One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 192 Talent Show, End Point

The call was from Tezzolo. After ending the call, Brett immediately set off for Deros Rosa.

He couldn't help but feel anxious. There was only one reason for Tezuolo to call him specifically. The thing he was asked to investigate last year was finally revealed.

It's something very important.

It's a naval base.

Of course, it's not an ordinary naval base. What Brett is looking for is a naval base that stores rocks called dynamite rocks. It is built on three EndPoints that are said to cause volcanic eruptions that can destroy the new world if destroyed. The most special naval base.

Brett was very interested in dynamite rocks. After all, it was a terrifying weapon that could easily blow up an island into the sky with just a few rocks.

His judgment was that because dynamite rocks are very dangerous and will explode when exposed to air and are difficult to preserve and transport, the origin of dynamite rocks is likely to be near the island where the base is located.

Since last year, he has been asking Tezoro to help find the whereabouts of the island.

There is no doubt that the existence of that island is an extraordinary secret within the World Government.

But fortunately, after nearly a year of searching, Tezzolo said he finally found some clues.

Of course, Brett couldn't restrain his excitement. He originally wanted Tezoro to tell him the location of the island directly.

But this guy Tezzolo insisted that he go to Deros Rosa.

So Brett could only set off with expectations.

It is indeed worth looking forward to.

After all, even if he made a mistake in judgment, it didn't matter that the origin of the dynamite rocks was not near that island, as long as he could snatch away the dynamite rocks stored in the naval base.

Brett drove lightly and drove alone towards Deros Rosa at the fastest speed. In just half a day, Brett had already reached the sky above Deros Rosa.

This city has not changed much from a year ago, except that there are more buildings and the flow of people on the streets is larger.

The high-rise building where Tezolo's company is located has become taller. It is very easy to use Tezolo's ability to control gold for construction.

After confirming Taizolo's position through his knowledge and experience, Brett fell from the sky and landed in front of a window.

He pushed open the window.

In the room, Tezzolo was lying on the bed wearing loose pajamas and looking through a pile of documents that he didn't know what they were. ,

Hearing the sound, Tezolo raised his head and looked up at him. When he saw Brett, his eyes widened angrily, "What's wrong with you bastard! Can't you knock on the door? Even once!"

"Definitely next time."

Brett leaned against the window sill, "Let's talk business first."

"What I'm doing now is business!"

Tezoro raised the stack of paper in his hand, "Do you know what this is?"

"not interested."

Brett rolled his eyes.

This bastard really wants to whet his appetite, right?

Tezzolo acted as if he hadn't heard Brett's words. He turned angry and became beaming with joy. He said, "Morgans and I are going to hold a talent show!"


Brett twitched the corner of his mouth.

Are you really an entertainment hero?

Do you have to come here just for this kind of thing?

"Don't you think we still have too few DreamWorks stars?"

Tezzolo said, “Although I have always believed that I alone can support the entire company, in order to expand our influence, we need more cards!”

"So we decided to launch a talent show around the world! Select a group of the best stars!"

"Hahahaha, the entire process of this draft will be published in newspapers, and it will be a carnival feast all over the world!"

Brett had to lament that these two guys, Tezzolo and Morgans, were indeed business geniuses.

This is certainly a brilliant idea.

People in this world have no ability to resist entertainment methods like last year's movie. How can they withstand this kind of draft that is full of hype?

There is no doubt that this will probably be a memory for another generation.

"Hahahaha, Morgans suggested that one person should be selected from each different race to form an idol group to carry out activities. When I thought about it, it seemed very feasible." Tezuolo smiled proudly.

Isn’t it very feasible?

It has directly crossed over to a group talent show.

"How about Brett, do you have any recommendations from Fish-Man Island?"

Tezzolo asked.

It's a fair and open way to set up unspoken rules, right?

Brett said, "I don't recommend it, but I won't stop compatriots who are interested in this from participating."


Tezoro snapped his fingers, "Speaking of idol groups, how can we not have the dreamy Mermaid Lady?"

"But Brett, I will need your help later."


"Didn't you say that you want members of various races? There are always some races that are very troublesome, for example," Tezolo paused, "the giants and the like."

Brett understands, he wants to use his reputation, right?

"And when you think about it, that's a good thing, isn't it?"

Tezoluo smiled meaningfully, "We can even take this opportunity to try to contact other minority races in the sea."

Brett raised an eyebrow.

good idea.

It cannot be said that all minority groups like the mermaids are opponents of the world government, but at least, they must be disadvantaged in today's world structure.

To a large extent, they may really be partners of Fish-Man Island.

"Then, I can lend you my name this time."

Brett smiled.

Tezoro rolled his eyes, "Stop being so arrogant, you bastard, I'm different now than I was in the past!"

Brett just smiled.

He believed that Taizuolo was not bragging. This year's Taizuolo must be much better than last year, but who said otherwise?

"Okay, now we can get down to business."

Brett asked, "Where is that island?"

Tezuolo's face also became solemn, "I can't be sure whether it is there. I can only say that after nearly a year of investigation, it is the most likely place."

"I collected all the legendary information about EndPoint on the sea, and after a long and complicated investigation, I finally identified some islands."

"What happened after that was very simple. It was just a comparison with the distribution of the Navy's New World Base, and then an island came into my sight."

Tezoro got off the bed and took out a map of the new world and unfolded it. Brett saw that somewhere on the map, someone had already made a cross with a red pen. "If you think about it carefully, it's The location is very special, not even close to the nearest franchise country, and the level of confidentiality within the government is very high. If you don’t search for the base by looking for the island, you may not be able to find it.”

"If this new world really has the naval base you mentioned, then I think it can only be there!"


Brett's lips curled up.

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