One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 192 Dynamite Rock

Tezolo told Brett the address of the island, and Brett set off immediately.

This time Tezoro did not accompany him. The more concealed the matter, the better. If possible, Brett just wanted to quietly mine the explosive rock. It would be best if the government did not know about it from beginning to end.

Brett moved forward at full speed, transformed into a fiery red dragon-man, and flew all the way across the sky.

He was constantly condensing flame clouds, and then he stepped on the materialized clouds and ejected forward. The thunder wrapped around his body was so dazzling that it was difficult to look directly at him. The explosive power brought by the ultra-high-intensity electric current, Let him shoot forward like thunder.

It didn't take him long to reach the target island.

Because it was positioned with the naked eye, it took a while to find the location of the island. Fortunately, there was only this island on the sea nearby, so it didn't take too long.

Supported by the flame cloud, Bright floated in the sky, overlooking the island below.


This can only be used to describe it.

The entire island is bare, without any plants, just like desert islands that can be seen everywhere in the sea.

The only special thing is the naval base built on the mountain. It seems that the mountain was hollowed out, and then the main body of the base was built inside the mountain.

Brett didn't want to worry about this base for the time being. He wanted to find out whether there really were any dynamite rock deposits in the surrounding sea.

Explosive rocks will explode when exposed to air.

No matter how you look at it, this kind of thing is not produced on land, right?

Otherwise, as long as a piece is dug out, the chain reaction caused, not to mention the island where it is produced, the deeper and deeper deep-sea land will be blown to pieces.

But such a thing has never happened.

It can only be in the sea.

Brett fell into the sea from a considerable distance away from the island.

The bubbles covering the surface of his body can help isolate him from the sea water, allowing him to move freely in the sea.

Even now Bright has upgraded the bubbles covering his body.

It is no longer like in the past that the large bubbles directly cover the entire body and stick tightly to the surface of the body.

The method he is taking now is to turn the bubbles into small, fine bubbles, which are closely arranged on the surface of the body, like scales in the form of a dragon.

In this case, even if some of the bubbles on his body are broken in the fierce deep-sea battle, it doesn't matter. It won't affect the bubbles in other parts, and he can calmly replace the broken bubbles.

After entering the sea, Brett did not immediately start searching. He let go of his observation, and sure enough, he heard the sounds of many phone bugs in the sea.

Brett was not surprised but overjoyed. Normal naval bases would never have such strict security. This only meant one thing, that is, he probably wasn't looking for the wrong place.

So what happens next is weirdly simple.

Easily avoiding the nearby telephone bugs placed in the water, Brett went to find a sea king living in the nearby water.

"My name is Brett, fish-man Brett!"

Floating in front of this sea king who pretended he didn't exist, Brett said loudly.

The eyes of the Sea King, who had been lazily pretending not to see Bright, suddenly turned and focused on Brett, "Are you the fish-man Brett? That fish-man Brett?"

"I understand, is there anything you need my help with?"

Brett's lips curled up.

Don’t forget, he is the Prime Minister of Deep Sea!

Those Neptune species had promised him back then that the Neptune species would respond to his request.

His status among the Neptunes is second only to Shirahoshi as the king.

"Have the humans on this island carried out any mining operations in the nearby sea?"

Brett asked him.

It would be very futile to search slowly by oneself. After all, the deep sea is so vast that it would be very difficult even for Brett to start a search.

So just ask a local for directions.


The Neptune type thought for a moment and then replied, "It seems to have happened not long ago."

Is the excavation site really near here?

And, not so long ago?

Brett raised his eyebrows. Mining dynamite rocks is a recent thing?

So has the Navy dug it all out?

Go check it out quickly.

"Can you take me there to have a look?"

Brett asked.


The Neptune nodded slightly.

Brett chuckled, "But before we go, there is one more thing I need your help with."

Among the naval bases on this nearby island.

In the constantly running control room, the navy soldiers who had been a little tired because of their boring work suddenly became energetic.

Because they found that several screens in the surveillance sea suddenly went dark.

"What's going on? Is there an intruder?"

The navy immediately exclaimed.

But immediately, other navies discovered clues on another surveillance screen, "It's a Neptune type. It's running rampant in the sea and devouring it. The phone bugs were all destroyed by that Neptune type."

"Neptune type? There's nothing we can do about it."

The navy could only admit that they were unlucky, "Report to the superiors and ask them to prepare to rearrange the monitoring network."

Because the telephone bug he arranged was damaged, Brett was able to easily reach the place where the Neptune type said it had been excavated before.

This is a large pit on the sea floor. A thick layer of seabed sediment has accumulated in the pit. Brett heard clearly that originally this pit was much deeper than what he sees now.

At first glance, you can tell that it has been abandoned for many years.

You call this not long ago?

Brett twitched the corner of his mouth.

That's right, the Neptune species' concept of time cannot be measured by human standards.

Tens or hundreds of years may be just a short time ago for them.

Then, the possibility that there are still explosive rocks left in this mine is already very slim.

It is impossible for the government to deliberately leave some of such a powerful weapon for future generations to pick up.

Unless it's really hidden, the government hasn't been able to detect it.

But if the government can't detect it, it will definitely be even harder to search for it on your own.

It is true that my own knowledge can distinguish different sounds, but if I haven't heard the sound of dynamite rock, I can't distinguish it at all.

Brett turned his head and looked at the island in the distance through the thick sea water.

In this case, there is no other way.

Since it is already difficult to dig out the dynamite rocks, we can only grab the dynamite rocks there.

This thing is really too scary and must not be controlled by the government.

Brett accelerated in the deep sea.

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