One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 198 The Long Hand Clan

The situation of minority groups in the world is actually similar. They are all gathered in the same country, and at most there are a very small number of nationals wandering around.

Just like the fish-men and mermaids all live together on Fish-Man Island, the long-handed tribe, which has one extra arm bone and one arm joint compared to normal humans, lives in a country called Tenakina in the first half of the Grand Line.

However, compared to the fish-men and mermaids, the situation of the long-hand tribe is better. After all, except for having one more arm bone than normal humans, this group is no different from humans. The persecution of them by humans is not that great. Seriously, although there is some discrimination, at least it is much better than Fish-Man Island.

This point is similar to the long-legged tribe and the snake-necked tribe. After all, strictly speaking, these three races are all subspecies of humans.

However, the Kingdom of Tenakena is still very closed. The Long Hand Clan does not welcome outsiders. Except for a few guys who want to go out to sea, there is not much interaction between this country and the sea.

But on this day, this country, which was as calm as a pool of stagnant water, suddenly started to ripple.

"Gilde Tezzolo! That man has begun to be called the Golden Emperor. Even I know his name."

In the palace of this country, a man with a crown complained loudly and solemnly, "Not to mention the other guy, the fish-man Brett! The deep-sea emperor from the fish-man island! Nowadays, everyone on the sea He is said to be strong enough to stand on par with monsters like Kaido, Charlotte Lingling, and Whitebeard!”

"Why do these two guys suddenly want to cooperate with us?"

I really don’t understand. Their country doesn’t have any great resources.

The only difference from other countries on the sea is that their hands are longer.

"But Your Majesty, no matter what the purpose of those two people is, at least they must not be offended!"

A similarly well-dressed man, who was probably a minister of state, said solemnly, "Anyway, let's be prepared to welcome them first."

"We don't have anything worthy of their plans in our country. Maybe this time their arrival is not such a bad thing."

His Majesty the King's expression finally softened a little.

Yes, if such a monster really has evil intentions against their country, what can they do? Is it possible to resist the guy called the Emperor of the Deep Sea?

Since I can no longer resist, I can only learn to endure it silently.

While the rulers of this country were uneasy, the people who frightened them had finally arrived.

Brett and Tezolo were on the boat, and the two sea beasts were struggling to pull the boat, making the speed of the boat far higher than that of their peers.

Looking at the island that was larger than Fish-Man Island from a distance, Brett, who was standing on the bow of the ship, said, "Are you sure Morgans has contacted them? I have no intention of starting a war with this country."

"That guy Morgans is not so incompetent that he can't do such a small thing,"

Tezuolo said casually, "I will immediately have someone contact His Majesty the King of this country, and I will wait for the warmest welcome."

Brett nodded.

Both Morgans and Tezolo have indeed been baptized by the wind and waves of the sea, so this little thing will definitely not cause problems.

Sure enough, as soon as the ship approached the port of this island, the cheers from the shore could be heard incessantly.

"Welcome! Lord Tezoro!


“Big star Tezzolo!


"Your movie is so wonderful!"

People on the shore were cheering.

Brett crossed his arms and smiled with interest, "Is it very popular?"

"Hmph, who do you think I am?"

Taizuolo said proudly, "I am the world's number one star, the world-famous Taizuolo!"

After last year's movie was released, Tezzolo became really popular, and his name has been resounding all over the Red Earth.

And after that movie, he didn't stop just like that.

Although he has not shot a new movie, he is still releasing songs. Tezoro's singing skills are quite outstanding, and he is really not short of money. Buying high-quality songs is just a matter of a few moves.

After having high-quality works, coupled with the support of Morgans, Mr. Tezzolo is indeed famous all over the world, and his fans are everywhere in the world.

Now this guy's favorite thing to do every day is to read fan letters sent from all over the world. Just reading the letters can make him happy all day long.

Tezoro was very happy, but His Majesty the King, who was gorgeously dressed at the port, looked very anxious, "What's going on? Why are they all welcoming the Golden Emperor? The other man is more important."

"I didn't know Golden Emperor had so many fans!"

The minister looked sad.

Who would have thought that Tezzolo's works would be widely circulated in this closed country.

There was no chance to continue complaining. The big ship had already docked at the port, the ship's planks were lowered, and Brett and Tezolo came hand in hand.

"Lord Brett, Lord Tezolo, welcome you two!"

His Majesty the King trotted up to us with the most sincere smile on his face. He nodded and bowed his head to say hello to Brett and the others, "The whole country is shining brightly because of the arrival of you two!"

Brett heard clearly that underneath the enthusiastic appearance was a worried heart.

It's not surprising, since he has always been indifferent to the world and is almost isolated from the world, it is natural for him and Tezoro to suddenly say that they want to discuss cooperation.

He looked around. Many Tezoro fans in the port cheered his name and were about to break through the soldiers' protection.

This guy's popularity is really exaggerated.

Tezoro waved to the fans gently. As a high-quality idol, he would never show even the slightest flaw in front of his fans.

Then, he looked at the long-handed King.

"No need to worry, Your Majesty Rody."

Roddy is the name of His Majesty the King.

Although Tezolo cannot read minds, his ability to observe words and emotions is not limited. He said with a smile, "We are indeed here to discuss cooperation with you."

He said, "My company wants to form an idol group that includes all races on the sea, so it wants to hold a talent show in Tanakaina."

His Majesty the King of the Long-Handed Clan breathed a huge sigh of relief, and he quickly said, "If that's the case, of course it's no problem. Why don't you say we're very welcome!"

He put on a smile and said, "As you can see, there are many fans of yours in our country. If we really want to be drafted, there will definitely be a huge response."

"That would be great! Thank you very much!"

Tezuolo smiled contentedly, and then he added, "In addition, Brett also has something he wants to discuss with you."


His Majesty's forehead was already covered with cold sweat again.

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