It's night, when the moon is high.

The location is a certain sea area in the New World. The ship carrying Bright and Tezolo was speeding on the sea surface, pulled by sea beasts.

Then, when something appeared on the sea in front, the sea beast suddenly became a little restless, and its speed naturally slowed down.

This time Brett did not urge the lazy sea beasts, because the destination had already been reached.

"Oh oh oh! Although I have heard about it a long time ago, when I actually saw it with my own eyes, this shocking feeling still made my head tingle!"

Tezoro stood next to Brett. He pressed his hands firmly against the side of the ship, almost cracking the solid side of the ship.

Brett understood the excitement in his heart very well, because what appeared at the end of their field of vision was an existence that would be truly shocking just by seeing it with one's own eyes.

That's an elephant.

An elephant walking on the sea has its legs submerged in the sea and its soles on the bottom of the sea, but its back is lifted up to the sky.

Elephants take very slow steps and the frequency is not high, but each step will set off a huge wave on the sea, and the distance of each step must be calculated in kilometers.

This is a giant beast that is as huge as a mountain.

"Not even among the Neptunes, there is no one this big."

Brett also sighed.

When people think of giant creatures, the first thing that often comes to mind is the Neptune species that live in the deep sea. They are extremely huge and lurk in the deep sea, but every time they appear on the seashore, it is a natural disaster.

However, even such Neptunes are not worth mentioning in front of the giant elephant.

The largest sea king species is only five or six thousand meters tall, which is really not enough in front of this elephant.

Brett knew very well that the height of this giant elephant was 27,000 meters, or 27 kilometers.

Even if the sea water is 10,000 meters deep, for this giant elephant, it is only just below the knee. His legs are very long compared to the proportion of the entire body.

This is probably the largest creature in the entire world.

Judging from the original work, if Wano wants to found a country and destroy the high wall surrounding the entire country, it needs the help of this elephant.

The closer you get, the more you feel how huge he is, but the scattered shadows are like dark clouds covering the sky, preventing the moon's light from reaching the sea.

Just finding him has already destroyed a lot of Zhou Zhang, but now there is a more troublesome problem!

"How do you get up there, Tezolo?"

Brett looked at his good friend.

If it's just two people, then there's no problem, but you can't just throw the boat on the sea, right?

The boat had already reached the side of the elephant and was walking side by side with him. Amidst the loud noise caused by the elephant's steps, Tezolo laughed and said, "That's it!"


Tezoro snapped his fingers gently.

Then the whole ship shook.

I haven't mentioned it before, but this ship is not an ordinary wooden sailboat, but a shiny metal ship that is in line with Tezolo's usual style.

But now, this heavy metal ship suddenly rose into the air after a period of shaking.

It's flying!

Brett raised his eyebrows, "Awakening?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Taizolo spread his hands, as if he wanted to embrace the entire sea, and laughed arrogantly, "How is it? Didn't I say that? I am different now from the past!"

Even if the same superhuman Devil Fruit ability is awakened, there are differences between different fruits.

Leaving aside the Nika of the Straw Hat Junior, the type of awakening between Tezoro and Katakuri Doflamingo is obviously different.

He cannot assimilate the surrounding environment into gold, but he can sense and control all the gold he touches.

It’s hard to judge which one is better between the two. I can only say that each has its own winner or loser.

Awakenings like Katakuri and Doflamingo can instantly transform the surrounding environment into a battle field that is most suitable for them.

Tezoro was able to reach a scale far beyond this by collecting more gold, but he had to carry the gold with him.

Since you can control gold in a sensitive state, it is not strange to make a ship mixed with gold fly.

"Let the sea beasts swim with the elephants for now!"

Tezolo shouted, "Let's go and see on the back of the elephant!"

"Hahahaha! Go to the highest city in the world!"

So Brett, who acted as the translator, let the sea beasts move freely first, and then the two of them took the boat all the way up.

"hold head high!


Suddenly, the giant elephant, which had been silently moving forward, looked up to the sky and roared loudly.

The long and magnificent but ethereal chirping is not harsh.

Brett was slightly startled.

"What's wrong?"

Tezoro noticed something strange about him.

"It's nothing, I just feel a little noisy."

Brett shook his head.

It seemed that I heard the elephant owner's voice, but I didn't hear it clearly.

You can hear the unspeakable sadness and guilt contained in the cry of this giant elephant.

But I couldn't understand the specific meaning of his long cry.

The elephant owner's wisdom is very high and is definitely not inferior to anyone's, and his tweets are not meaningless filial piety.

Sure enough, there is a significant difference between my listening ability and my junior brother and Roger's ability to listen to the sounds of all things.

Being able to communicate with Neptunes is probably just the evolution of the ability of fish people to communicate with fish, catalyzed by the sight, hearing and color.

The elephant owner is obviously not a fish.

Brett was not too depressed.

If not, then there won't be. The long and short sighs will not make sense. Moreover, it is not that I can't understand him at all. If I can listen to his emotions, I can understand him even if I round up.

The golden ship went all the way up and soon came to the elephant owner's back. It was already above the white clouds. Looking down, the ocean that could be seen was a vast expanse of white.

"There really is a forest on your back! It's so magical!"

The big boat flew leisurely towards the elephant owner's back, and Tezolo marveled at the lush forest below that spread to the end of the elephant's crest.

"What do the residents of this forest and the forest rely on to survive?" He looked at the deepest part of the forest, where there was a towering tree that looked like a whale, with a dense crown extending in all directions.

"Who knows."

Brett said casually.

He did know that the elephant owner would regularly spray water on his back, forming a rainfall in the forest. This was the source of life for the island.

But the problem is that the elephant sprays sea water.

Can sea water be used to water trees?

Even if the trees on this island are special and can withstand the corrosion of seawater, can the life here also drink seawater directly?

There is only one reasonable explanation, and the elephant owner probably has some kind of seawater purification device in his body.

While Brett was thinking wildly, the big ship had already flown above the depths of the forest.

Brett lowered his head and could already hear the sounds coming from the forest below.

"It seems that it has been discovered."

Brett said.

"fair enough."

Tezoro smiled and said, "This island is the most closed of all targets. The special geographical environment makes it impossible for Morgans guys to send messages to us."

"Whether it's friendly or nasty, let's say hello to our future new friends first."

"Stop! Intruder!


There was an angry shout from below.

Black shadows jumped out of the forest, and then landed on the crowns of the tall trees ahead.

Their bodies were almost all covered with fur, and their appearance was close to the orcs in Brett's previous life fantasy.

They are the people who live on the backs of elephants, the fur tribe.

The leader is a guy who looks like a leopard.

Brett guessed that his name might be Pedro.

"Tell me why you're here! Outsiders!"

Another figure ejected. His jumping ability was amazing. He jumped directly into the air and landed on the deck of the ship.


Tezolo exclaimed in surprise.

It was a standing tall cat with orange fur, holding a double-headed trident in its hand.

Brett was able to confirm that this guy was called Cat Viper.

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