One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 199 Apu Alliance

Brett heard it again, and His Majesty the King's heart sank.

You probably think that Taizolo's request is just an addendum, and your own request is the focus, right?

"Same, don't worry, King Roddy,"

Brett also smiled and said, "Although my request may be a bit presumptuous, if you feel it is inappropriate, I will certainly not force it."

"Is that so?"

His Majesty the King of the Long Hand Clan breathed a sigh of relief again. The Deep Sea Emperor from Fishman Island seemed to be more talkative than expected.

"If you have anything to discuss, please leave it to the banquet later."

At this time, the minister standing respectfully on the side said with a smile, "A grand banquet has been prepared for the two adults in the palace as a welcome feast!"


Tezoro looked easy-going, he laughed and said, "I'm really flattered! Then please lead the way!"

So, Brett and the two got on the carriage that had been prepared and headed towards the royal palace of this country.

Shortly after they left, a cheerful guy arrived.

"What, you're not here anymore?"

The visitor had a big braid, and when he opened his mouth, the exposed teeth were like the black and white intervals of piano keys. He looked disappointed, "What level is the so-called Emperor of the Deep Sea? And he said that he can finally do it after all the hard work." Let’s see it!”


He casually grabbed a man on the dock and asked, "Where did those two guys, the fishman Brett and the Golden Emperor go?"

"I was taken to the palace to attend a banquet by His Majesty the King." The man looked a little scared. "You will know that I am not lying if you ask a few more people, Mr. Apu!"

"The palace?"

The man named Apu let go of the man in his hand and said to himself, "That won't be easy to do."

"Then just wait and see! Bah, bah, bah, I won't miss this opportunity!"

Of course Brett didn't know what happened there after they left the port. He and Tezolo were sitting in the carriage, listening to the king who was in the same carriage introducing the country to them.

The level of social development in this country is similar to that of Wano, perhaps because this country is also very closed.

There are wooden houses on both sides of the street, which look very antique.

But unlike Wano, most of the residents on the streets have rosy faces, and it can be seen that life is good.

The country's palace is located in the center of the city and is a magnificent palace guarded by high walls.

Although it is not very tall and majestic, the brackets and eaves also show extraordinary beauty.

Passed through the palace wall and entered the palace interior.

The internal structure is also quite complicated. Fortunately, His Majesty the King personally leads the way, so there is no need to worry about getting lost.

The banquet was held in a certain part of the palace. The meal system was divided. The seats had been arranged one by one, and many officials were already waiting here.

Brett and Tezzolo were placed at the top, alongside the king.

After everyone took their places, the minister who was very knowledgeable stood up and looked very happy and said loudly, "Welcome you two adults to come from afar, colleagues!"

So, in this palace, a tearful applause broke out.

Everyone was clapping their hands desperately, as if their hands were broken.

They are probably afraid that something bad will happen if they don't show enough enthusiasm.

Are you already so scary now?

Brett sighed in his heart.

Before he knew it, he himself had become a legendary figure passed down by word of mouth among the people on the sea.

After the enthusiastic applause, Daacheng said loudly and cheerfully, "Then let's serve the food, don't keep the distinguished guests waiting!"

So the food was served.

Every appetizing dish was brought to the table in front of him by the waiters. Brett moved his nose a little, and it tasted really good.

"Please enjoy it to your heart's content, my lords."

The minister raised his chest and raised his head and said, "We are still confident about food."

Tezolo picked up the tachyon, but he smiled and said, "Just in time, we can talk about business as a way to spice up the banquet."

His Majesty the King, who was sitting on the main seat, licked his lips, and then he solemnly said, "Of course there is no problem. So, Lord Tezoro, do you want to talk about the draft first?"


Taizolo waved his hand, "These are all trivial matters for me. Let's talk about the serious matters with Brett first."


His Majesty the King became very uneasy again. He looked at Brett tentatively and said, "So, Lord Brett, is there anything I can do to help you?"

“It’s not about helping, it’s about cooperation.”

Brett replied.


At this moment, the hearts of all the Changshou people attending the banquet were filled with laughter.

What can we, the Changshou Clan, do to cooperate with you?

Brett knew very well what they were thinking about. He said, "Your Majesty Rody, you should know what kind of situation our Fish-Man Island has faced in the past long years, right?"

His Majesty the King was stunned for a moment, and then he nodded slightly, "Of course."

Although he didn't know what Brett was suddenly talking about, he could answer this question. After all,

"You may feel the same way to some extent."

Brett said, "You were rejected by the human world and treated as anomalies. Even you were at least treated as a subspecies of humans, while we were treated as fish for a long time."

His Majesty was silent.

He couldn't accept this, he couldn't deny it, but it didn't feel good to agree with it.

"In fact, in this world, it is normal for minority groups to be excluded and discriminated against. After all, the so-called normal is made by humans who have the right to speak."

Brett said, "Presumably, the Long Hand Clan is so closed-minded because of this reason."

King Rody pursed his lips, and then he sighed, "The ancestors did not want their children to be treated as monsters by humans."

Although the appearance is no different from that of humans, except that there is an extra bone in the arm, it is obviously not easy to integrate into the human world.

"So I had an idea."

Brett puts it this way, "If we as minorities are ostracized in this world, why don't we unite?"


His Majesty the King's eyes widened.

I heard words I never imagined.

"The fish and mermaid tribe, you long-hand tribe, as well as the long-legged tribe, the snake-necked tribe, the fur tribe, and even the giant tribe, as long as we all unite, then the whole world will not be able to ignore our voices."

Brett's voice was full of passion.

Of course, we cannot just say that we will fight against the world government from the very beginning, even if none of these countries are members of the government.

Brett's plan is to first build a good relationship and create an alliance, and then make the allies realize the threat of the world government bit by bit, and then let them voluntarily join the fight against the government.


His Majesty the King's eyes widened, "Is this kind of thing really possible?"

He couldn't help but enjoy it. If there really was such an alliance, who else in the world would underestimate them?

"Of course it wouldn't work if it were anyone else, but this guy can do it!"

Tezolo laughed and said, "Bright is the emperor who rules the deep sea! He has unrivaled power!"

The king was startled.

Yes, this man, the fishman Brett, is an emperor comparable to monsters like BIGMOM Whitebeard!

He may not be able to do things that are unimaginable to him!

"Moreover," Tezoro's smile continued, "Even if the Grand Alliance fails, the Long-Handed Tribe and the Fish-Man Island Alliance alone are not a loss. They can get the prosperous and powerful Fish-Man Island and the extremely powerful Brett. As an ally, isn’t this a huge profit?”


His Majesty the King was stunned for a moment.

It seems that this is indeed the case?

It seems that there is no reason to refuse at all!


His eyes lit up, "Lord Brett, I am very interested in your proposal. Can you please explain it in detail?"

Brett's lips curled up.

Isn't this going well?

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