One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 206 The Second Stone

There is a consensus among people in this world that the power of team is indispensable.

Even the monsters who are called emperors of the sea are not only because of their own outstanding strength, but also because they all have a strong team. A person who does not have subordinates alone cannot be called an emperor.

But even so, the emperors' strong personal strength is still the most critical part.

The number of people is never the most important in this world, the strong ones are the most important.

The Beast Pirates are one of the most powerful pirate groups on the sea. Three monsters called disasters have frightened countless people in this new world.

But even so, everyone knows that the only core of this pirate group is Kaido.

Without Kaido and the existence of this emperor, then this pirate group would be just one of the countless bronze medal players on the sea.

Hyakju Kaido alone can probably match more than half of the strength of this pirate group. The same is true for Charlotte Lingling or Whitebeard.

Therefore, for Neko Viper and Inuarashi who want to avenge Kozuki Oden and liberate Wano Country, Bright's existence is crucial.

The Kozuki Oden who was able to compete with Kaido back then is long dead, and now the Straw Hat junior is just a little kid with a runny nose.

If you want to compete with Kaido, of course you can only count on Brett.

So the subsequent negotiations became quite easy.

The two parties have reached a consensus on attacking the Beast Pirates together.

Cats and Dogs want Bright to help them fight against Kaido, and Bright thinks so too.

Kaido is indeed a very powerful opponent, and the pirates under his command are also very powerful.

But if Brett wants to get Hades, he has to go to war with Kaido.

So it is of course a good thing to be able to gather a little more strength. This is true for the previous Rabbit Bowl prisoners, Yamato, and the current cats and dogs.

Speaking of which, is the power that I can muster now enough to compete with the Beast Pirates?

After everything was settled, Cat Viper said impatiently, "So Brett, when will we start taking action?"

Of course, they have been eager to save the country of Wano from Kaido and Orochi.

"Do not worry."

Brett waved his hand, "I don't think I need to say what a formidable opponent Kaido is. We should not act rashly before we are fully prepared."


Duke Inarashi nodded with deep approval, "If we really want to take action, we must hit him with one blow and completely defeat Kaido!"

"If the guy is given a chance to breathe due to lack of preparation, there may not be a second chance."

Cat Viper was a little reluctant, but in the end he nodded heavily, "Then let's do this for now, Brett," he looked at Brett with eyes full of hope, "Just come when the time is right. Come find us!”

"That's right!"

The big dog also nodded heavily and said seriously, "From now on, we will be close allies. If you need help with anything, please don't hesitate to ask, Brett."


Brett smiled and nodded.

"Hahahaha, now that we've finished talking about the business, then,"

Taizolo interrupted at the right time, and he laughed and said, "Is it time to have a banquet now?!"

"Hahaha, yes,"

Cat Viper also laughed, "Zuowu hasn't held a banquet to welcome friends for a long time!"

The last time was probably more than ten years ago when the Roger Pirates arrived.

"So, let's make this night exciting!"

Duke Inarashi, who seemed to have a very calm personality, couldn't help but smile.

Revenge that was once thought to be out of reach, isn’t it possible to see hope now?

Then there is no need to show a desperate expression, just laugh at this time.

So, a cheerful banquet was held in the Forest of Whales.

Although the fur tribes live on the backs of elephants, they are not short of supplies.

The elephant owner often sprays water behind his back, and along with the water sprayed up, there are also fish in the sea.


"Aren't you going to eat?"

The bonfire illuminated the entire forest red. Under the burning flames, the fishes exuded an attractive aroma. The fur tribe gathered here sang and danced, eating and laughing.

Even in this cheerful atmosphere, Brett seemed a little detached. No matter how fragrant the grilled fish was, it could not arouse the slightest interest in him.

Because he can understand fish, he can't treat them as food. It's as simple as that.

His attitude made that one very interested in him, and the little rabbit quietly sitting next to him asked in surprise.

"I don't eat fish."

Brett smiled and rubbed her little head.

The little rabbit's body is covered with fine white fluff, and there is a pair of long ears on the top of its head, which feel good when rubbed.

"Yeah, yeah! I also prefer carrots to fish!"

The little rabbit crunched the carrots, "Are there carrots everywhere on the sea?" She raised her head and asked curiously.

"Some places are."

Brett smiled.

"Really? That's great!"

The little rabbit's eyes were shining, "That must be heaven!"


Brett shook his head, "That's the world. Everyone can find what they want on this sea."

"Oh! It's really good!"

The little rabbit stood up and suddenly began to speak boldly, "I have decided, when I grow up, I will also go on an adventure to the sea to find a paradise full of carrots!"

"The human world is very dangerous, Garrot."

Leopard walked over and said with a smile, "A little guy like you can't survive in that cruel world."

"Then I will become strong!"

The little rabbit waved her little fist, "More powerful than Pedro!"

"Hahahaha, then I'm looking forward to it!"

The leopard laughed.

The little rabbit thought he was looking down on her, so he made a face at Pedro and jumped away.

"I'm causing you trouble."

Leopard bowed slightly to Brett very solemnly.

"No, he is a very energetic child."

Brett smiled and said, "It is the responsibility of us adults to allow such children to spend their childhood happily, right?"

Pedro nodded heavily.

He has been waiting for his moment to appear.

That time should not be far away.

He looked at the man before him, the man who had brought change to this country.

Unprecedented changes.

The country might take a different path as a result.

Not just Wano, but if all minority groups really unite, then the entire world will change.

The banquet lasted until late at night. Everyone was tired of laughing and playing, and finally fell asleep where they were.

The dark forest is littered with corpses tonight.

When I woke up again, it was already noon the next day, and then there was a new round of banquet, but this time it was in the city.

In the palace of Duke Inarashi.

Brett and Tezolo saw a large number of fur tribes.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

At the banquet, Cat Viper laughed loudly and said, "Let us take you to visit this country in the afternoon!"

"We are also very interested in the country behind this elephant!" Tezuolo readily agreed.

But in the final analysis, the area on an elephant's back is only so large. Apart from the town of Furry Principality, there is a dense forest. There is nothing particularly memorable to visit.

Except somewhere.

It was inside a big tree. A tree trunk that covered the sky and sun grew like a whale's body.

Here, the man Brett saw a stone.

"This is!"

Tezoro's eyes widened.

This is a huge red stone.

Brett also concentrated on this. This was the second one.

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