One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 188 Beautiful Fishman Island

Never doubt the propaganda power of World Economic News.

The newspaper delivery network covering the world allows their propaganda to often reach the most grassroots level of the sea.

Why are they able to do such a thing?

Of course, because they have branches in almost every country in the world.

While taming news birds to deliver newspapers, they also collect local news. Coupled with the number of pervasive informants who don't know how many, this is the world's number one newspaper industry giant.

And now, the news giant is taking action.

All branches of the World Economic Society began to take action.

What they have to do is quite simple. They rent a venue, advertise it in a local special edition newspaper, and finally prepare to buy tickets.

The existence of the phone bug made showing movies quite simple and easy.

Just set up the curtain and face the projection directly.

The newspapers that serve as the main propaganda front are also owned by the company, so the cost is almost zero.

So just like that, the movie is finally coming out.

Across the world, the trend about Fish-Man Island has become popular for the first time in this world.

Many years later, when people who have experienced this trend recall this movie, they will sincerely sigh. The movie itself is of course inferior to Tezolo's later works, but their impression of Fish-Man Island is The first image indeed comes from this.

The location is the kingdom of Goa, in a spotless town.

"Ace! Can we really see Fish-Man Island?!"

In the dimly lit room, which was used as a temporary screening room, the little devil wearing a straw hat shook the arm of his brother next to him with excitement.

"What the newspapers say!"

The boy with black hair and some freckles on his face was also looking forward to it, "It shouldn't be wrong!"

"Mishman Island! Fishman Island!"

The Straw Hat boy was swaying in his seat excitedly, "The Fish-Man Island 10,000 meters under the sea! What will it look like! I'm really looking forward to it, I'm really looking forward to it!"

The freckled boy smiled confidently, "We'll have to go there sooner or later, Luffy!"

"Of course! I am the man who wants to become the Pirate King! I want to hold a party on all the islands in this sea!"

"You haven't given up on this boring idea yet. Besides, I am the one who wants to become the Pirate King!"

"it's me!"

"It's me! Do you want to be beaten?"

"How did you two guys get in? Pirates? There are no kids in this town who want to be such scum!"

"Ah! Oops, I've been discovered, Luffy, run!"

Just like that, the two brothers missed the first screening.

But in more parts of the world, people have already seen the movie.

"Singing is quite nice, that guy Tezzolo,"

In Cake Island, the palace of the Charlotte family, Charlotte Lingling laughed while watching the special version of the movie specially prepared for her, "Maybe she will really become a famous star."

"But that guy Brett can actually help Tezolo with such inexplicable things. I really can't understand that kid."

Doflamingo, who was next to her, looked calm, just watching the movie quietly.

He realized what this movie would be for Fish-Man Island.

"This is Fishman Island!"

Somewhere in the East China Sea, a mother took her two daughters to watch a movie. The little girl with orange hair was surprised to see the huge bubble illuminated by the sun in the deep sea on the screen, and the island inside the bubble. .

"It's located in the deep sea. The Sun Tree Eve brings sunshine and uses bubble technology to support the island. It's really amazing." The little girl's eyes were shining. "Is there such a place in the world? It's so amazing!" "

The ocean currents there must be different from other places in the world, right?

I really want to go see it with my own eyes.

"Then grow up quickly Nami!"

Her mother hugged her and said, "Then we can go to Fish-Man Island to see it later."


The girl nodded heavily.

Such a beautiful place, I want to visit it no matter what.

The movie continues.

The two children were discussing happily.

"It's so prosperous. Fish-Man Island, is it such a wealthy country?"

"The mermaids are so beautiful, and the mermaids are much friendlier than expected!"

The world line had already changed the moment Bright returned to Fish-Man Island.

Another place in the East China Sea.

"Mermaid!! Oh!! Mermaid!! It's so awesome, mermaid!!"

A certain blond kid in a suit danced on his seat with great excitement, "Fish-Man Island is simply a dream place for humans!"

"It's so noisy, little devil!"

The old man sitting next to him hit the little devil on the head.

"Asshole old man!"

The blond boy gritted his teeth, but the anger only lasted for a moment. His attention was once again attracted to the movie, and a rippling smile reappeared on his face.

This kid is really hopeless.

The old man shook his head.

However, Fishman Island feels really good.

The same is East China Sea, Shuangyue Village.

"A fish-man swordsman?"

The green-haired boy looked at the octopus man on the screen holding a sword in front of the hero, and said expectantly, "I don't know how powerful it is!"

Behind him, a thin man with glasses and a gentle face smiled softly.

Zoro is stronger than you think.

But the strongest one is indeed the director.

An island in the North Sea.

"What an awesome guy!"

The white bear exclaimed loudly. On the screen, there was a battle between the protagonist and the director of the Immigration and Entry Administration. The two of them smashed up a beach with their hands, "Both of them are so powerful!"

"Bebo, everything in the movie is fake."

Next to him, a companion wearing a hat said.

"Eh? Is it fake?"

Bai Xiong's whole body suddenly became depressed.

"I don't know anything else, but at least, that man,"

The man surrounded by several people, wearing a spotted hat, had a deep voice. He looked at the face of the director on the screen and said, "Probably a very strong and scary guy!"

He is the Emperor of the Deep Sea!

South China Sea.

"This is the firepower of Fishman Island!"

The spiky-headed red-haired boy was dumbfounded. The movie on the screen had reached its final stage. The Fish-Man Island fleet fired a salvo, directly smashing the menacing pirate fleet into rubbish.

"What an exaggeration!"

Next to him, the young man with long blond hair also felt his mouth was dry, "Who on the sea can fight against such a fleet?"

"Fishman Island!"

The red-haired boy's expression became excited again, "Hey Kira! We must go there in the future!"


The film was released on the sea.

There are no surprises. With unreasonable publicity and good quality, Tezzolo's screen debut became an immediate hit.

In many places around the world, countless people buy tickets to watch movies over and over again, as if they want to remember every detail in the movie.

The names of the heroes and heroines have resounded throughout the world. At least during this period of time, even the pirate emperors of the new world are not as famous as them.

Tezzolo got his wish and became a famous star all over the world.

At the same time, the scene of Fish-Man Island was also shown to the world for the first time.

For the first time, people on the sea recognized its beauty, perceived its prosperity, understood its friendliness, and understood its power.

"This is what Fish-Man Island is like!"

"That's a great place!"

"Other than appearance, fishmen and mermaids feel similar to us."

"I really want to go there. It would be best to start a touching love affair with a beautiful mermaid like the male protagonist!"

"Hahaha, if you go with such a purpose, be careful of being bombarded! The battleships on Fish-Man Island are the strongest!"

Fishman Island is a great place.

People at sea have such collective memories.

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