One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 200 Apu’s provocation

The conversation that followed was very simple. After all, the attitude of His Majesty the King of the Long-Handed Clan was already very enthusiastic.

The conversation between the two parties became very harmonious, and then they reached a consensus on the cooperation issue between the Tenakena Kingdom and the Dragon Palace Kingdom.

Simply put, after this, the two countries and two races will become allies, maintain the same stance when facing international affairs, and advance and retreat together from now on.

Although they are not fighting side by side with the revolutionary army, at least they can be regarded as close partners.

From now on, Fish-Man Island is the big brother of Tenakaina and will protect this country, while the Long-Handed Clan closely follows the footsteps of Big Brother and always remains consistent with Fish-Man Island without violating its own interests.

In fact, it only took half an hour from the beginning of the banquet to the end when both parties reached an agreement.

After all, Brett came here with sincerity. Even after overthrowing the World Government and creating a new government that occupied an important position on Fishman Island, the role of these minority races was huge.

Because even in the new era, the number of humans is an absolute majority, and it is natural for the majority group to exclude the minority group.

Although it is too early to think about this kind of thing now, the World Government is so powerful that even Bright can't say that it already has a chance of winning, but it never hurts to be prepared for a rainy day, right?

Not to mention, these guys can also play a very key role in the process of overthrowing the world government.

Brett thought so.

For King Rody, Fishman Island is a country that is countless times more powerful than their Kingdom of Tenakina, and Brett, the Deep Sea Emperor, is a super strong man who can shake the world. They become allies, no matter what they think, they will not lose.

Moreover, if an alliance composed of minorities like them is really formed as Bright said, then the era of being wary and fearful of human beings may be gone forever.

In such a two-way situation, reaching cooperation is of course a very simple matter.

The enthusiasm of the banquet became quite high, and Brett and His Majesty the King of the Changshou Clan talked, laughed, and drank wine.

"Hahahaha, then everyone will be friends from now on!"

Tezuolo held up his wine glass and laughed, "We have to take care of each other more from now on!"


His Majesty Rody's face was flushed, and he quickly raised his glass and drank it all in one gulp. "If you two have any use for me in the future, please feel free to ask!"

"Then I won't be polite!"

Tezzolo smiled and said, "Now let's talk about the draft!"


The expression on the face of His Majesty the King of the Long Hand Clan at this time can be described as elated.

Since they are already in an alliance, of course there is nothing to be afraid of. On the contrary, the more activities that can deepen the relationship between each other, the better.

The Long Hand Clan will go all out to assist Tezoro in this draft.

So the next person who had a great conversation was Tezolo and His Majesty the King.

After just one meal, the relationship between Brett and His Majesty the King was already as harmonious as if they were old friends who had known each other for many years.

"Next, let me take you two to visit our country."

After drinking and eating, King Rody said with a smile, "Tenakena may not have as beautiful natural scenery as Fish-Man Island, but this island that gave birth to our clan also has its own outstanding features."

"It's what I asked for."

Brett smiled back.

We have already finished talking about the serious business, so it would be nice to travel a little.

Although Tenakena is quite closed, it is because of this that it has preserved the original scenery of the island.

So, development or nature, which one is better?

For countries in this world, the land area is only so large, and they probably always have to make a choice.

Not all countries can arrange factories in the deep sea outside the island like Fishman Island.

After taking a short rest, His Majesty the King had already prepared the car and warmly invited Brett and Tezolo to ride together.

Outside the palace, it was unexpectedly lively now.

"Lord Tezolo!"

"Lord Tezolo is out!"

The palace gate opened and the moment the carriage drove out, overwhelming cheers greeted us.

Brett couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, and then looked at Tezolo, who happened to see him and cast a proud look at him.

Is this popularity a little too high? Didn’t we agree that this country is a fairly closed country?

King Rody said with some sigh, "Perhaps it is because of the isolation from the world that the citizens are very curious about everything in the human world."

"When Master Tezuolo's works spread to the country, it immediately caused a frenzy."

"Then we can't turn a blind eye!"

Tezolo leaned out from the carriage, and the cheers around him suddenly became more enthusiastic. He waved his arms towards the excited crowd,

"How about a fan meeting first? A top star will never disappoint fans!"

Brett knew that this guy's vanity was taking over again.

He enjoyed the feeling of being cheered by the crowd the most.

"Emperor of the Deep Sea, Fishman Brett!"

At this time, a burst of laughter suddenly rang out from the crowd, and a figure squeezed through the cheering crowd and stopped in front of the carriage, "Ah, bah, bah, bah! An interesting guy finally came to this boring country!"

"This voice is!"

King Rody's expression suddenly changed, "Apu!"


Tezoro, who was about to say something to the fans, looked at the person coming.

Then the corners of his mouth curled up, "Brett, it seems I'm here to cause trouble for you."

"Lord Brett," His Majesty the King said quickly, "this guy is a famous bad boy in the country! Please don't be angry, I will let him leave immediately!"

He jumped out of the car and shouted loudly at the man blocking the car, "Apu! Now is not the time for you to mess around! Don't disturb the guests!"

"Who cares about you!"

The bad boy rolled his eyes, "Bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, the emperor who rules over the deep sea, does such a guy have a false reputation? How can people not be curious?"

"is that so?"

Tezolo couldn't help but laugh, "Britt, I seem to be here to provoke you."

Brett slowly got off the carriage and looked at Apu.

One of the worst generations in this original work.

Yeah, but it can’t keep up with the speed of version upgrades.

"You want to challenge me?"

Brett smiled.

"Ababababa! As long as I can defeat you, I will be famous in the sea right away!"

Apu grinned. His black and white teeth were really distinctive.

Ah, it is indeed a very pirate-like idea.

"That's it."

Brett smiled and said, "Then let's give it a try."

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