One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 204 Cat Viper and Inu Arashi

The fur tribe and Brett were completely different from the three minority groups they had come into contact with before.

The biggest difference between the Long-Handed Tribe, the Long-Legged Tribe and the Snake-Neck Tribe and ordinary humans is that certain parts of their bodies are special.

But the fur tribe is different. They look more like animals with human body shapes.

This aspect is closer to the fish-men tribe.

But that's not the biggest difference.

The biggest difference between the fur tribe and the previous three races is that they are much stronger than those three races.

Whether they are the long-hand tribe, the long-legged tribe, or the snake-necked tribe, they are at most slightly different from ordinary humans in terms of body parts, but at the basic level of abilities they are the same.

This is not the case with fur people.

They possess the strength of beasts and the wisdom of men.

On average, strength, endurance, speed, and all aspects are superior to ordinary humans.

This is very similar to the fish-men tribe.

And they even have more exaggerated abilities than the fish-men.

The fur tribe can store static electricity through the fur on their bodies, and then release strong electric current during battle.

And this is not even their trump card. When bathing in the moonlight of the full moon, the fur tribe will become violent, their hair will grow further, and they will enter a state called moon lion.

In this state, the abilities of the fur tribe in all aspects will be greatly increased.

And not only is the average quality very high, there are also two extraordinary masters in this race.

One of them was the big cat in front of me who jumped onto the deck by himself.

His name is Viper, one of the two kings of the Fur Tribe, the King of the Night who rules the country from six o'clock in the evening to six o'clock in the morning.

His other identity is a retainer of the Kozuki family, and he once followed Kozuki Oden on board the ships of the Whitebeard Pirates and Roger Pirates.

He is a common member of two legendary pirate groups.

This guy's strength is indeed extraordinary. He is also ranked among the best among the Nine Red Scabbards in the future Battle of Ghost Island. He defeated Perospero, the eldest son of the Charlotte family, in the state of Moon Lion.

Under normal circumstances, it can be regarded as having a strength close to the disaster level of a general.

This is already a very remarkable level in this sea.

While Brett was thinking about this, the trident in Cat Viper's hand had already been raised and pointed at the two of them.

"Don't get excited, don't get excited my friend! We come with good intentions."

Taizuolo once again used his all-round ability and started chatting with a smile, "My name is Taizuolo. It doesn't matter if you haven't heard of it, but this guy next to me,"

He pointed the thumb of his right hand towards Brett, "His name is Brett. Even in a place as isolated as this island, you must have heard of his name."

"The Emperor of the Deep Sea, Brett from Fish-Man Island!"

The eyes that Cat Viper looked at Brett showed extraordinary vigilance, and the hair on his body almost stood on end, as if a kitten was issuing a warning.

"Even I have heard of your name! But don't think you can do whatever you want on this island!"

"There's no intention of doing whatever you want."

Brett smiled and said, "Your name is Catbelly Snake, right? Rayleigh told me a lot about the time when you were in the Roger Pirates."

This is not just nonsense from Brett.

He was quite interested in the adventures of the Roger Pirates back then, so during his training breaks, he also listened to Rayleigh telling many stories about their past.

Inuarashi and Neko Viper are of course two characters in the story.

He even saw this big cat when he was a child.

But neither party should have any impression of it.


Tezoro was astonished.

The good brother has a very good relationship with that Pluto Rayleigh, and he knows this.

What surprised Tezoro was that this big cat was once a member of the Roger Pirates?

"Mr. Reilly?"

Cat Viper's eyes widened, and a hint of joy appeared on his face uncontrollably, "Do you know Mr. Reilly?"

"Rayleigh gave me a lot of guidance in the practice of domineering."

Brett said, "He is my teacher."

Viper didn't answer, but Brett could see and hear his suspicion.

That’s right, it’s impossible to believe whatever you say, right?

The fur tribe is not as simple as the little humans.

But it is too easy to prove such a genuine thing.

Brett told him a story about two guys on a boat arguing about whether it was colder in the North Pole or the South Pole.

The big cat immediately smiled and said, "This is indeed the case. Back then, Bucky and Shanks were red-faced when they argued about it! Mr. Reilly stopped them in the end!"

"Hahahaha, you are really Mr. Reilly's disciple, then we are friends!"

"That's right, they're all friends!"

Tezuolo really didn't expect that things would take such a turn. He originally thought that he would have to show force first and then show sincerity.

Who knew Brett was so well-connected!

Now things will go quite smoothly!

"Since we are friends, let's prepare for a party!"

The big cat laughed loudly, "Zuowu will make any friend who comes feel at home!"

"Then let's just look forward to it!" Tezuolo said with a smile on his face.

"By the way, Mr. Neko Viper, where is Mr. Inuarashi?"

Brett asked knowingly.

Cat Viper immediately frowned, "That guy?"

Brett knew very well that after Kozuki Oden's death, these two former close friends broke up because they both believed that the other failed to protect their master.

The two never interacted with each other since then. Even if they became the two kings of Zuowu side by side, one would appear during the day and the other at night, never meeting each other.

"Because I came here this time to talk to you about cooperation."

Brett said.

"Cooperation?" Cat Viper asked in surprise, "How to cooperate?"

So Brett and Tezzolo repeated what they had said three times.

"The draft doesn't matter. This country is closed purely for geographical reasons. We don't prevent our compatriots from going overseas. I don't mind if anyone is interested in participating,"

When Cat Viper thought about it, he grinned like a real big cat, "But the alliance"

"Sorry, Brett, Zuowu already has an ally." He said seriously.

Brett smiled, "If you are referring to Wano Country, then I think it is more necessary for us to have a good talk."

"You probably haven't heard about the current situation in this country for a long time, but I only went to Wano Country once last year."


Cat Viper's eyes widened.

Yes, the reason why Brett is called the Emperor of the Deep Sea is because of the incident that happened in Wano Country last year!

"I'll have someone call Inuarashi right away!"

Now is not the time to be angry.

Apparently, Viper, the cat, was not the only one who thought this way. Shortly after he brought the two Bretts to his residence in the forest, the big dog also came.

"Let's talk!"

The King of Daylight in this country seemed very eager.


Brett nodded slightly.

Wouldn’t it be possible to use the little foreshadowing I made casually last year now?

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