One thing that Bright has to admit is that perhaps he should not use his own aesthetics to judge this movie. As Charlie said, it would be a bit too arrogant.

The film industry in this world can almost be described as poor. If you look around the world, you can't find a few people who specialize in making movies.

Not to mention movies, there are not even many people working in the entertainment industry.

In the final analysis, it is because the world is so chaotic. Most people are already on tenterhooks just to live. How can there be so many people joining the entertainment industry?

A peaceful environment will always be the basis for the prosperity of the entertainment industry. After all, the level of human needs is increasing. Only after basic survival needs are met, can we go back to pursue spiritual satisfaction.

So looking at it from another direction, people in this world have a very strong demand for entertainment.

The result of this exuberance is that they are not picky eaters.

At least now, more than 100,000 spectators in Jed Kaulon Square are cheering and screaming one after another because of the plot development of the movie.

Even Charlie couldn't help hugging Bright's arm when she saw that the ship the hero was on was attacked by pirates and fell into the deep sea with her life hanging by a thread.

Brett then realized that maybe that guy Tezzolo really wasn't bragging, and this time he was really going to become famous all over the world.

This movie seems to be very popular.

Coupled with Morgans' promotion skills, it is only a matter of time before this movie becomes popular all over the world.

That guy seems to be really going to become a famous star in Qinghai.

In a world that is severely starved of entertainment, guys like him are often referred to as the collective memories of a generation.

Along with this, Fish-Man Island will also set off a trend in this world, right?

Brett suddenly became very fond of watching this movie.

The plot of this movie is very simple. The protagonist played by Tezzolo is attacked by pirates, then falls into the deep sea and is rescued by a mermaid.

The story of two people who met each other and fell in love, broke through the shackles of family, race, and ideals and finally got together.

On the way, they also had a battle of wits and courage with the Immigration and Entry Administration represented by Bright, and finally defeated the big villain pirates and ended up with a happy ending.

But looking at it calmly, Brett found that he was really a little arrogant.

Tezzolo does have a lot of tricks up his sleeve.

The relationship between the male and female protagonists is lively and natural, from shallow to deep, not abrupt at all. The process of a pair of men and women of different races getting acquainted and falling in love is filmed very delicately.

It’s hard not to argue that Tezzolo wasn’t engaging with his own experiences while filming this.

After all, the heroine gradually became interested in the male protagonist because of his singing voice and eventually fell in love with him.

Coupled with the beautiful scenery of Fish-Man Island, Bright was convinced that this movie would be a hit.

Not to mention that the final showdown was indeed shot with great courage.

The martial arts scene when the male and female protagonists fight against evil pirates on a big ship in the deep sea is very amazing. This is of course the most indispensable thing in this world is various martial arts sects. Tezzolo himself is a rare sight on the sea. The strong one.

At the same time, the roaring artillery fire of the Fishman Island fleet made the audience excited. When had they ever seen such a scene?

For ordinary humans, they have seen the power of Fish-Man Island.

For the people of Fishman Island, they feel sincerely proud.

The movie finally came to an end with the male and female protagonists kissing amidst brilliant explosions of fireworks.

"It's really nice,"

Morgans' sigh came from the side, "It seems that I can also make some money on the way."

"Hahaha, what should I write in the headline of tomorrow's newspaper?"

Brett didn't bother to answer him.

He was still thinking about it.

The plot of the movie itself is nothing worth remembering, but some of the content is.

Tezolo didn't lie. In the movie, he spent a lot of time showing the customs and customs of Fish-Man Island.

The audience can easily understand the situation of Fish-Man Island, its natural scenery, customs and culture, and economic status from the movie. It is no exaggeration to say that if this movie becomes popular all over the world, there will probably be quite a lot of human beings. Do you have an infinite yearning for Fish-Man Island?

"Wow, wow, wow, that's great,"

Even Princess Otohime's whimpering could be heard nearby, "A movie like this will definitely let more humans know about our Fish-Man Island!"

"In fact, if there are more works like this, the prejudices between humans and Fish-Man Island may be eliminated!"

How dare you think about it.

Brett smiled.

"This is an important step toward change."

Charlie stretched lazily and said calmly.


Brett looked at her in surprise, "Is it a prophecy?"

"I guess so."

Charlie smiled.

Is that so?

Is it possible that there is really going to be a big entertainment strategy?

Brett was silent for a moment.

Then he turned to look at Morgans, "President Morgans, I would like to trouble you to increase the intensity of publicity."

"Hahaha, of course,"

Morgans chuckled, "After all, I also get a share."

He is equivalent to a theater chain.

If you really want to be in the entertainment industry, maybe you can really cooperate with this guy.

He is the number one media giant in the world. As long as he is willing, a garbage movie can still become popular all over the world.

"Guys, is the movie still exciting?"

Many screens dissipated, and Tezzolo's figure was re-projected into the air, he said loudly.


The response was like a roaring mountain and a tsunami.

Brett saw it, and Tezzolo's smile became brighter and brighter.

"Then, please support me next time!"

Then came the passionate response.

The premiere was quite a success.

Then, the next evening, the movie was officially released on Fish-Man Island.

After a day of fermentation, people who went to see the premiere were extremely excited about the movie, and the national expectations for this movie were already high.

So of course, when the movie was officially released, all the screenings were full, and the many temporarily opened screening venues were almost overwhelmed, so many more venues were forced to be opened.

Tezzolo's face broke with laughter.

In Fish-Man Island, going to see this movie has become a trend.

At the same time, the World Economic Society's publicity has also begun.

Today's newspaper introduced in detail the premiere ceremony held on Fish-Man Island, and then said that the movie will also be released around the world.

This is not over yet. In the next few days, newspapers have been reporting on movie-related matters, publishing some spoilers or pictures.

Days of non-stop coverage made even the most ignorant people across the sea aware of the film's existence.

At the same time, expectations are of course already maxed out.

Then on this day, finally, the movie will be released simultaneously all over the world.

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