One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 207 Contact Charlotte Lingling Going to the Giant Country

"This is correct history!"

Tezoro was so surprised that his voice became a bit shrill, which was really unreasonable for a professional singer.

But this can't be blamed on him, because the thing that appears in front of them now is really extraordinary.

History is something that the world government has explicitly prohibited everyone from exploring. Once discovered, it will be an unforgivable felony.

"Hey, hey, this is not something that can be shown casually in front of others, right?" Taizuolo was shocked.

"And it's not an ordinary historical rectification."

Brett pretended to be stupid, "It is one of the four road signs that guide the direction of Rafdru."

Tai Zuoluo's tiger body shook again.

Is it actually more precious than he thought?

"Hahahaha, it's not something shameful!"

Cat Viper laughed loudly, "There is no need to keep secrets from friends!"

What a generous person.

Brett sighed in his heart.

In this case, he has already collected the words on two stones.

No, it should be said to be three yuan.

After all, there was once a road sign on Fish-Man Island with a correct history. Although no one could decipher what was written on it for a long time, there were still rubbings.

In this case, all that is left is the stone in Charlotte Lingling's hand.

If you get that stone and go to the Western Sea to find Nico Robin, you can go directly to Rafdru and become the Pirate King.

"This is what our family has been protecting for generations."

Duke Inarashi said calmly, "One day, the words recorded here will be used by someone, and then they will be used as help for the arrival of a new era."

"is that so?"

Tezoro laughed, "Do you think we are the ones bringing about change?"

"Before that kind of thing actually comes, no one knows when it will happen or who will push it!"

Cat Viper laughed, "We just need to do what we want to do, we just think,"

"Since we are already friends, we are trustworthy."

Duke Inarashi nodded silently.

So, he is a really generous and touching person.


Brett also nodded, "Since we are already partners, of course we need trust."

Several people looked at each other and smiled.

"Anyway, we will sneak into Wano Country first."

Duke Inarashi said seriously, "First find a way to contact Kawamatsu and the others, and then wait for the opportunity."

"When the time is right, gather all your strength and completely defeat the Beast Pirates!"

Tezoro pumped his fist vigorously.

"That's it!"

Cat Viper laughed.

Zuowu's journey has come to an end here.

Brett's goal has been perfectly achieved. He has successfully become a strategic partner with the fur tribe and has even obtained the road signs here.

However, it would be a little troublesome for Tezoro's draft plan to be carried out on this island.

Because it is too closed and located on the back of a giant elephant, it is too difficult for the subordinates to enter.

So in the end, Tezoro decided to let the fur tribe plan it themselves. He only needed to explain the general process clearly.

"This country is full of wildness. If it were the same as other countries, it would be boring!"

Tezuolo said excitedly, "If it's more original, it might be more attractive."

Brett doesn't have any opinion on this.

"Anyway, if you encounter any trouble, please feel free to contact us."

When they parted, Duke Inarashi said seriously.

"That's right, we are already friends." The shopkeeper Cat Viper also said.

"The same goes for us here. If you need help, just ask."

Brett also smiled.

"So, goodbye."


Under the control of Tezuolo, the metal ship mixed with a large amount of gold slowly rose into the sky, and then flew towards the back of the elephant.

"hold head high!"

When the big ship landed on the sea, there was a loud noise next to it, and suddenly it raised its head to the sky and shouted loudly.

"Hey! Come on, look! It's squirting!"

Taizuolo stood on the side of the ship and shouted in surprise.

Brett raised his head, and happened to see the giant elephant also raise its head.

His nose, which looked like a sky pillar, was raised high, and a huge water column spewed out from it, directly rising to an altitude of tens of thousands of meters.

Then under the pull of gravity, these scattered water flows began to fall.

They form a heavy rainstorm.

This is the rain that brings life to Zuowu.

But to be honest, it was a bit disgusting. After all, it was water that was sucked into the elephant owner's body and then sprayed out.

Brett raised his right hand, and his armed domineering energy spread out over time, forming a huge invisible barrier that easily blocked all the falling rain.

"Hey, hey, you guy"

Tezoro couldn't help but smack his lips.

In terms of domineering, I have fallen far behind this good friend.

Brett still raised his head.

In the sky, under the sunlight, a brilliant rainbow appeared.

It's so, so beautiful.

Brett sighed.

The fur tribesmen who live on the backs of elephants should be able to see this scene often.

This is the beauty of their hometown, the scenery they want to fight for.

The big ship landed on the sea again, and the two sea beasts that had been following the Elephant Master quickly approached, and Brett let them pull onto the big ship again.

"The next step is the final goal."

"Well, it's probably the most troublesome target. Your name may not be very useful anymore, Brett."

"It's not surprising. After all, it's Elbaf, the most powerful country in the world."

The big ship gradually moved away.


hold head high.

The giant elephant suddenly began to roar.

Brett turned around.

Suddenly he felt a huge will watching him.

But when I looked back, that feeling had disappeared.

That elephant, did you notice yourself?

In any case, Zuowu's journey has ended, but the voyage of the two Bretts has not yet come to an end.

Next comes the final and hardest goal.


The most powerful country in the world belongs to the country of giants.

When it comes to uniting the world's minority groups, they are certainly the race that cannot be ignored.


Not long after leaving Zuowu, and just sailing on the way to Elbaf, a phone call suddenly came.

Brett answered the phone in surprise.

He thought something was going on over at Fish-Man Island, so he wanted to contact him.

But after hearing the voice coming from the phone bug's mouth, he knew it wasn't.

Because this voice was so familiar to him.

"Mom, Mom! Brett! I heard that you are going to Elbafu? How about a trip to Cake Island first? I have something to ask of you!"

Very well informed.

So what does Lingling want to ask her to do?

There's no need to guess, there's only one answer.

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