One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 189 New Company, Ba Tang’s Practice

In any case, this movie about the beautiful love between humans and mermaids became popular at sea.

Beautiful love is always very touching.

What's more, there are passionate battles and magnificent scenes.

What's more, there is also the Fishman Island, which is strange and curious to people at sea. The fishmen and mermaids allow the audience from the sea to see the magnificent underwater world.

How have people who read newspapers as their biggest pastime on the ocean ever seen this?

It is natural to be extremely excited about this.

This is how a trend from the deep sea began.

And with the help of the propaganda and mobilization capabilities of the World Economic News Agency, it gradually spread to the entire world.

This trend is so surging that even people who have always been high in the sky can't help but lower their heads.

"The influence of that movie was beyond imagination."

At the center of the world government, among the powers, the Five Old Stars once again held a meeting.

An ordinary movie is certainly not worthy of their attention, even if it has become a global hit.

But this is no ordinary movie because the people behind it are extraordinary.

"That guy Brett is on the move again."

The blond Five Old Star sat on the sofa. He sighed, "First, I made Fish-Man Island prosperous, then I ensured safety through my own force, and now I finally start to spread my influence to the whole world."

"The next step is to use various methods to let people at sea know Fish-Man Island step by step, and quietly and subtly let the world at sea accept Fish-Man Island."

"Maybe one day, he will move the Fish-Man Island above the sea."

This is of course a good thing for Fish-Man Island. It is not even a bad thing for the people of the countries on the sea, and it is not harmful to the government.

But there's just one troublesome thing.

"The constraints on Fish-Man Island are getting less and less."

The blond Five Old Star concluded his speech, "That guy Bright is already the true Emperor of the Deep Sea."

Why did Jinbe become a Shichibukai? Why is Brett willing to work for the World Government?

It's because the government will protect them, the government will stop the navy's crusade, and it will protect them from the threat of the monster pirates in the New World.

But now, where does Fish-Man Island still need their protection?

The military strength of Fish-Man Island is already very strong, and Bright has a strength that is comparable to the strongest.

They no longer need the protection of the World Government.

As their influence further spreads, it becomes increasingly difficult for the government to control the actions of Fish-Man Island.

"But it's almost impossible to defeat Bright in the deep sea."

The bearded Wulaoxing shook his head, "It's stupid to use force."

"Wait until next year's world conference, and then try to make him an offer he can't refuse."

"But what if he doesn't want to?"

"Then there's nothing we can do. The world doesn't need a deep-sea overlord that we can't handle."

Fishman Island.

Three days have passed since the film's global release.

The location is the Immigration and Entry Administration building, inside Bright's office.

"Congratulations, Mr. Tezzolo."

Morgans, who still hadn't left Fish-Man Island, said with a smile, "Yesterday's box office has been calculated. In just these three days, the total box office has exceeded 5 billion Baileys."

Five billion Baileys?

Brett's tall body shrank lazily on his large office chair, looking at the two men on the sofa opposite who looked excited.

This data is somewhat exaggerated.

The ticket price of Tezolotin varies in different countries. It is more expensive in developed and prosperous countries, and cheaper in poor and backward countries. On average, a movie ticket is about 500 Pele.

It's definitely not expensive, after all, a newspaper from World Economic and Social News is worth a hundred pele.

A simple division will tell you that in these three days, approximately 10 million people watched the movie.

What is the concept of 10 million people?

There are approximately two to three billion people in the world, which is equivalent to one in two to three hundred people in the world having watched the movie in just three days.

What about ten days? What about a month?

The screen time is quite long.

Tezzolo beamed with joy, "I still want to thank President Morgans for your help!"

He didn't care much about money. What he was happy about was that he was indeed famous all over the world!

Even as the screen time is extended, the other half of the sky can also become popular.

"I think I can start preparing a new work."

Morgans said with a smile, "With this momentum, the second movie will definitely be a hit!"

As a promoter and exhibitor, he can also make a lot of money this time.

Although his goal in life is all kinds of big news, he is not averse to making money. After all, he still has a big company to support.

"New work?"

Tezzolo rolled his eyes, "President Mogosi, do you want to cooperate?"


Morgans' eyes lit up, "Does Mr. Tezzolo have this idea too?"

"I think we can join forces to form a new entertainment company!"

Tezzolo said with a smile, "I will produce the content, and you will do the promotion and sales! You will definitely make a lot of money."


Morgans excitedly took two steps forward and held Tezzolo's hand, saying with a moved face, "This is really great! Our cooperation is a match made in heaven!"

Brett was speechless when he heard this. Both guys had evil intentions.

Tezolo is thinking about seizing Morgans's industry, and Morgans is also thinking about using Tezolo to make big news.

"Great, President Morgans, no, I'll call you Morgans!"

Tezzolo smiled and said, "Since you agree, then let's discuss the details of cooperation."

"But it's just us who are not okay."

Morgans turned to look at Bright, who had a calm expression on his face, "Doesn't this seem like we are excluding Bright?"

"Hahahaha, that's true," Tezoro laughed and nodded, "Bright, how about you, Fish-Man Island, also join in?"

"With your participation, I can rest assured. There are probably not many people in the world who dare to disturb the Deep Sea Emperor's business."

Brett said casually, "Whatever."

"Hahahaha, then I announce that a new entertainment company will be established!"

Tezzolo laughed and said, "Well, the next question is, what name should I choose?"

"Let's call it DreamWorks." Brett said casually.


Tezzolo's eyes lit up, "A factory that realizes dreams? It sounds very good."

"As expected of Brett, what a good name!"

Morgans also praised repeatedly, "Hehehe, in that case, I'm going to announce it in the newspaper!"

"Go ahead and do it Morgans and let everyone know about our new company!"

Tezzolo looked proud and proud, "Let everyone know that we will provide the world with the best spiritual food! We will also recruit people who want to become stars, and then realize their dreams!"

"Hahahaha, of course!"

Looking at the two people laughing, Brett thought they were noisy.

There is only one thing he wants to do now, and that is to practice the domineering and domineering style.

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