One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 208 Charlotte Lingling’s Rampage

Although he didn't understand what the old woman Charlotte Lingling was planning, now that this good friend had spoken, it was hard for Brett to refuse.

But now that things have happened, there is no need to be as cautious as before when going to Cake Island.

Gone are the days of carefully preparing just to escape from Charlotte Lingling's hands.

Even now that he has come to the sea area where all nations belong again, and is close to the cake island where Charlotte Lingling is, Brett's expression is very calm.

"Hahahaha, Brett,"

Tezuolo laughed and said, "I'll leave the safety issue to you. You won't let me down, right?"

Brett snorted softly.

The ship didn't sail forward for long before they met Perospero who came to greet them. "Mom is waiting for you two. Please come with me to see her quickly!"

Perospero's attitude was very warm and could even be described as respectful.

There is no way, now Brett is no longer the unknown little kid from Fish-Man Island.

Even if the emperor from the deep sea cannot truly keep pace with the emperors of the new world, he is definitely an unusually strong monster.

That must be treated with the most caution.

There was nothing to say about the process. They stopped at the coast of Cake Island again, and then took a carriage all the way to the castle in the center of the island. The two of them met Charlotte Lingling again.

"Mom, mom, it's been a long time since we last seen each other, Brett!"

Charlotte Lingling held two babies in her arms, "It should be said that the world has changed so fast. I have a new set of children!"

But it was so fast. Were these two children really born after ten months of pregnancy?

Almost instantly, a gloating smile appeared on Tezolo's face, "Is it with that guy Doflamingo?"


Charlotte Lingling showed off and picked up the two babies in her arms, so that Brett and Brett could see their faces.

They were all just born, and they were all still asleep at this time.

Both children have dull golden hair, which they seem to have inherited from their father.

"How's it going? It's cute, right?"

Charlotte Lingling said proudly.

"Hahahaha, indeed, it is really unusually cute, and it has perfectly inherited the advantages of father and mother!"

Tezoro almost broke out in laughter, "By the way, BIGMOM, where is that guy Doflamingo? I especially want to talk to him about my feelings after becoming a father."

Can't wait to rush to that guy's side and laugh at him immediately?

It's really Tezolo's style.

"As for that guy, put the Sea Tower Stone on him and throw him into the forest. If you want to see him, let Perospero take you to find him."

Charlotte Lingling's attitude was very cold, and she showed no trace of the love she had for Doflamingo back then.

In fact, this is her normal attitude.

This woman does not seem to have the emotion of love. Her attitude towards the father of her children has always been just as a reproductive tool.

You may pay more attention to them before giving birth to children, but after giving birth to children, you will immediately throw them away like garbage.

Even the children in the family are always treated as tools.

Doflamingo, my old friend, this is when he met a scumbag.

Brett suppressed a laugh.

Tezzolo couldn't help it. He smiled and said to Perospero, "Then take me to meet my old friends quickly."

Perospero smiled very gentlemanly, "Of course."

So, Tezolo couldn't wait to go see Doflamingo with Perospero.

"So, BIGMOM, what do you want me to help you with?"

Brett asked.

Of course, this question no longer needs to be asked.

Since Charlotte Lingling mentioned Elbaf before, it is self-evident what she wants to do.

"Mom, Mom, you are really doing something amazing recently. Brett is uniting the weak races on the sea to form a powerful alliance!"

"As expected of my mother's friend!"

Charlotte Lingling grinned, "In terms of wanting to collect different races, I and I get along very well."

"so what?"

Brett smiled and said, "Are you also interested in the giants?"

Charlotte Lingling's expression changed slightly and became a little serious. She nodded, "When I was young, I had some misunderstandings with the giants."

"Since you are going to Elbaf this time, do me a favor and ask Katakuri to go with you to see if you can adjust the conflict with the giants."

My guess is this, this old woman has always coveted the giants' military strength.

She kept saying that if she could get help from the giants, it would not be difficult to defeat Whitebeard and become the Pirate King.

"If that's the case, then there's no problem."

Brett said calmly.

It's really not difficult to just bring Katakuri over instead of asking him to help mediate.

Although Charlotte Lingling just wanted to take advantage of her own strength, didn't she have nothing to lose?

"Mom, mom! You are indeed my best friend!"

Charlotte Lingling laughed loudly, "If you encounter any difficulties in the future, just ask, I will repay this favor no matter what."

What was said was audibly true, but not entirely true.

It is indeed true even if no core interests are involved.

"Mom, mom! Then let's rest at Cake Island for the night, my friend, and let me entertain you well!"

Brett agreed.

You've already arrived, so there's no need to leave in a hurry.

On the other side, Mr. Tezolo also got his wish and saw the guy he wanted to see.

"Hahahaha, it's so miserable, Dover!"

Tezuolo called the man in front of him by his name affectionately.

Doflamingo was sitting on the ground with a look of embarrassment on his face, and a fish was being roasted on the bonfire in front of him.

After being thrown into the forest, the days when food came, opened his mouth and stretched out his hands were gone forever.

Bound by the Sea Tower Stone, his strength was greatly weakened, and he tried his best just to stay alive.

But he hasn't given up hope yet, because Charlotte Lingling promised to hand Kaido over to the Beast Pirates after he gave birth to the child.

Taizuolo's shoulders shook as he laughed, and his whole body twitched as if he was having an illness.

He even pulled out a phone bug and pointed it at Doflamingo and started filming.

"You have been missing for too long. This is not good, Dover. The sea will forget your reputation. Let me help you remind the people on the sea what a terrifying guy Doflamingo is in the Shichibukai! "

Doflamingo's forehead was throbbing with veins, but he just roasted the meat quietly.

Seeing that Doflamingo had no intention of resisting, Tezoro curled his lips and felt that it was boring.

But it doesn't matter, he knows that Doflamingo will go to Kaido sooner or later, so when he attacks Wano, this guy will have no way to escape.

He left happily.

Doflamingo looked at his back, his hands almost bleeding.

Then he immediately lowered his head again. All he needed to do now was to be patient.

At the banquet in the evening, Tezoro laughed tirelessly and told Brett about Doflamingo's miserable state at this time.

Brett knew that he wished that guy could be even more miserable.

The atmosphere of the banquet was very harmonious, after all, it was not the first time.

After the pleasant banquet was over, the two of them went back to their rooms to rest.

After resting for a night, we will continue setting off tomorrow and head straight to the Kingdom of Giants.

But late that night, Brett was woken up by a loud noise coming from outside the house.

Brett walked to the window and opened it.

Outside the window, in the distance, at a corner of the castle, flames were burning.

There were loud noises, roars, and screams.

"I want dessert!


There was a sound like thunder, and a huge figure moved slowly amidst the blazing flames and thick smoke.


Tezolo broke in through the door at this time, and he said with a surprised look on his face, "Britt, Charlotte Lingling seems to be going crazy!"

Brett looked at the figure that was destroying and advancing in the smoke like a demon.


Charlotte Lingling is ill.

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