One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 197 The Beginning of the Draft Era

It was several days before the news about the revolutionary army spread to the sea.

The World Government wanted to hide it, but the Revolutionary Army wanted to make the matter bigger.

The news can no longer be concealed. The only thing the World Government can choose is to publicize the matter and respond to the revolutionary army's declaration of war.

They called the revolutionary army terrorists on the sea, saying that they wantonly destroyed the government-affiliated countries, and their behavior was no different from pirates. The government would never let go of any saboteur who tried to disrupt the order of the sea.

Then the whole sea was in an uproar.

Aiming at world government and overthrowing the government to create a new government organization is a major event that no one has ever seen before.

Even in the propaganda of the World Government, this organization is a heinous villain organization, which is enough to shock the people at sea.

This is the first time that someone wants to challenge the authority of the world government.

"Now the world government probably doesn't have much energy to trace the effects of dynamite rock anymore,"

Tezoro, who had already arrived at Fish-Man Island immediately, said, "They want to focus more on the revolutionary army."

"That's good news for us, Brett."


Brett nodded, "The world government is very busy, and the revolutionary army will not be peaceful for a long time."

This is the first public appearance of the revolutionary army on the sea. Dorag will never give up without achieving sufficient results.

The next thing he has to do is to overthrow a few more decadent royal governments and let the name of the Revolutionary Army be resounding throughout the world.

Let all the corrupted kings in the world tremble in fear when they hear their names.

Although it is not possible to change the entire world in one go, at least it can make some changes in this stagnant world.

If you remember well, it was indeed the first time at this year's World Conference that the Revolutionary Army was a major topic and was raised for discussion by the kings participating in the conference.

It can be seen that they did make a lot of noise this year.


Tezoro was almost elated, "This way we can be a little bolder in our actions!"

Brett knew that the action he was talking about was to connect other ethnic minorities in the sea, not just to hold a talent show.

Although Taizolo put a lot of energy into his idol career, he did not forget about business.

The bloody feud with the Celestial Dragons is not so easy to forget.

No matter what, overthrowing the world government and pulling the Celestial Dragons down from the sky is Tezoro's first goal.

"You can start taking action at any time."

Brett said, "There's nothing that needs to be busy recently."

The development of Fish-Man Island has already been on the right track, and there is no need for Brett to work hard on it himself.

Although to a large extent in the past, Brett only acted as a hands-off shopkeeper.

"Is that so?"

The corner of Tezolo's mouth curled up, "Then do you want to act with me, Brett?"

"If you want to cooperate with those ethnic groups, then you should go there in person to show your sincerity, right?"

Brett thought for a moment and said, "Okay."

The power of world government is extraordinary.

If you want to be enemies with them, then you must try your best to unite all the forces that can be united.


Tezuolo waved his fist excitedly, "With you as our support, our actions will become much easier!"

No matter what, Brett is also a man called the Emperor of the Deep Sea.

His reputation is a huge asset, enough for anyone on the sea to take it seriously.

"Then, let me go to King Neptune to talk about the draft on Fish-Man Island first."

Tezuolo couldn't wait any longer, and he happily went to Dragon Palace City to find Neptune.

Although Brett said that Neptune had agreed to this matter, there were still many specific matters that needed to be discussed.

After half a day, this guy came back with a strange expression.

"Britt, I don't understand something."

He said, "Princess Otohime excitedly said she would also participate in the draft?"

"She seems to be serious and not joking!"

Tezoro was completely confused.

Her Royal Highness the Princess of a country actually wants to participate in electives and then be judged by the judges. What kind of spirit is this?

Could it be that he has the same strange obsessions as himself?

Brett also felt a little helpless. He was actually planning to do this?

Should I say she is worthy of Princess Otohime?

Possessing extraordinary mobility, he will definitely do what he decides to do without any hesitation.

"Then let her participate."

Although this thing is a bit ridiculous, it is actually not that unacceptable.

Brett smiled and said, "Maybe she will give you a big surprise."

Again, Brett is convinced that if Otohime becomes a star, she will be more successful than anyone else.

Maybe he will become a superstar that surpasses Taizolo.

If that's the case, it wouldn't be a bad idea to become a pseudonymous business card for Fish-Man Island.


Taizolo nodded suspiciously, and then he asked with some trouble, "Do I need to open the back door for her?"

After all, she is also the wife of her partner.

"No need."

Brett smiled meaningfully, "Believe me, if there is a draft held on this Fishman Island, absolutely no one can compete with Princess Otohime."

That woman's knowledge and appearance are more terrifying than her fruit ability. She can really change a person's mind directly.

"Is that so?"

Taizolo nodded, "That doesn't matter. It has been agreed on Fish-Man Island, and the other groups will follow."

"I have asked Morgans to contact us. With that guy's influence, we should have the opportunity to communicate directly with the leaders of those countries."

"That's not bad."

Brett nodded slightly, "So, which countries are the targets?"

Taizuo Luo said, "The long-hand clan, the long-legged clan, and the snake-neck clan are the three most common ones that cannot be missed. Then there is the small human clan. You don't have to worry about this. I have already taken care of them. And Brett, the current Can you already protect them?"

Brett did not answer directly, "Since there is a small human race, then there will be a giant race, right?"


Tezoro nodded matter-of-factly, "Elbaf is the world's most powerful country! Of course, you can't miss it."

"Then there are the fur tribe. Of course you know this race, Bright, right?"

"Well," Brett thought to himself, probably knowing more about the situation than you do, "the ethnic group living behind the giant elephant."

"Finally, add the mermaid tribe, fishmen tribe and humans,"

Taizolo chuckled, "I already have a hunch that we can launch an idol group that will become popular all over the world!"

"So, where is the first target?"

"The Grand Line, the Kingdom of Tenakaina! The country of the Long Hands!"

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