many different parts and then project screens on them to relax.

As VIP guests, of course a screen was projected on the floating island where Bright and the others were.

Then, pictures began to appear on all the screens, and the movie officially started.

What Bright admired very much about Tezzolo was that he was never sloppy and did not make any lengthy speeches before the movie started. He felt there was no need to impress the audience with how hard he worked and how difficult it was to shoot the movie. The quality is totally adequate.

Very confident guy.

So Tezzolo, let me see how this movie you are so proud of looks like.

When Bright was thinking this, the pictures on the light screen flowed.

Tezzolo's company logo flashed by, and then the blue sea appeared, and a small boat sailed on the sea.

The camera zoomed in, and the green-haired man came into everyone's sight, it was Tezzolo.

Then, the music suddenly started.

Tezzolo began to dance on the deck, singing loudly as he danced, and even other passengers on the ship joined in the song and dance as if nothing had happened.

Brett pursed his lips the whole time.

I understand your idea of ​​using song and dance to tell the origin and current situation of the male protagonist.

But is this art a little too advanced?

Don’t you really want to show off your singing and dancing skills?

Brett thought so.


"Hahaha, how interesting!"

King Neptune's laughter came from the side.

"Yeah? It's fun, right?"

Princess Otohime also smiled and said, "The music is great and the dancing is also very good!"

Brett twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Use your own preferences to judge others, Brett,"

Charlie hugged Brett's arm and said with a smile in her voice, "Isn't it a little too arrogant?"

Brett's face fell.

Anyway, let’s watch the movie seriously now.

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